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Not all passports are created equal

Pakistan's low rank can be attributed to the fact they mostly indulge in criminal activities like forming Rape gangs e.t.c.
ok you are not timid

You are violent criminals..happy ? :D

south indians were the most peaceful quiet peopel i ever met who stay calm..they are not as aggressive or loud as north Indian even in talking and debate..they always stay away from controversial topics
what is your view on chinese? They are much more peaceful than even south Indians. I guess they are timid and get no respect in uk? o_O
Most, according to who? Let's just do a poll on here shall we.

Pakistanis, as a whole (community wise) have not created any such thing in the UK. Militant idiots yes.

As for the post Pakistan ranks alongside Somalia (passport wise). :disagree:
Why do you think that is waz? Have you thought about the reasons?

Having spent my whole life here in the states I can tell you people do know the difference between Indians and Pakistanis, most of my friends can easily distinguish between the two. Behavior is also different Indians are more timid in fact Pakistanis actually back up Indians against the blacks in schools and stuff around here. Actually I attribute it to the way a lot of Indians are raised here most Indians are upper class so they are spoiled and babied I have seen this with a few of my Indian friends whose are straight mamas boys. Academically Indians are more advanced than Pakistanis again that has to do with most of their parents being from professional backgrounds whereas more Pakistanis come from middle class blue collar background over here (although there are exceptions). Only more recently Indians who have come are maybe less so, I agree professionally we are the same we are hard working no one has ever said other wise. Also mostly North Indians hang out with Pakistanis especially Indian Punjabis they are often confused as Pakistanis because of this. South Indians I have noticed hang out in their own tight knit communities and then Indian Bengalis hang out with Bangladeshis.
Indians in US are at the very top if not one of the top tiers of the socio-economic ladder of those countries. Far above the national average.

Pakistani's on the other hand are not. They are lesser educated than their fellow immigrants from India, earn far less. In fact in UK, their low education level has been very...noteworthy.

Obviously there would be difference in the attitudes and social outlook of the two considering the vast difference in their socio-economic strata.
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Why do you think that is waz? Have you thought about the reasons?

Indians in US are at the very top if not one of the top tiers of the socio-economic ladder of those countries. Far above the national average.

Pakistani's on the other hand are not. They are lesser educated than their fellow immigrants from India, earn far less. In fact in UK, their low education level has been very...noteworthy.

Obviously there would be difference in the attitudes and social outlook of the two considering the vast difference in their socio-economic strata.

Your attempt to troll is pathetic endian, I already mentioned and gave credit to Indians education and economic status. Also not all Indians here are rich just those who were apart of the original brain drain of India in the late 50s throughout 60s. Latest Indian immigrant are lower middle to low class in fact many Sikhs from India have been getting caught in Texas sneaking in illegally but I digress.
Your attempt to troll is pathetic endian, I already mentioned and gave credit to Indians education and economic status. Also not all Indians here are rich just those who were apart of the original brain drain of India in the late 50s throughout 60s. Latest Indian immigrant are lower middle to low class in fact many Sikhs from India have been getting caught in Texas sneaking in illegally but I digress.
I can call you a ****...but hey, let me not do that. You must be a mirpuri as well..the ones who give Pakistani's such a stellar name in UK.

If you are done trying to trade insults then...
Majority of Indians still migrating to US are in the Knowledge economy - which means middle class. There are exceptions ofcourse, but the majority is still educated and mobile.

My question still stands - why is it - as per Pakistani's - that Pakistan's passport is ranked so low ?
I can call you a ****...but hey, let me not do that. You must be a mirpuri as well..the ones who give Pakistani's such a stellar name in UK.

If you are done trying to trade insults then...
Majority of Indians still migrating to US are in the Knowledge economy - which means middle class. There are exceptions ofcourse, but the majority is still educated and mobile.

My question still stands - why is it - as per Pakistani's - that Pakistan's passport is ranked so low ?

Lol you can call me **** it is not a slur around here infact Pakistanis call each other **** all the time. No I am not a mirpuri you madrasi turd now spare me your bs I was not insulting anyone with my original post but you just assumed I was and tried to act smart lol get lost do not waste your time and mine quoting me again.
what is your view on chinese? They are much more peaceful than even south Indians. I guess they are timid and get no respect in uk? o_O
Chinese i came across at Uni were very reserve/formal People..They mostly stick with their own community

I am 100% sure Hinduguy is timid :D

My question still stands - why is it - as per Pakistani's - that Pakistan's passport is ranked so low ?
Hey bandar who give fack to these ranking of passport ? What actually matter is how much love you have for your motherland and it dont matter what others think of your country.

You are what you think of yourself and only insecure people need the stamp of approval from others.
So the issue is with the Color of the Passport and not the Skin???
i am 50 percent sure you are timid/reserve/formal/stick to your own community ..:p:
I dont know why people are taking my comment on their heart :P I made opinions about those people whom i have had close interactions with and no i love meeting with people outside my community but off course you need two hands for clapping
I dont know why people are taking my comment on their heart :P I made opinions about those people whom i have had close interactions with and no i love meeting with people outside my community but off course you need two hands for clapping
I have two hands.. dont need any help ... thank you... :devil:
Lol you can call me **** it is not a slur around here infact Pakistanis call each other **** all the time. No I am not a mirpuri you madrasi turd now spare me your bs I was not insulting anyone with my original post but you just assumed I was and tried to act smart lol get lost do not waste your time and mine quoting me again.
And I am not madrasi. Didnt know endian was a compliment intended by you. I responded by returning a compliment.

Hey bandar who give fack to these ranking of passport ? What actually matter is how much love you have for your motherland and it dont matter what others think of your country.

You are what you think of yourself and only insecure people need the stamp of approval from others.
You avoided answering the question by going on a tangential.
Good enough, I know my point got through.
You avoided answering the question by going on a tangential.
Good enough, I know my point got through.
Your question is stupid. Ever heard bud se budnaam bura? I mean its all about perception . If someone brainwash your mind day and night that all Pakistani are terrorist and evil people then one day you will get firm believe in it ..Some people don't have their own mind when it come to reasoning or rational thinking. India is land of poor people is also perception when you talk with those people who have visited there. People give more attention to negative things even if it is minority
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