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Not a veiled threat: Burqa ban in France from April

Sir what the phack makes you think I am a Hindu? Please Dont argue for arguments sake.

:coffee: You are a Hindus is great possibility, and I am an atheist is great possibility.
So my decision is a most fair that is great possibility.
My religion says "I am God".

This is the summary of my religion. Maybe Blaspphemy as per Islam and Wajib-ul-cattle.
Hello, my children. God said, you should learn humility.

WoW I didn't know they give you internet access in your heavenly abode. Pity of al things in the world and in China, you chose to spend your time on PDF. We are for sure children of a lesser God. :wave:
PARIS: France will start enforcing a ban next month on full Islamic face veils, officials said, meaning any veiled woman can be summoned to a police station and asked to remove her face-covering or pay a fine.

Officials say the law is mainly symbolic and police will not call in every veiled woman they see to avoid stigmatising Muslims. But a Paris imam said forcing veiled women to present themselves at a police station would be just as uncomfortable.

When France passed the ban on full face veils last year, Muslim leaders voiced concern that it could lead to veiled Muslim women being unfairly treated by police or singled out for harassment.

"My gut reaction is to say this is all a bit clumsy," said Moussa Niambele, the imam of a mosque in Paris.

The ban forbids wearing any garment concealing the face in a public space, namely the street, public transport, shops, schools, courtrooms, hospitals and government buildings. From April 11, police are instructed to summon veil-wearers to a station, where they will be asked to remove the garment for "identification" and leave it off. If the wearer refuses to remove it they will be fined up to $208.

Not a veiled threat Burqa ban in France from April

I dont like the harsh Patriot act of the USA, but I guess I have to live with it and abide by the las of land, the other harsh option would be to leave the US.
What civilised Pakistanis think of above ??

You post an article about some French Law, then you are commenting about patriot law. Whats your point ?
:coffee: That is equality between man and God, I think the human is God. The world is created by human, not God.
I do not care about God, but I care about human, so I do not like religious discrimination.
Indians lack of tolerant and sense of humor.
French laws are usually in line. They prosecute all religion. Having said that, this is not the end. There are number of venues where opposition can file complaints or motions.
You post an article about some French Law, then you are commenting about patriot law. Whats your point ?

Every country has them (laws), whether we abide them or stay behind bars, pay fines is what would matter.
No one's pointing out that it is a woman's choice whether or not to wear the burqa. To ban a style of dress and then fine women who wear it is contrary to their human rights. The burqa ban is wrong on so many levels: freedom, religion, and human rights.
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