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Northern pakistanis linkage to europeans?

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pashtuns dont have any mongol in them, you dont know any thing. They are mix of west asian, Iranid, Central Asian, European and even South asian genetically. However their looks are mostly west asian/iranid and also eastern european

Except for the guy in the bottom left no one looks remotely European.

Soom look Indian, some Iranid and some look like Arabs.

Except for the guy in the bottom left no one looks remotely European.

Soom look Indian, some Iranid and some look like Arabs.

we have arab link , most of us are sons of QAIS ......
and arabs are semitic tribes

anthropologists lend credence to the oral traditions of the Pashtun tribes themselves. For example, according to the Encyclopaedia of Islam, the theory of Pashtun descent from Israelites is traced to Maghzan-e-Afghani who compiled a history for Khan-e-Jehan Lodhi in the reign of Mughal Emperor Jehangir in the 17th century.[52] Another book that corresponds with Pashtun historical records, Taaqati-Nasiri, states that in the 7th century BC a people called the Bani Israel settled in the Ghor region of Afghanistan and from there began migrating southeast. These references to Bani Israel agree with the commonly held view by Pashtuns that when the twelve tribes of Israel were dispersed (see Israel and Judah), the tribe of Joseph, among other Hebrew tribes, settled in the Afghanistan region.[62] This oral tradition is widespread among the Pashtun tribes. There have been many legends over the centuries of descent from the Ten Lost Tribes after groups converted to Christianity and Islam. Hence the tribal name Yusufzai in Pashto translates to the "son of Joseph". A similar story is told by many historians, including the 14th century Ibn Battuta and 16th century Ferishta.[21]
pashtuns dont have any mongol in them, you dont know any thing. They are mix of west asian, Iranid, Central Asian, European and even South asian genetically. However their looks are mostly west asian/iranid and also eastern european

Pop quiz : How did Pashtuns start to use the surname Khan ?

Except for the guy in the bottom left no one looks remotely European.

Soom look Indian, some Iranid and some look like Arabs.

no one in the picture except the second guy on the bottom left looks indians. afghan team is a mixed of tajiks and pashtuns, they are not pure pashtuns.The dark guy in the middle is Rashid Latif, he is not afghan

Most european looking pashtuns come from the northern areas of afghanistan and pakistan

look we have different look , different from native people ,
but now we all are hindu by definition of geography now
are pashtuns/kalash descendants of aryans? Concern history for tha. Afghans or Pushtuns and Baluchis belong to Persian Aryan group. Yes, the people of northern region i-e Nooristan, Chitral, Gilgit, Hunza and Kohistan are more puritan Indo-Aryans with a small intermix of Turkic stolk. This whole region was named as Kafiristan in old era. These people make racial link with European Indo-Aryans. Utilizing this relation, Christian mercenaries have been persuading these people saying, when we belong to the same stolk so why not turn all to the same religion. Islam came to this region from the north and west altering wholy the Aryan social system to Turkic manners. Chairs, long daggers(katars) and blackish headgears (of Siah posh) were turned to woollen carpets, curved broad swords and woollen caps of the Turks. Amir Taimur had attacked this region and being himself the commander of the best arrow shooter Tartars has praised the deadly arrow shooting of the Kafirs of this region.
we have arab link , most of us are sons of QAIS ......
and arabs are semitic tribes

n we are Qutb Shahi Awans

Sir Lepel Henry Griffin states:
"All branches of the tribe are unanimous in stating that they originally came from the neighbourhood of Ghazni to India, and all trace their genealogy to Hasrat Ali the son-in-law of the Prophet. Kutab Shah, who came from Ghazni with Sultan Mahmud, was the common ancestor of the Awans."[8]
It is asserted that Qutb Shah and six of his sons accompanied and assisted Mahmud in his early eleventh century conquests of what today forms parts of Afghanistan, Pakistan and Northern India. It is claimed that in recognition of their services and valour, Mahmud bestowed upon Qutb Shah and his sons (who, according to tribal traditions, settled primarily in the Salt Range) the title of Awan, meaning "helper".

we take our shijra-e-nasb very seriously so I dont think there will be any room for error

my name is Malik Abdullah Awan :triniti:
are pashtuns/kalash descendants of aryans? Concern history for tha. Afghans or Pushtuns and Baluchis belong to Persian Aryan group. Yes, the people of northern region i-e Nooristan, Chitral, Gilgit, Hunza and Kohistan are more puritan Indo-Aryans with a small intermix of Turkic stolk. This whole region was named as Kafiristan in old era. These people make racial link with European Indo-Aryans. Utilizing this relation, Christian mercenaries have been persuading these people saying, when we belong to the same stolk so why not turn all to the same religion. Islam came to this region from the north and west altering wholy the Aryan social system to Turkic manners. Chairs, long daggers(katars) and blackish headgears (of Siah posh) were turned to woollen carpets, curved broad swords and woollen caps of the Turks. Amir Taimur had attacked this region and being himself the commander of the best arrow shooter Tartars has praised the deadly arrow shooting of the Kafirs of this region.

Where are you working?
Pashtuns look nothing like indians, that shows what you know. If any thing they look Iranid/West asian/European mixed.

oh wait, I forgot you indian believe then aryans are from india :lol:

Just an advice, look at your faces in the mirror before you say that

Try to be civil.

It is not mandatory, but do try.
Indians have never seen real pashtuns, there are no pashtuns in India.

afghans are called pathans. that is what they are known in india. now if pathan=pashtun is not sure. if sher shah suri is not a pashtun, then there are no pashtuns in india.

From Calcutta and Delhi:






Pathan actress Zarine Khan:
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