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Northern pakistanis linkage to europeans?

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"blonde hair and blue eyes" are NOT European. I have family that have those features...but not all. I had redish brown hair and brown eyes (some Amerind). Dad and sister have red hair bright green eyes (almost blue....called hazel). Facial features are similar to "European". The problem most have is calling it "European'....call it Caucasian.

Ps....the reason I said "had"....is I am quickly going gray...an equalizer of sorts....
"blonde hair and blue eyes" are NOT European. I have family that have those features...but not all. I had redish brown hair and brown eyes (some Amerind). Dad and sister have red hair bright green eyes (almost blue....called hazel). Facial features are similar to "European". The problem most have is calling it "European'....call it Caucasian.

some articles I have read said that blonde hair/blue eyes moved from the afghanistan/northern pakistan region to Europe some 20000 years ago
my grandmother had blue eyes..n there are many in my family(from dad's side) who have colored eyes...my first crush had green eyes..she lived right next to our home.. but we are not pashtuns nor kalash :P
I am so glad that these beautiful northern regions of pakistan are not under the indians, I am not saying they are prospering under pakistan, but we pakistanis are atleast leaving these beautiful areas alone, so they could preserve their beautiful culture. If these areas were under indians they would impose their indic/hindu culture on these beautiful people, just like they are doing on kashmir. They would force them to say crap like jai hind, vande mataram blah blah

I love Hunza valley, they are so different from indians. their culture reminds me of some lost eastern european cultures

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I am so glad that these beautiful northern regions of pakistan are not under the indians, I am not saying they are prospering under pakistan, but we pakistanis are atleast leaving these beautiful areas alone, so they could preserve their beautiful culture. If these areas were under indians they would impose their indic/hindu culture on these beautiful people, just like they are doing on kashmir. They would force them to say crap like jai hind, vande mataram blah blah

I love Hunza valley, they are so different from indians. their culture reminds me of some lost eastern european cultures

Dude u sound too obsessed with Europeans...calm down.. colored eyes n white skin doesnt mean European :)
oh wait, I forgot you indian believe then aryans are from india :lol:

Just an advice, look at your faces in the mirror before you say that

Look man, I dont want to burst your delusions of you being some descendant of a shaggy bearded blue eyes Nordic warrior from the Jutland peninsula who happened to migrate to Pakistan and stay there...so lets leave the personal attacks out of the discussion :)
altho none of you have said it I sense a kind of pride in your minds of being associated to europeans as thought they are a superior race and all of us are inferior.
no one said it, but heart in heart you all feel it. even your brain will say its not the case, but thats the first thought in your heart.
please shed inferiority
Look man, I dont want to burst your delusions of you being some descendant of a shaggy bearded blue eyes Nordic warrior from the Jutland peninsula who happened to migrate to Pakistan and stay there...so lets leave the personal attacks out of the discussion :)

How dare you impugn the lovely people of Jutland! Pinnnacle of the human race!
O really? Enough Pashtuns in Afghanistan for you?

This is what your average Pashtun looks like.



we are semitic by origin so that's why we look like them ,
my bangladeshi and nepali friends also used to say like that we are different from Punjabies ,
although exceptions are there,
but color is some thing secondary importance , we are all Pakistanis that's what the reality
Look man, I dont want to burst your delusions of you being some descendant of a shaggy bearded blue eyes Nordic warrior from the Jutland peninsula who happened to migrate to Pakistan and stay there...so lets leave the personal attacks out of the discussion :)

it's not delusion, it's a fact, read some history. in fact recent genetics tests have clearly proven what I am saying. Aryans did not come from your ganga river, this is the biggest fact, only you delusional indians believe that. Indians are a brown Dravidian race mostly, only some northern indians may be a bit (less then 5%) mixed with some outside groups, but most indians are clearly dravdian. There is hardly any difference in most indians
Dude u sound too obsessed with Europeans...calm down.. colored eyes n white skin doesnt mean European :)

i am not obessed with europeans per say, but I have noticed many indians on the net claim that pashtuns, kalash etc... are indians and they look indians. Thats why they even claim these areas as their lands. They are wrong on so many levels
we are semitic by origin so that's why we look like them ,
my bangladeshi and nepali friends also used to say like that we are different from Punjabies ,
although exceptions are there,
but color is some thing secondary importance , we are all Pakistanis that's what the reality

you are not semitic.. you are basically central asian.. probably descendent of genghiz khan who created a whole society with his hordes and seed. you have mongol and central asian (aryan or tribal) blood . thats it.
you are not semitic.. you are basically central asian.. probably descendent of genghiz khan who created a whole society with his hordes and seed. you have mongol and central asian (aryan or tribal) blood . thats it.

pashtuns dont have any mongol in them, you dont know any thing. They are mix of west asian, Iranid, Central Asian, European and even South asian genetically. However their looks are mostly west asian/iranid and also eastern european
you are not semitic.. you are basically central asian.. probably descendent of genghiz khan who created a whole society with his hordes and seed. you have mongol and central asian (aryan or tribal) blood . thats it.

are u are poking into something about which u don't know ,
we have our history reserved in books , and i have made deep study of it ,
there are relation to chengaiz khan but basically we are semitic and it reality , genetic study has also proved it .
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