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Northern Command Warns: Situation with Hezbollah 'Explosive'


Oct 11, 2013
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Yair Golan, the Major General of the Northern Command, has warned the world at large that Israel's situation with Lebanon is extremely volatile.

"The situation on the border [with Lebanon] is explosive and the smallest spark can cause a border clash - even if neither side is looking to engage in fighting," Golan told French newspaper Le Figaro on Tuesday.

Golan, who provided the interview before three IDF soldiers were injured in a bomb attack in the Golan Heights - which appears to have been an attempted kidnapping - also noted that Sunni jihadis in Syria had turned their eyes against Israel. "After Assad, Israel will be their next target," the general stated.

He elaborated that in light of recent escalations - including the infiltration of the border with Lebanon by terrorists - the IDF is in the midst of taking several drastic measures to ramp up security. Among them, the general claimed, are the building of a "smart" fence to help detection and a greater focus on gathering intelligence.

"There are only about 300 fighters" building on the border so far, according to Golan, "and they haven't attacked yet." But he stressed that the IDF is making preparations, nonetheless, ahead of a possible border clash.

Hezbollah Building an Arsenal

Maj. Gen. Golan noted that since the Second Lebanon War concluded in 2006, Hezbollah has maintained a "status quo" along the border with Israel - but added that the Shi'ite organization has been making a "supreme" effort to obtain weapons made in Iran or Russia, transported via Syria.

"Hezbollah seeks to bridge the gap in the quality of their arsenal versus ours, and increase its military capabilities," Golan stated.

"A Third Lebanon War will not be limited to air strikes, and we will use all our capabilities, including sea and land, to remove the destructive capacity of the enemy," Golan warned. Maj. Gen. Golan also referred to the fact that Hezbollah invest its money and resources in developing bases in civilian areas - both in and underneath villages in southern Lebanon.

"This fact will not prevent us from using force to defend our citizens," he threatened.

IDF Warns Situation with Hezbollah 'Explosive' - Defense/Security - News - Israel National News
Please save me from these laughable threads, Hezbollah will never ever fight Israel again nor was it planning to in 2006. Iran was actually upset at Hezbollah in 2006 because they were putting money and effort to make sure Hezbollah could combat Israel if Israel attacks Iran. Hezbollah wasn't expecting Israel to launch a war and ground offensive either. Today though, Hezbollah is stronger, however, they're not going to fight Israel at all. Neither will Iran and Israel ever go to war. In fact, they probably will become under the counter allies.

Hezbollah and Shia for that matter for rather kill all Sunni Arabs before they attack Israel. Hezbollah is no different, it's killing Syrians in Syria and pushing sectarian conflict while Iran is spending billions of dollars helping a dictator remain in power and it's not because of Hezbollah. It's something those three have in common with regards to Sunni Arabs they just want to kill Sunni Arabs and rape Sunni women. Never trust Shia people, they do things just to get in power and they don't care about 'resistance' at all.

The only way you'll ever see a war in Lebanon is if Sunnis and Palestinians in refugee camps kill every Hezbollah member and take over their arsenal. Syria has had almost 70 of their forces killed by Israel and they haven't responded one bit. Iran and Iranians openly admit they're less concerned about Israel and rather just kills 'wahabis' which is their way of referring to Sunnis.

And don't tell me Iran arms Hamas, Hamas doesn't receive arms from Iran anymore and the arms they were getting were nothing compared to what Hezbollah gets. Hamas produces their own arms today and purchases the rest from the black market. They have their own strategy and the Palestinians are likely the only people to ever fight Israel since they're literally occupied by them. Hezbollah doesn't need to neither does Lebanon. They however need to shut up about resistance this and resistance that all they care for is killing Sunnis and spreading the Shia ideology.
Please save me from these laughable threads, Hezbollah will never ever fight Israel again nor was it planning to in 2006. Iran was actually upset at Hezbollah in 2006 because they were putting money and effort to make sure Hezbollah could combat Israel if Israel attacks Iran. Hezbollah wasn't expecting Israel to launch a war and ground offensive either. Today though, Hezbollah is stronger, however, they're not going to fight Israel at all. Neither will Iran and Israel ever go to war. In fact, they probably will become under the counter allies.

Hezbollah and Shia for that matter for rather kill all Sunni Arabs before they attack Israel. Hezbollah is no different, it's killing Syrians in Syria and pushing sectarian conflict while Iran is spending billions of dollars helping a dictator remain in power and it's not because of Hezbollah. It's something those three have in common with regards to Sunni Arabs they just want to kill Sunni Arabs and rape Sunni women. Never trust Shia people, they do things just to get in power and they don't care about 'resistance' at all.

The only way you'll ever see a war in Lebanon is if Sunnis and Palestinians in refugee camps kill every Hezbollah member and take over their arsenal. Syria has had almost 70 of their forces killed by Israel and they haven't responded one bit. Iran and Iranians openly admit they're less concerned about Israel and rather just kills 'wahabis' which is their way of referring to Sunnis.

And don't tell me Iran arms Hamas, Hamas doesn't receive arms from Iran anymore and the arms they were getting were nothing compared to what Hezbollah gets. Hamas produces their own arms today and purchases the rest from the black market. They have their own strategy and the Palestinians are likely the only people to ever fight Israel since they're literally occupied by them. Hezbollah doesn't need to neither does Lebanon. They however need to shut up about resistance this and resistance that all they care for is killing Sunnis and spreading the Shia ideology.

Sunnis Kill more Shias than Israel does, Shia kills more Sunnis than Israel does. What you crying about?
Sunnis Kill more Shias than Israel does, Shia kills more Sunnis than Israel does. What you crying about?

Nobody is crying about anything, I'm responding to the OP and explaining to him what the axis of resistance is. Shia can't say they are followers of Imam Husayn and go support a dictator. Obviously these guys are bunch of bullshitters who don't follow Islam properly and mock our religion.
Nobody is crying about anything, I'm responding to the OP and explaining to him what the axis of resistance is. Shia can't say they are followers of Imam Husayn and go support a dictator. Obviously these guys are bunch of bullshitters who don't follow Islam properly and mock our religion.

I am not defending Hezbollah. But when takfiri terrorists start attacking religious sites of Shias, don't expect no reaction.
I am not defending Hezbollah. But when takfiri terrorists start attacking religious sites of Shias, don't expect no reaction.

You're talking about Iraq, Shia used to attack Sunnis left and right in Iraq and ethnically cleansed them, Iraq is in a mess. Hezbollah's actions in Syria have nothing to do with Iraq, Hezbollah doesn't even have that many religious people. They do it because Iran told them to keep the regime in power and they get things in return.

Sectarian violence is not justified, what's happening in Syria is not a civil war. It's a nation seeking to overthrow a dictator and Hezbollah aids the dictators.

And there's no such thing as a Shia religious site, there is a Muslim religious site and that's it.
Someone tag the anti-zionist brigade of Iran

Please save me from these laughable threads, Hezbollah will never ever fight Israel again nor was it planning to in 2006. Iran was actually upset at Hezbollah in 2006 because they were putting money and effort to make sure Hezbollah could combat Israel if Israel attacks Iran. Hezbollah wasn't expecting Israel to launch a war and ground offensive either. Today though, Hezbollah is stronger, however, they're not going to fight Israel at all. Neither will Iran and Israel ever go to war. In fact, they probably will become under the counter allies.

Hezbollah and Shia for that matter for rather kill all Sunni Arabs before they attack Israel. Hezbollah is no different, it's killing Syrians in Syria and pushing sectarian conflict while Iran is spending billions of dollars helping a dictator remain in power and it's not because of Hezbollah. It's something those three have in common with regards to Sunni Arabs they just want to kill Sunni Arabs and rape Sunni women. Never trust Shia people, they do things just to get in power and they don't care about 'resistance' at all.

The only way you'll ever see a war in Lebanon is if Sunnis and Palestinians in refugee camps kill every Hezbollah member and take over their arsenal. Syria has had almost 70 of their forces killed by Israel and they haven't responded one bit. Iran and Iranians openly admit they're less concerned about Israel and rather just kills 'wahabis' which is their way of referring to Sunnis.

And don't tell me Iran arms Hamas, Hamas doesn't receive arms from Iran anymore and the arms they were getting were nothing compared to what Hezbollah gets. Hamas produces their own arms today and purchases the rest from the black market. They have their own strategy and the Palestinians are likely the only people to ever fight Israel since they're literally occupied by them. Hezbollah doesn't need to neither does Lebanon. They however need to shut up about resistance this and resistance that all they care for is killing Sunnis and spreading the Shia ideology.

I guess someone hacked your account or did you atleast have a wakeup call .
@Pakistani Exile

Shia were innocent during Saddam's era, I supported them whenever they were being persecuted wherever. I'm against all AQ organizations, Shia are justified on fighting those organizations. However, they unfortunately felt they should do the same thing with the Syrian regime. I don't know if this is revenge or what it is but it is not right. Iran was doing good supporting the Palestinian cause and now the whole thing has turned sectarian and nobody wants to live normally or at least be supportive of the Palestinians. It has become that we want to fight each other, all that effort gone to waste because this guy is remaining in power.

I guess someone hacked your account or did you atleast have a wakeup call .

I knew this the whole time, I just wanted to keep quiet and see if things would change but it's only increasing and what's occurring in Syria is disturbing. That doesn't mean I support AQ militants and their stupid actions. I support moderate Islamists like Hamas and others in Syria.

This doesn't make Saudi Arabia and the gulf nations good, they're still against for some reason. Look what Egypt is doing to Gaza and Saudi Arabia won't say a word, why? Hamas wouldn't have to look out to Iran if you guys did something for us.
The Mullahs of Tehran knows that their survival is reliant upon not antagonising Israel too much.
You're talking about Iraq, Shia used to attack Sunnis left and right in Iraq and ethnically cleansed them, Iraq is in a mess. Hezbollah's actions in Syria have nothing to do with Iraq, Hezbollah doesn't even have that many religious people. They do it because Iran told them to keep the regime in power and they get things in return.

Sectarian violence is not justified, what's happening in Syria is not a civil war. It's a nation seeking to overthrow a dictator and Hezbollah aids the dictators.

And there's no such thing as a Shia religious site, there is a Muslim religious site and that's it.
Shia started attack Sunnis after they were killed in daily bases by the number of hundred , have you forgot that .
and what happen in Syria is that a coalition of 90 nation try to overthrow the elected government of a sovereign nation .
Sunnis Kill more Shias than Israel does, Shia kills more Sunnis than Israel does. What you crying about?

Please don't throw Sunnis & Shias in the list of terrorists. Those who do killings are terrorists & they are not even Muslims but takfiris.
Shia started attack Sunnis after they were killed in daily bases by the number of hundred , have you forgot that .
and what happen in Syria is that a coalition of 90 nation try to overthrow the elected government of a sovereign nation .

I support Shia in a lot of places, however Syria is not a case of sectarian conflict even though it must have evolved into somewhat sectarian elements. The government in Syria is not elected, I'm Arab and know more than you, if you vote other than Bashar in the ballot box they will come to your home and screw your whole family over. That's why he was winning 99.9% every election.
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