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Northern Command Warns: Situation with Hezbollah 'Explosive'

@Pakistani Exile

Shia were innocent during Saddam's era, I supported them whenever they were being persecuted wherever. I'm against all AQ organizations, Shia are justified on fighting those organizations. However, they unfortunately felt they should do the same thing with the Syrian regime. I don't know if this is revenge or what it is but it is not right. Iran was doing good supporting the Palestinian cause and now the whole thing has turned sectarian and nobody wants to live normally or at least be supportive of the Palestinians. It has become that we want to fight each other, all that effort gone to waste because this guy is remaining in power.

I knew this the whole time, I just wanted to keep quiet and see if things would change but it's only increasing and what's occurring in Syria is disturbing. That doesn't mean I support AQ militants and their stupid actions. I support moderate Islamists like Hamas and others in Syria.

This doesn't make Saudi Arabia and the gulf nations good, they're still against for some reason. Look what Egypt is doing to Gaza and Saudi Arabia won't say a word, why? Hamas wouldn't have to look out to Iran if you guys did something for us.

For Egypt situation is different , most of Egypt army generals are sufis and they despise and hate both Shia and islamist sunnis , for them Hamas and hezbollah are the same shit .

Remember most of Gazans are MB/Salafi sunnis which are regarded to be Egypt's army number one enemy .

Besides Egypt might screw Sudan up over water nile issue , this is a war that Egypt might engage in if negotiations with ethiopia do not work then they will revenge from Sudan apart from the fact your brothers have been running an insurgency against egyptian army over the past 2 years which has been curbed to a large extent by Egyptian army recently.

The Alliance between Saudi Arabia and Egypt is out of pragmatism since both are facing same enemies " MB and Shia Islamists " other than that they both do not really get along.

The middle east is divided into 3 categories competing for influence

1) Qatar , Turkey and their MB allies in Arab countries .
2) Saudi , UAE and their salafi Allies .
3) Iran , Syria and Hezbollah .

Egyptian Army cooperates with 2 since both 1&3 were seeking the destruction of Egypt , qatar for the goal of ruling Egypt through MB while iran wanted Egypt destruction to encircle Saudi Arabia their main foe .

The only special thing here , Egyptian Army supported Assad indirectly with ammunition and light weapons for a simple reason to keep it out of MB hands.

Israel is a key player in all this , it keeps some sort of a balance and has alliance with Egypt where by Israel keeps Hezbollah and Syria preoccupied fighting islamists in an unending war while on the other hand Egypt keeps Gaza isolated for the sake of defending sinai from MB terror and same time allow israel to focus on north front.

Israel would prefer to see a Lebnanized Syria ruled by a weak central goverment lead by Alawites with Hezbollah sunk in defending this weak alawite government from collapse , by this neither side would ever think about going to war with Israel , at the same time sunnis will focus on fighting the shite lead dictatorship in Syria .

Israel is basically playing with both sides here until they completely destroy each other to a point where Israel could eventually launch an all out war on both Lebanon and Syria to create new " security zones " that would put both countries in a position where they would not be able to launch a coordinated attack on Israel using unconventional means .

I know its ugly for you , but that is how politics work in our region .
For Egypt situation is different , most of Egypt army generals are sufis and they despise and hate both Shia and islamist sunnis , for them Hamas and hezbollah are the same shit .

Sufis? Since when?

Remember most of Gazans are MB/Salafi sunnis which are regarded to be Egypt's army number one enemy .

Most Gazans are Muslims, there's no such thing as an 'MB' Muslim, there are Muslims who follow the Sunnah of the Prophet(SAW).

Besides Egypt might screw Sudan up over water nile issue , this is a war that Egypt might engage in if negotiations with ethiopia do not work then they will revenge from Sudan

What brought up Sudan? :crazy:

apart from the fact your brothers have been running an insurgency against egyptian army over the past 2 years which has been curbed to a large extent by Egyptian army recently.

Load of bullshit lies.

The Alliance between Saudi Arabia and Egypt is out of pragmatism since both are facing same enemies " MB and Shia Islamists " other than that they both do not really get along.

There's barely any Shia in Egypt and the alliance is between a monarchy and a dictatorial military regime. The military regime is against anybody who speaks up against them.

Egyptian Army cooperates with 2 since both 1&3 were seeking the destruction of Egypt , qatar for the goal of ruling Egypt through MB while iran wanted Egypt destruction to encircle Saudi Arabia their main foe .

Conspiracy theory.

The only special thing here , Egyptian Army supported Assad indirectly with ammunition and light weapons for a simple reason to keep it out of MB hands.

Egyptian military regime no doubt supports a dictator which is against Islam.

Israel would prefer to see a Lebnanized Syria ruled by a weak central goverment lead by Alawites with Hezbollah sunk in defending this weak alawite government from collapse , by this neither side would ever think about going to war with Israel , at the same time sunnis will focus on fighting the shite lead dictatorship in Syria .

No shit.

Israel is basically playing with both sides here until they completely destroy each other to a point where Israel could eventually launch an all out war on both Lebanon and Syria to create new " security zones " that would put both countries in a position where they would not be able to launch a coordinated attack on Israel using unconventional means .

This sounds plausible.

I know its ugly for you , but that is how politics work in our region.

Your lies are ugly but there's no truth to them, the region could change drastically at any time. You know little to nothing, just a typical gulf arab worshipper of Israel.
Sufis? Since when?

Most Gazans are Muslims, there's no such thing as an 'MB' Muslim, there are Muslims who follow the Sunnah of the Prophet(SAW).

What brought up Sudan? :crazy:

Load of bullshit lies.

There's barely any Shia in Egypt and the alliance is between a monarchy and a dictatorial military regime. The military regime is against anybody who speaks up against them.

Conspiracy theory.

Egyptian military regime no doubt supports a dictator which is against Islam.

No shit.

This sounds plausible.

Your lies are ugly but there's no truth to them, the region could change drastically at any time. You know little to nothing, just a typical gulf arab worshipper of Israel.

What kind of conspiracy theory here when both Qatar and Turkey have been funding and arming the MB in addition to harbouring them inside their countries ?

you Just continuing to deny what your MB brothers are doing in other Arab countries from the instability your MB brothers are causing in Egypt and other Arab countries , do not expect us to sit idle and watch you ruining our countries , we would retaliate at some point which is happening right now and it can be seen from your frustration with Egypt over Gaza.

You do not know that 30% of Egyptians are sufis including Al-Sissi and Ahmed Shafik ? sufism is wide spread in Egypt and most Al-Azhar prominent clerks are sufis , an order that is completely different from salafi and MB doctrines .

The MB is simply a cult that has been made up by crazy hassan el banna , many Azhar clerks in Egypt regard them as khawarij including many Egyptian army generals , they look at you as no more than a bunch of takfiris .

Iran is destabilizing Egypt through funding the MB and Alqauda groups , Just like how they have been funding Hamas in Gaza which recently turned its Gun on Egypt rather than Israel to stand beside its MB friends.

Iran plays all sides Just like Israel , but it goes extreme to funding and supporting radical groups like Isis monkeys since these groups destabilize Arab countries .

As for Sudan , Egypt does not have the capacity to launch a war on Ethiopia over water nile , its over 1000 km away from Egypt border, but it will revenge from Sudan for supporting ethiopia if the dam leads to reducing Egypt water share .

The Egyptian army strategy is focused on keeping Sunni and Shia Islamists away from Egypt and supporting Gulf countries if needed to suppress them from coming to power in Arabian peninsula.
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