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North Korea long-range rocket broke apart after launch

good riddance..by the way..are they going to get food aid now???
good riddance..by the way..are they going to get food aid now???
From China? Yes. North Korea has China by the balls and China has no choice but to keep shipping food by rail even if North Korea breaks every promise made with China. China will continue to ship oil, money, and food to North Korea after the third nuclear test coming soon too.

From everywhere else? No. The ROK and the US strategy is to keep increasing China's burden of keeping North Korean regime alive to the point that China throws the towel and let North Korean regime collapse.
From China? Yes. North Korea has China by the balls and China has no choice but to keep shipping food by rail even if North Korea breaks every promise made with China. China will continue to ship oil, money, and food to North Korea after the third nuclear test coming soon too.

From everywhere else? No. The ROK and the US strategy is to keep increasing China's burden of keeping North Korean regime alive to the point that China throws the towel and let North Korean regime collapse.

interesting....china has a couple of duds aka strategic assets aka allies on its hands.
From China? Yes. North Korea has China by the balls and China has no choice but to keep shipping food by rail even if North Korea breaks every promise made with China. China will continue to ship oil, money, and food to North Korea after the third nuclear test coming soon too.

From everywhere else? No. The ROK and the US strategy is to keep increasing China's burden of keeping North Korean regime alive to the point that China throws the towel and let North Korean regime collapse.

Doesnt the same Logic apply to South Korea? South Korea also has become US liability.
North Korea should Take Help from it's old Ally Pakistan and Import their Missile Tech and Have a Missile with Atleast 1000 Km which can Strike Beijing.

Chinese Gangsters will then Bend their A*s in Front of Kim!

Talking like a true professional in bending exercises.

From China? Yes. North Korea has China by the balls and China has no choice but to keep shipping food by rail even if North Korea breaks every promise made with China. China will continue to ship oil, money, and food to North Korea after the third nuclear test coming soon too.

From everywhere else? No. The ROK and the US strategy is to keep increasing China's burden of keeping North Korean regime alive to the point that China throws the towel and let North Korean regime collapse.

Another self proclaimed expert on China.
From China? Yes. North Korea has China by the balls and China has no choice but to keep shipping food by rail even if North Korea breaks every promise made with China. China will continue to ship oil, money, and food to North Korea after the third nuclear test coming soon too.

From everywhere else? No. The ROK and the US strategy is to keep increasing China's burden of keeping North Korean regime alive to the point that China throws the towel and let North Korean regime collapse.

well..so talks between US and NK fails...there are reports that NK is starting to rebuild nukes...may be they'll test it soon..do you know any more info on that??
Doesnt the same Logic apply to South Korea? South Korea also has become US liability.

I think so.

but from a historic and strategic view, this is quite ironic that two big players are hogging their dogs (NK and SK) for a purpose keep them divided per se.

Korea this nation is always a tragic story.
but from a historic and strategic view, this is quite ironic that two big players are hogging their dogs (NK and SK) for a purpose keep them divided per se.
Of course the US and NK general population want the ROK takeover of North Korea; the US drills for NK invasion twice a year.
China's the sole party opposed to it.

Korea this nation is always a tragic story.
You got it backward, it's the Koreans who have pity on Japan nowadays. The world is witnessing the wholesale destruction of Japanese manufacturing at the hands of Koreans and the mother nature right now, with the once cherished brands like Panasonic, Sony, and Sharp fighting for very survival.

Such extreme economic difficulties in Japan gives a rise to the rightwing extremism and the foreigner bash, of which you will be the most visible victim being a Pakistani.
Of course the US and NK general population want the ROK takeover of North Korea; the US drills for NK invasion twice a year.
China's the sole party opposed to it.

You got it backward, it's the Koreans who have pity on Japan nowadays. The world is witnessing the wholesale destruction of Japanese manufacturing at the hands of Koreans and the mother nature right now, with the once cherished brands like Panasonic, Sony, and Sharp fighting for very survival.

Such extreme economic difficulties in Japan gives a rise to the rightwing extremism and the foreigner bash, of which you will be the most visible victim being a Pakistani.

are you sure? the obvious victim from a turning extreme right is always Korea. not to mention the huge population of Koreans living in Japan. if any violence rise out of the rightwing extremist, they are the obvious targets. the Japanese called them PaRasites.

check out the history textbook, Korea had been enslaved by Japan and China for the entire history till 1945, when the US took over the military control of the peninsular.
Did West Germany had any choice or say in it? You do not need to open up a history book but just look at the recent news. When a country begins on the path of collapse, like Syria is today, did Syria's neighbors had any choice and say in it? Containment of refugees? Ask the Africans how did that turned out when one of their own collapsed. The South Koreans are surrounded by water, where will they go for relief?

It was our wish to be united again with our families in the East and it was in fact the Brits, the French and the Russians who were not very fond of a united Germany. We were very enthusiastic of unification without thinking much about the economic and financial consequences and Helmut Kohl, our former chancelor, was not very honest as well as he was much better informed about the financial burden that would come upon us.

In NK's case, it would be better to stabilise the situation and lift all sanctions without conditions. It will be much better to deal with a better fed NK in terms of unification than with a impoverished and backward NK. NKoreans are much more brainwashed than East Germans could ever have been. A sudden collapse and change of life would be devastating for millions of people emotionally and mentally.
ROK studied the German unification process extensively and learned what to do and what not to do. How the ROK takeover of North Korea will be different from West German takeover of East Germany.

1. Preservation of North Korean border and DMZ : Yes, the DMZ will be kept intact after the takeover. And North Korea will be turned into a Special Administrative Region with a travel restriction on residents ie North Koreans will not be allowed to visit ROK without a permit, and ROK residents will require a permit to visit North Korea.

2. Preservation of North Korean won : Currencies of the SAR previously known as North Korea will be kept as is, the only change being the face of people on the bill(No more Kim Il Sung)

3. Mass-relocation of foreign-owned factories from China. North Korea as a ROK SAR is extremely attractive to foreign companies because it is the only 3rd world wage-rate region covered by both US and EU FTAs. Tens of thousands of foreign factories looking for an exit from China will be flocking to North Korea SAR, and the North Korean economy will be growing at an annual rate of 10% for the next 20 years.

Because the ROK government's SAR plan, North Korea will enjoy an explosive growth and the ROK companies too will be getting a shot in the arm with the infusion of low-cost wage labor that they were able to get only at overseas. The full integration will not take place for 25 years and this is why the Korean unification process is much less expensive, downright affordable and even financially beneficial than the German unification process.

Oh, Koreans are learning from Chinese: one country, two systems. :lol:

What would SK do if a NKorean tries to flee to the south?
i dont think that was a satellite it was either military or a missile

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