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North Korea long-range rocket broke apart after launch

Because of equal protection and right. If North Koreans can freely go to South via the freedom of travel, then they cannot be denied the right to the ROK passport, which grants them free-entry to Germany.

City folks also get a share of the area they used to live, which will be smaller in size but much more valuable than countryside per square meter.

So what? East Germans got the right to travel right after the wall went down. It was in fact one of the utmost reason why East Germans were not happy about their government. East Germans never suffered hunger or any basic needs, they wanted to have exotic products like coffee and oranges and most of all to see the world - all the things they have seen on West German TV.

In other words, you want to deny equal rights and protection for NKoreans. How nice, free and democratic! I can vote and say scheiß about my gov. but can't travel and work anywhere I want. :lol:
Götterdämmerung;2814942 said:
It was our wish to be united again with our families in the East and it was in fact the Brits, the French and the Russians who were not very fond of a united Germany.
That was from the memories of WW II.

Götterdämmerung;2814942 said:
We were very enthusiastic of unification without thinking much about the economic and financial consequences and Helmut Kohl, our former chancelor, was not very honest as well as he was much better informed about the financial burden that would come upon us.

In NK's case, it would be better to stabilise the situation and lift all sanctions without conditions. It will be much better to deal with a better fed NK in terms of unification than with a impoverished and backward NK. NKoreans are much more brainwashed than East Germans could ever have been. A sudden collapse and change of life would be devastating for millions of people emotionally and mentally.
But you provided no explanations on how to deal with this 'sudden collapse' if it ever will occur. It is somewhat odd since you came from a country that experienced such a collapse. Do not tell the South Koreans on the dire economic and social consequences. Tell them the mistakes Germany made, how to recognize signs of certain problems, and what methods Germany found best to deal with them. Since Germany's neighbors were helpless to stop that collapse and the unification, what good is it to tell the South Koreans that their neighbors may be feeling the same? Does Korea have the same reputation as Japan, vis-a-vis IMPERIAL JAPAN? How many neighbors are there in the region that fear a united Korea where fleets of Korean warships will beach themselves on foreign lands?

You and I are similar in the sense that we came from divided countries that became one again. And yet the readers here clearly see who want a people united and who want that same people divided. I know your kind. You object to a united Korea not because you really give a sh!t about the Korean people but you just want a convenient jab at US via a US ally.
A united Korea would be a grave threat to the entire world.

Korea wants to be a superpower and recreate "Greater Korea" from Lake Baikal to Pusan.

That would mean that Korea would go to war, like Nazi Germany, for Lebensraum.

But not live and work in Hong Kong. Also deported when past the permit date.

This is why mainland mothers are desperate to give birth in Hong Kong in order to make their children Hong Kong residents.

Mainland police departments issue entry permits to HK, not any HK authorities. sorry.
A united Korea would be a grave threat to the entire world.

Korea wants to be a superpower and recreate "Greater Korea" from Lake Baikal to Pusan.

That would mean that Korea would go to war, like Nazi Germany, for Lebensraum.
Does anyone have a 'face palm' image that is truly epic? I mean...Am talking of 'Biblical' proportions...
Does anyone have a 'face palm' image that is truly epic? I mean...Am talking of 'Biblical' proportions...

South Korea is a society based on race, like Nazi Germany. They have persecuted Vietnamese strongly in the past. South Korean regiments in the Vietnamese war were, due to their incompetence, primarily restricted to prison guarding and policing activities, where they used utmost brutality and torture against unarmed South Vietnamese civilians. Even today, Vietnamese are being killed by Koreans for having the wrong skin color: Another Vietnamese bride murdered in South Korea « NamViet News

Like Nazi Germany, South Korea has expansionist tendencies and are claiming Yanbian Prefecture from China, just because it has Koreans living there. This is chillingly similar to Hitler's Heim ins Reich policy.
South Korea is a society based on race, like Nazi Germany. They have persecuted Vietnamese strongly in the past. South Korean regiments in the Vietnamese war were, due to their incompetence, primarily restricted to prison guarding and policing activities, where they used utmost brutality and torture against unarmed South Vietnamese civilians. Even today, Vietnamese are being killed by Koreans for having the wrong skin color: Another Vietnamese bride murdered in South Korea « NamViet News

Like Nazi Germany, South Korea has expansionist tendencies and are claiming Yanbian Prefecture from China, just because it has Koreans living there. This is chillingly similar to Hitler's Heim ins Reich policy.
More like the South Koreans troops terrified the NVA and their Chinese advisors. :lol: That part of the war's history is not that difficult to find.
More like the South Koreans troops terrified the NVA and their Chinese advisors. :lol: That part of the war's history is not that difficult to find.

We've been through this before. You're changing the subject because you can't face the fact that South Koreans were mostly stationed in South Vietnam and due to racism, tortured defenseless South Vietnamese "allies".

You're ignoring the fact that even today, Vietnamese are being killed by Koreans due to having the wrong color of skin, while Vietnamese in China are never persecuted.

Korea wants to be a superpower, and a race based nation with a chip on its shoulder that wants to be a superpower is very dangerous, just like Nazi Germany.
We've been through this before. You're changing the subject because you can't face the fact that South Koreans were mostly stationed in South Vietnam and due to racism, tortured defenseless South Vietnamese "allies".

You're ignoring the fact that even today, Vietnamese are being killed by Koreans due to having the wrong color of skin, while Vietnamese in China are never persecuted.

Korea wants to be a superpower, and a race based nation with a chip on its shoulder that wants to be a superpower is very dangerous, just like Nazi Germany.
Sure...And here it is again...

Republic of Korea Marine Corps - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Koreans rock-solid in Vietnam
First, the Koreans maintained their official independence from the US command and control system. This was important to them. General Westmoreland felt he could work that way.

Second, while they always had maneuvering room because of their independence, as a general rule the Koreans agreed to de facto operational control by US commanders; they usually accepted requests as orders.
Truth is: The NVA and their Chinese advisors were terrified of the South Koreans. Do I wish the ARVN was like the South Koreans? You bet. If the ARVN was, China would be terrified of Viet Nam.
Sure...And here it is again...

Republic of Korea Marine Corps - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Koreans rock-solid in Vietnam

Truth is: The NVA and their Chinese advisors were terrified of the South Koreans. Do I wish the ARVN was like the South Koreans? You bet. If the ARVN was, China would be terrified of Viet Nam.

No, we wouldn't, because we knew how they fought in Korea: artillery practice. That's why we were able to depopulate Seoul, you see. I don't know of a 2nd country that calls getting its capital depopulated and bombed into the stone age glorious. However, this is off topic. The topic is how Korea wants to become a superpower and its similarity to Nazi Germany.
No, we wouldn't, because we knew how they fought in Korea: artillery practice. That's why we were able to depopulate Seoul, you see. I don't know of a 2nd country that calls getting its capital depopulated and bombed into the stone age glorious. However, this is off topic. The topic is how Korea wants to become a superpower and its similarity to Nazi Germany.
The South Koreans have far more military experience today than the PLA have accumulated for the past 30 yrs...!!! They engaged in annual exercises with US. They supported US in Iraq and Afghanistan. No matter whatever capacity, it is still valuable experience with foreigners -- allies and enemies. What does China have in comparison? Zilch.
The South Koreans have far more military experience today than the PLA have accumulated for the past 30 yrs...!!! They engaged in annual exercises with US. They supported US in Iraq and Afghanistan. No matter whatever capacity, it is still valuable experience with foreigners -- allies and enemies. What does China have in comparison? Zilch.

Reported for being off topic.
Korea wants to be a superpower and recreate "Greater Korea" from Lake Baikal to Pusan.
Lake Baikal is overrated. There is a good reason why Korean ancestors fled Siberia, too damn cold even though living there for 20K years. Just the land East of Songhua River is good enough as that land was legally a Korean province until the end of 19th century.


That would mean that Korea would go to war, like Nazi Germany, for Lebensraum.
No need to go to war, just wait for an implosion of China and the division along the ethnic-linguistic line, and everyone would be in a mad rush for land grab.
Lake Baikal is overrated. There is a good reason why Korean ancestors fled Siberia, too damn cold even though living there for 20K years. Just the land East of Songhua is good enough as that land was legally a Korean province until the end of 19th century.


No need to go to war, just wait for an implosion of China and the division along the ethnic-linguistic line, and everyone would be in a mad rush for land grab.

Keep dreaming :lol: I'm waiting for another occupation of Seoul.
You and I are similar in the sense that we came from divided countries that became one again.

I think the similarity among Korea, Vietnam and Germany is just that "sense" that they want to be united from two parts. I don't think there're much experience to share otherwise. The three countries are completely different in terms of world politics, ideology and economy, and maybe culture differences as well after a long partition. Vietnam is the easiest one, two sides are very similar other than the government. (If Korea was united in the 50s, should be similar). German faced some challenge but is managable, the economic disparity is big but is still managable. Ideology wise there're not too much conflict. But when we talk about Korea, it is two completely different worlds and you know what I am talking about.

The division of the three countries are from politics of the Cold War. My personally feeling is that the sooner the country gets united, the better. Time is lethal. The same can be applied to PRC/Taiwan, although that's a completely different ball game.

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