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North Korea long-range rocket broke apart after launch

i hope NKs will be successful next time

best luck to them

they shouldn't test Taepodong-2 though
what matters is that we've sent 3 sats to orbit and everytime we're increasing the size. By 2020 we will send a 1 ton sat. The launch site is almost completed at semnan.

Simorgh SLV
Function: Small orbital carrier rocket
Height 27 metres (89 ft)
Mass 77 tonnes (85 tons)

Our next launch will probably be with a simorgh SLV
Rockets Iran launched so far were enlargened Scuds.



Unha-2 which NK failed to launch twise and Simorgh are innovative: they have 4 engines first stage.

But since Iran did not even test launched Simorgh yet I dont know how it could help NK here.
Simple, just hand over the power to ROK, then everything will be taken care of.

What a simpleton you are. West Germany was the third largest economy in the world in 1989 and East Germany had the highest GDP and living standard amongst the former Warsaw Pact and still the united Germany had to struggle until today and transfering billions per year to the east to maintain stability. I still have to pay my monthly "Solidartätszuschlag" or solidarity tax to help the East even though that tax was limited for 10 years, it's well over 20 years now. How is a poorer and technologically inferior SK going to maintain stability and to development NK where most people don't know scheiss about anything outside their country? East Germans had easy access to West German TV and news, the contact amongst families were intensive and relatively easy and still many East Germans had huge difficulties to adapt to our system. A friend of mine works in a mental hospital and she told me that quite a lot of East Germans are there because they couldn't handle the changes.
Götterdämmerung;2813707 said:
What a simpleton you are. West Germany was the third largest economy in the world in 1989 and East Germany had the highest GDP and living standard amongst the former Warsaw Pact and still the united Germany had to struggle until today and transfering billions per year to the east to maintain stability. I still have to pay my monthly "Solidartätszuschlag" or solidarity tax to help the East even though that tax was limited for 10 years, it's well over 20 years now. How is a poorer and technologically inferior SK going to maintain stability and to development NK where most people don't know scheiss about anything outside their country? East Germans had easy access to West German TV and news, the contact amongst families were intensive and relatively easy and still many East Germans had huge difficulties to adapt to our system. A friend of mine works in a mental hospital and she told me that quite a lot of East Germans are there because they couldn't handle the changes.
Did West Germany had any choice or say in it? You do not need to open up a history book but just look at the recent news. When a country begins on the path of collapse, like Syria is today, did Syria's neighbors had any choice and say in it? Containment of refugees? Ask the Africans how did that turned out when one of their own collapsed. The South Koreans are surrounded by water, where will they go for relief?
Is it legal for Iran to get some weapon grade Plutonium from North Korea and sell them their satellite launch technology? Does it fall under UN rules, or no?
Götterdämmerung;2813707 said:
West Germany was the third largest economy in the world in 1989 and East Germany had the highest GDP and living standard amongst the former Warsaw Pact and still the united Germany had to struggle until today and transfering billions per year to the east to maintain stability.
ROK studied the German unification process extensively and learned what to do and what not to do. How the ROK takeover of North Korea will be different from West German takeover of East Germany.

1. Preservation of North Korean border and DMZ : Yes, the DMZ will be kept intact after the takeover. And North Korea will be turned into a Special Administrative Region with a travel restriction on residents ie North Koreans will not be allowed to visit ROK without a permit, and ROK residents will require a permit to visit North Korea.

2. Preservation of North Korean won : Currencies of the SAR previously known as North Korea will be kept as is, the only change being the face of people on the bill(No more Kim Il Sung)

3. Mass-relocation of foreign-owned factories from China. North Korea as a ROK SAR is extremely attractive to foreign companies because it is the only 3rd world wage-rate region covered by both US and EU FTAs. Tens of thousands of foreign factories looking for an exit from China will be flocking to North Korea SAR, and the North Korean economy will be growing at an annual rate of 10% for the next 20 years.

Because the ROK government's SAR plan, North Korea will enjoy an explosive growth and the ROK companies too will be getting a shot in the arm with the infusion of low-cost wage labor that they were able to get only at overseas. The full integration will not take place for 25 years and this is why the Korean unification process is much less expensive, downright affordable and even financially beneficial than the German unification process.
Is it legal for Iran to get some weapon grade Plutonium from North Korea and sell them their satellite launch technology? Does it fall under UN rules, or no?
Such transfer of weapons grade nuclear material will trigger an automatic invasion of North Korea by the US, Iraq style.

Imagine if this had a nuke on it.....
It can't. North Korea's 5 ton nukes cannot be delivered by missile or a plane.
I think China tolerated and babied North Korea too long. She should take a page from the US and initiates a 'regime change' and now is the perfect timing.
China has no power to regime change North Korea. China has no influence over North Korea, has no supporters within North Korea, and any military attempts on North Korea will be met with ROK-US counter military actions in North Korea.

China can set up Kim older brother
Kim Jong Il's eldest son is a pro-ROKer. He was kicked out from the heir position because he preached China-style reform and diplomatic normalization with the west. His own prediction is that North Korea would collapse in 5 years.

with some friendly generals
There is no pro-China generals in North Korea because Kim Jong Il killed them all, and their family members too.

We can get rid of that Kim family and install a pro-China faction within the party when it is necessary.
There is no such thing as pro-China faction in North Korea.

NK is an usual troublemaker, and we should find a new way to tame them.
There isn't a way. China has two options; let NK continue to extort China with a threat of collapse, or let North Korea collapse and have ROK takeover. China appears to have gone with the extortion option.

If USA and South Korea could stop those provocative militaty drill
They won't, because the ROK's official NK policy is the invasion at the first available opportunity.

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