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North Korea launches long-range rocket

No, this is a way to interfere with the ROK presidential election in 20 days.

Unfortunately, this doesn't work as it only helps to boost the conservatives in the polls, whose official policy is to destroy North Korea through confrontations and starvation.

It is said that Japan wants to shoot it down?
It is said that Japan wants to shoot it down?
No. They will send an AEGIS destroyer to the Yellow Sea to track it. The ROK will send its AEGIS destroyer, and the Super Green Pine radar will be operational for the first time. The US is parking its massive X-band radar in the west Pacific to track it.

In addition, there will be a dozen warships from all five countries trying to fish the North Korean rocket out of water as it lands in water.
The US doesn't trust Korea 100%, because Korea did have nuke prototypes and were 6 months away from having battle-ready nukes back in 1979 under then President Park Jong Hee. President Park planned to announce his resignation at the event of the announcement of nuclear weapons procession as the sacrificial lamb; he was willing to trade away his power for Korea's right to have nukes. This is the reason why his daughter is expected to win the presidential election in 17 days, because people have a fond memory of his father whom people consider the true patriot.

Unfortunately, Park was assassinated and his successor dictator, the most corrupt president in the past 100 years, traded away the nukes in exchange for the US recognition of his regime. So the US is paranoia about Korea having a secret fusion bomb project somewhere even today, given Korea's highly sophisticated nuclear and fusion power research.

Because you people are still g00ks in their eyes, no matter you follow capitalism or communism, and why they have to trust you?
Will Beijing, Shanghai and GuangZhou come within the range of this North Korean missile?
It is widely accepted,or at least seen in the eyes of many, that there are two modern-day colonial countries in Asia, with the US being their colonial ruler。

No prizes for guessing which two they are。:azn:
Kim Jong Un truly is the god of missile gamblers


Almost a year has passed since North Korea's new leader Kim Jong Un took power following his father's death on Dec 17, 2011. The Swiss-educated young man was widely expected to take his impoverished nation in a new direction and show a leadership different from his father's iron-fisted rule.

Since his enthronement, the twentysomething leader has repeatedly pledged to focus on building the economy and raising the standard of living, saying that it is an objective laid out for him by his father.

As recently as August, Kim told a visiting Chinese delegation that one key goal of the Workers' Party was to develop the economy and improve livelihoods so that the North Korean people can lead happy and civilized lives.

Yet he has been all talk and no action. He has not made any serious attempt to lead the isolated and destitute nation in a new direction. Like his father, he has been caught up in the illusion that nuclear weapons and long-range missiles can make North Korea a strong and prosperous state.

Now, as the first anniversary of his father's death nears, the son is preparing to commemorate him in his unique way — a rocket launch that is widely seen as a cover for a ballistic missile test.

The North's state news agency, KCNA, said on Saturday that an Unha-3 rocket will lift off between Dec. 10 and 22 to put an Earth-observing satellite into space.

The planned launch deviates from Pyongyang's past practice in two respects. First, it is the second launch attempt this year, following the failed one in April. Never before has Pyongyang made two launch attempts in a year.

The short interval between the two launches calls into question whether the North has identified the causes of the April debacle and fixed whatever went wrong. The North's space agency asserted that it had improved the reliability and precision of the satellite and carrier rocket since the April disaster.

Yet chances are high that the December launch could follow the same fate as the April one, which crashed into the sea after flying a mere 120 kilometers.

Second, Pyongyang has thus far launched rockets in the spring or summer, not in the middle of winter. This is because weather conditions are better in spring and summer than in winter. For a rocket like the North's Unha-3 that uses liquid fuel, cold weather is definitely not preferable.

When seen against this backdrop, the young North Korean leader is taking a gamble with this launch. But he appears to think that he can make political gains even if the planned launch fails again.

It is worth noting that the North's announcement came just one day after Kim met a senior official from Beijing, who delivered a letter from China's new leader Xi Jinping.

China is obviously unhappy with the North's missile test, as it goes against its policy of stabilizing the Korean Peninsula. It probably has conveyed its disapproval of the test through the envoy.

The North's decision to go ahead with its plan probably reflects Kim's intention to reassert North Korea's independence from foreign influence, even from China, its only ally.

Yet if the launch ends in failure again, the fallout could be much more serious than Kim may think. It will inevitably deal a serious blow to his leadership. It could even threaten his still shaky grip on power.

Of course, should the launch succeed, the young leader would reap handsome gains. It would not only bolster his leadership and control of the military but increase overseas demand for the North's missile technology.

Yet if he calculates that a successful missile test would improve Pyongyang's position in future negotiations with Washington and exert pressure on Seoul to change its policy on the North, he is mistaken.

He should realize that his missile threat won't change the policies of Washington or Seoul. The North's missiles can neither change the destiny of his nation nor improve the lives of his people.

Therefore, Kim should stop his missile gamble. More importantly, he should give up the ambition of becoming a nuclear power. What he needs to do is to look to Myanmar and see how a pariah state can break from isolation and get assistance from other countries.

Kim Jong Un truly is the god of missile gamblers - The China Post
North Korea has as much right as the US、India、South Korea,or indeed any other country,to develop missile and nuclear technology,for peaceful use or self-defence。

It is laughable that some countries are allowed to use nuclear weapons while others are prohibited from having same。

India is a threat to far more countries than North Korea can ever be。

Democracy is not a game only played within the boundaries of a country。

It should also be applied to the exercise of international relation。All countries are equal and should be treated such。

The US acts as if it is the absolute ruler of this world when it comes to geopolitics。

This is certainly no democracy。It is authoritarianism and hegemonism。
No. They will send an AEGIS destroyer to the Yellow Sea to track it. The ROK will send its AEGIS destroyer, and the Super Green Pine radar will be operational for the first time. The US is parking its massive X-band radar in the west Pacific to track it.

In addition, there will be a dozen warships from all five countries trying to fish the North Korean rocket out of water as it lands in water.

All that effort just to fish out an obsolete rocket?
Good luck to North Korea!

Best of luck to North Korea. If us, pakistan, israel and india can have ballistic missiles capable of carrying nuclear warheads, then why not NK?

Because they are not under American control ;)

The U.S. has a list of countries that are "outside of its control".
There is a running joke in America, what's the result of a North Korean launch Nuclear Ballistic Missile to South Korea using American made computer Processor? They will launch the rocket to China and blame it on the American processor
What happened? was it successful this time or did it blow up again?
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