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North Korea launches long-range rocket

How is that, I thought US is south Korean ally?

The US doesn't trust Korea 100%, because Korea did have nuke prototypes and were 6 months away from having battle-ready nukes back in 1979 under then President Park Jong Hee. President Park planned to announce his resignation at the event of the announcement of nuclear weapons procession as the sacrificial lamb; he was willing to trade away his power for Korea's right to have nukes. This is the reason why his daughter is expected to win the presidential election in 17 days, because people have a fond memory of his father whom people consider the true patriot.

Unfortunately, Park was assassinated and his successor dictator, the most corrupt president in the past 100 years, traded away the nukes in exchange for the US recognition of his regime. So the US is paranoia about Korea having a secret fusion bomb project somewhere even today, given Korea's highly sophisticated nuclear and fusion power research.
The US doesn't trust Korea 100%, because Korea did have nuke prototypes and were 6 months away from having battle-ready nukes back in 1979 under then President Park Jong Hee. President Park planned to announce his resignation at the event of the announcement of nuclear weapons procession as the sacrificial lamb; he was willing to trade away his power for Korea's right to have nukes. This is the reason why his daughter is expected to win the presidential election in 17 days, because people have a fond memory of his father whom people consider the true patriot.

Unfortunately, Park was assassinated and his successor dictator, the most corrupt president in the past 100 years, traded away the nukes in exchange for the US recognition of his regime. So the US is paranoia about Korea having a secret fusion bomb project somewhere even today, given Korea's highly sophisticated nuclear and fusion power research.

Your North Korean brother is actually doing a good job.
Best of luck to North Korea. If us, pakistan, israel and india can have ballistic missiles capable of carrying nuclear warheads, then why not NK?
Best of luck to North Korea. If us, pakistan, israel and india can have ballistic missiles capable of carrying nuclear warheads, then why not NK?
This UNSC ban on North Korean missile test comes as the result of nuke testing. If North Korea didn't test nukes, then there is no ground for a protest.
The US doesn't trust Korea 100%, because Korea did have nuke prototypes and were 6 months away from having battle-ready nukes back in 1979 under then President Park Jong Hee. President Park planned to announce his resignation at the event of the announcement of nuclear weapons procession as the sacrificial lamb; he was willing to trade away his power for Korea's right to have nukes. This is the reason why his daughter is expected to win the presidential election in 17 days, because people have a fond memory of his father whom people consider the true patriot.

Unfortunately, Park was assassinated and his successor dictator, the most corrupt president in the past 100 years, traded away the nukes in exchange for the US recognition of his regime. So the US is paranoia about Korea having a secret fusion bomb project somewhere even today, given Korea's highly sophisticated nuclear and fusion power research.

That's a quite revelation...now it explains all, thanks
Ah yes....North Korea....a shining example of the worker's paradise you can expect as a Chinese ally.

All countries should have the right to own nukes.

I agree....you can't keep it exclusive forever. What is needed is a way to make them obsolete. And if NK misuses them...make SK an island.
Best of luck to North Korea. If us, pakistan, israel and india can have ballistic missiles capable of carrying nuclear warheads, then why not NK?


Which ballistic missile does Bangladesh has & can you post a credible link substantiating that ?
Dude, i typed us, since i am using a tablet. I didnt mean Bangladesh, i meant united states of America. You can google it, i am sure you will a million results.

I did ma'am, but even on the first page it kept showing results for Pakistan or India ! No Bangladesh.

I can find no evidence to suggest that Bangladesh has any ballistic missiles.
Some updates.

1. Xi Jinping sent his personal letter to Kim Jong Un stating two things. One. Visit China This Year, you will be the first foreign head to be invited. Two. Don't test the missile in return. Kim Jong Un replied that it was North Korea's rights to test missiles, and that he would decline Xi's invitation if China insisted on not testing the missile.

2. According to the wreckage analysis of the last failed missile, North Korea appears to have trouble load balancing between multiple engines and this was the cause of failure.
If Japan,a country that is supposedly constrained by its “Peace Constitution”, is allowed to test long-range missiles in the name of launching satellites,then North Korea has every right to do the same。

absolutely! and I dont know why indians and false falgger are so hyped up cheerleading about something which is none of their concern again!
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