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North Korea could amass 100 nuclear weapons by 2020, U.S. study warns


Jul 29, 2012
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North Korea could amass 100 nuclear weapons by 2020, U.S. study warns

WASHINGTON – North Korea appears poised to expand its nuclear program over the next five years and in a worst-case scenario could possess 100 atomic arms by 2020, U.S. researchers warned Tuesday.

And cutting-edge European companies could be unwittingly contributing to Pyongyang’s suspect nuclear program with their equipment diverted to the isolated country via China, the researchers said.

Unveiling the first results of what will be a 15-month study, Joel Wit, senior fellow at the U.S.-Korea Institute at Johns Hopkins University, said some of their conclusions were very “disturbing.”

Although North Korea’s nuclear program remains shrouded in uncertainty, it is currently believed to have a stockpile of 10 to 16 nuclear weapons fashioned from either plutonium or weapons-grade uranium.

Using satellite imagery, North Korean media reports and their deep knowledge of nuclear programs, Wit and veteran nuclear nonproliferation expert David Albright have drawn up three possible scenarios based on the progress Pyongyang made from 2009 to 2014.

Those years, which followed the 2008 collapse of international six-party nuclear talks, were “banner years” for Pyongyang’s nuclear program and missile systems development, Wit said.

“For these kinds of programs there have been developments that make it at least more possible to predict the future,” Wit said. “We’re making our best guess about the future.”

In the first scenario, Pyongyang would almost double its stockpile to about 20 weapons, including plutonium-based weapons that have been miniaturized sufficiently to be mounted on its Rodong-class medium-range ballistic missile, capable of reaching Japan.

In the second, and most likely scenario, North Korea continues its current trajectory and manages to produce 50 weapons by 2020.

It would also make significant advances in miniaturization technology enabling it to mount warheads on a new generation of intermediate-range ballistic missiles.

In what Wit dubbed “the worst-case scenario,” the North Korean stockpile would grow more rapidly to 100 weapons and make “significant advances” in weapons designs to enable it to potentially deploy battlefield and tactical weapons.

“This is a pretty scary scenario, where we are seeing a dramatic expansion in North Korea’s stockpile,” Wit said.

North Korea carried out nuclear tests in 2006, 2009 and 2013. It also regularly launches missile tests, triggering international condemnation.

Despite a network of international sanctions, Pyongyang is able to acquire equipment, even from Western countries, which in some cases is bought by private Chinese companies and transported across the Chinese-North Korean border, said Albright.

“Just cracking down on the border could do a lot, and they (China) do very little now,” said Albright, who exposed flaws in U.S. claims in 2003 that Iraq had large stocks of nuclear and chemical weapons.

U.S. lawmakers introduced legislation earlier this month that would widen sanctions by imposing harsher penalties on foreign companies doing business with Pyongyang.
Good, the Great leader Kim jong Un can do it with the help from Russia, and after that at least 80 nuke warhead will point to Beijing

China should return the land they stole from Korea before too late. :pop:
Good, the Great leader Kim jong Un can do it with the help from Russia, and after that at least 80 nuke warhead will point to Beijing :pop:

China's one nuke is more powerful than North Korea's entire nuclear stockpile.

Their dirty fission bombs are more symbolic than practical.
China's one nuke is more powerful than North Korea's entire nuclear stockpile.

Their dirty fission bombs are more symbolic than practical.
But great leader Kim jong Un simply doesnt care, does he look worry about China army when he even defy mighty US ?? :pop:
This will prevent the reunification of korea.It's certainly good.Imagine they have so many powerful weapons,then they surely wouldn't bow down to South korea even the kim regime were replaced by someone else.
Good, the Great leader Kim jong Un can do it with the help from Russia, and after that at least 80 nuke warhead will point to Beijing

China should return the land they stole from Korea before too late. :pop:
I think everyone knows at whom those nukes would be pointed. Increasing the numbers isn't that important the delivery system is.
I think everyone knows at whom those nukes would be pointed. Increasing the numbers isn't that important the delivery system is.

NK has quite good balistic missiles could deliver the warheads to 5000+ km.

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North Korea could amass 100 nuclear weapons by 2020, U.S. study warns

WASHINGTON – North Korea appears poised to expand its nuclear program over the next five years and in a worst-case scenario could possess 100 atomic arms by 2020, U.S. researchers warned Tuesday.

And cutting-edge European companies could be unwittingly contributing to Pyongyang’s suspect nuclear program with their equipment diverted to the isolated country via China, the researchers said.

Unveiling the first results of what will be a 15-month study, Joel Wit, senior fellow at the U.S.-Korea Institute at Johns Hopkins University, said some of their conclusions were very “disturbing.”

Although North Korea’s nuclear program remains shrouded in uncertainty, it is currently believed to have a stockpile of 10 to 16 nuclear weapons fashioned from either plutonium or weapons-grade uranium.

Using satellite imagery, North Korean media reports and their deep knowledge of nuclear programs, Wit and veteran nuclear nonproliferation expert David Albright have drawn up three possible scenarios based on the progress Pyongyang made from 2009 to 2014.

Those years, which followed the 2008 collapse of international six-party nuclear talks, were “banner years” for Pyongyang’s nuclear program and missile systems development, Wit said.

“For these kinds of programs there have been developments that make it at least more possible to predict the future,” Wit said. “We’re making our best guess about the future.”

In the first scenario, Pyongyang would almost double its stockpile to about 20 weapons, including plutonium-based weapons that have been miniaturized sufficiently to be mounted on its Rodong-class medium-range ballistic missile, capable of reaching Japan.

In the second, and most likely scenario, North Korea continues its current trajectory and manages to produce 50 weapons by 2020.

It would also make significant advances in miniaturization technology enabling it to mount warheads on a new generation of intermediate-range ballistic missiles.

In what Wit dubbed “the worst-case scenario,” the North Korean stockpile would grow more rapidly to 100 weapons and make “significant advances” in weapons designs to enable it to potentially deploy battlefield and tactical weapons.

“This is a pretty scary scenario, where we are seeing a dramatic expansion in North Korea’s stockpile,” Wit said.

North Korea carried out nuclear tests in 2006, 2009 and 2013. It also regularly launches missile tests, triggering international condemnation.

Despite a network of international sanctions, Pyongyang is able to acquire equipment, even from Western countries, which in some cases is bought by private Chinese companies and transported across the Chinese-North Korean border, said Albright.

“Just cracking down on the border could do a lot, and they (China) do very little now,” said Albright, who exposed flaws in U.S. claims in 2003 that Iraq had large stocks of nuclear and chemical weapons.

U.S. lawmakers introduced legislation earlier this month that would widen sanctions by imposing harsher penalties on foreign companies doing business with Pyongyang.


Instead of using that capital for developing agriculture , Kim is building nukes. Unpractical.
North Korea could have 1000 nukes by 2020... wouldn't change the stone cold fact that they would be committing national suicide if they ever used them.

In addition, the NK regime wants to stay in power at all costs. By first strike nuking someone would be the absolute quickest way for that regime to come to a very quick end. The regime may be a lot of things, suicidal is not one of them.

Instead of using that capital for developing agriculture , Kim is building nukes. Unpractical.
Russia will give money to Mr Kim to build more nuke to destroy US and maybe China,too.
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Forget economy, development, social reforms, global relations, future.

Some countries are just interested in making nukes after nukes after nukes after nukes and be just proud about it.


Russia will give money to Mr Kim to build more nuke to destroy US and maybe China,too.

So , in other words, they will perpetuate their begging bowl nature?

And to believe that Heijo (Pyongyang) used to be a thriving industrial city under Japanese times...:disagree:
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