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North Korea could amass 100 nuclear weapons by 2020, U.S. study warns

Saying that China only has 250 nukes is like saying our gold reserve is still 1054 tons.

Even a person with a pea brain can figure it out.

You should blame the govt, if you think you have more but the transparency is low so the actual figures never been publicized, instead of blame foreigners members are naive. As I read Hollande claimed he got 300 ready warheads, but that's not all.

You can't both hiding things and be proud of those things in public.
You should blame the govt, if you think you have more but the transparency is low so the actual figures never been publicized, instead of blame foreigners members are naive. As I read Hollande claimed he got 300 ready warheads, but that's not all.

You can't both hiding things and be proud of those things in public.

I am ok with the lack of transparency, since we don't want to stir up the nerve here.

When we suddenly claim that we are expanding our nuclear arsenal, do think what would be the reactions of our neighbors? They will all fear of us, not good for our global economic plan.

But I am no ok when they are blowing the threat of North Korea out of proportion.
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But I am no ok when they are blowing the threat of North Korea out of proportion.

Do you think the 145 makes sense you?

So NK can make 100, while China only 145?

Frankly, NK's bomb hasn't reached the parity of China's first fission bomb back in 1964.

Tell to your hawks to stop brainwashing you folks and warmongering over us.

Oh I get your point.

You want the US report says that you has more and NK has less warheads.
For example, 1000 vs 10
Why you don't make your own report claims that you have xxxx warheads and NK has None.
Do you actually believe the words you just typed? North Korea won't be nuking/destroying anyone. As they know they would be nuked right back into oblivion. Please grasp a little reality.

North Korea won't be nuking anyone. But Lil Kim and his boys won't think twice about nuking someone if they think they're going to get ousted and tried for war crimes. What are we going to do then? Nuke millions of North Koreans knowing fully well that they had nothing to do with it?
Oh I get your point.

You want the US report says that you has more and NK has less warheads.
For example, 1000 vs 10
Why you don't make your own report claims that you have xxxx warheads and NK has None.

We hope the US to stop making the fear mongering reports, but it is obviously impossible.
I want the US to stop making the fear mongering reports, but it is obviously impossible.

American could update their report annually, but the main point is NK should stop putting money into nuke weapon but focus on building the peace there. That benefit for all neighbors and their people.

The death penalty for a killer doesn't make an impact to an ordinary who never been a killer.
American could update their report annually, but the main point is NK should stop putting money into nuke weapon but focus on building the peace there. That benefit for all neighbors and their people.

Well, in the reality, NK is probably still struggling to make a fission that is comparable to China's first atomic bomb back in 1964.

To claim that they can suddenly make 100 nukes is simply absurd.
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North Korea won't be nuking anyone. But Lil Kim and his boys won't think twice about nuking someone if they think they're going to get ousted and tried for war crimes. What are we going to do then? Nuke millions of North Koreans knowing fully well that they had nothing to do with it?

if backed into a corner/attacked first and on the verge of defeat or death, then they would most likely use them. In my previous post on page one, before the one you quoted. I had said

"NK regime wants to stay in power at all costs. By first strike nuking someone would be the absolute quickest way for that regime to come to a very quick end."

They won't be first strike nuking anyone. They want to live just like everyone else. That's basically what I was trying to convey to the other poster. if they're attacked-ousted first, well that's obviously a completely different story.
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Well, in the reality, NK is probably struggling to make a fission that is comparable to China's first atomic bomb back in 1964.

To claim that they can suddenly make 100 nukes is simply absurd.

Read carefully, American estimated that by 2020 NK could get 100 nuke weapons.
What make you believe that they can't get that in time ?

My 2 cents, you should clear your mind about comparison. No matter how many Russia, USA has, but they stop building more, NK in another way going to improve and build more. Let guess what they would have next 6 years ?
Read carefully, American estimated that by 2020 NK could get 100 nuke weapons.
What make you believe that they can't get that in time ?

My 2 cents, you should clear your mind about comparison. No matter how many Russia, USA has, but they stop building more, NK in another way going to improve and build more. Let guess what they would have next 6 years ?

In just 5 years, it won't make a major difference.

Since their current nuclear capability isn't much improving compared to 5 years ago.
In just 5 years, it won't make a major difference.

Since their current nuclear capability isn't much improving compared to 5 years ago.

Are you the insider ? American wouldn't be more comfortable after hearing your seem-to-be groundless statement.
Are you the insider ?

Just look at all their nuclear tests, none of them were actually even fully complete fission tests.

Any person with the critical thinking capability can figure out that they are still struggling to make a legitimate fission bomb, let alone a fusion one.
Just look at all their nuclear tests, none of them were actually even fully complete fission tests.

Any person with the critical thinking capability can figure out that they are still struggling to make a legitimate fission bomb, let alone a fusion one.

Not all of their tests are available to "look at". What's your magical goggles ?

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