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North Korea: China is a ‘Turncoat and our Enemy’

I keep the lights on just in case, and I called ADT today, they will be installing an alarm system in my apartment. I don't know what good that'll do, but at least I'm trying. :D
The status quo is better for everyone, since NK doesn't have the capability to annex SK, while SK cannot feed some extra 20 million poor North Koreans.
You mean it is better for China while the North Koreans suffers.

When -- not if -- NKR collapse, and it will be in our lifetime, neither China nor SKR will have any say in it. Short of preemptively taking over NKR now, China cannot stop the inevitable. When NKR does collapse, the SKR-eans are not going to start streaming over the borders, but the NKR-eans will start streaming over the Chinese borders. If the current Chinese leadership is wise enough about this, China should have a plan in place, whether to send troops into NKR and effectively take over the country, or to start shooting the Koreans. South Korea will wait until the chaos subsided somewhat before doing anything. SKR will wait and see what China will do. The South Koreans cannot deny or evade their responsibility towards their country. They will take over and they will find ways to assimilate the North Koreans. The US and Japan will stand ready to help. Things will not be easy for Korea. Not North or South Korea. They will no longer exists. Just Korea, as it was. But the Koreans will prevail and the US will stand by them.

In the end, if China does not take over North Korea, China will have eggs on her face.
Let them keep splitting forever, do you wanna a united Korea to claim our Northeast Provinces?
Our land border is set and recognize by all international actors. Our fear is not about what united Korea claims. They don't have enough power to wrestle with us.. Even if they have basis, they wouldn't dare. We should not be afraid of a united Korea without US's meddling. In fact, we have live with this united Korea before, thousand of years.
You are one pathetic communist. I guess you never learned from Party skool what happened back in 1991.

Let me help you...

Dissolution of the Soviet Union - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Let me help u to learn the lesson from Crime again.

The next could be ur Alaska, so, from now, u should learn how to praise our Great man Kim jong Un, dude :pop:
Russian fundamentalists sue US, want Alaska back
Moscow, Mar 17, 2013, Agencies:
Gay matter

US President Barack Obama must have known that his support of gay marriage would bring him trouble. But of all possible repercussions, a demand to roll back Alaska's 1867 sale to the US was one he was unlikely to have seen coming.
Russian fundamentalists sue US, want Alaska back
Let me help u to learn the lesson from Crime again.
The next could be ur Alaska, so, from now, u should learn how to praise our Great man Kim jong Un, dude :pop:
The US is not the Ukraine. I know you are not a very smart guy, but I still have hope that there might be a spark of intelligence somewhere. I recommend this book for you...

The Revenge of Geography: What the Map Tells Us About Coming Conflicts and the Battle Against Fate: Robert D. Kaplan: 9781400069835: Amazon.com: Books

Finally...Stop using words like 'dude'. It makes you looks stupid. You are not an American so stop talking like an American teenager. You want to be taken seriously, which no one took you seriously to start, I suggest you use as much proper English as your education allows.
The US is not the Ukraine. I know you are not a very smart guy, but I still have hope that there might be a spark of intelligence somewhere. I recommend this book for you...

The Revenge of Geography: What the Map Tells Us About Coming Conflicts and the Battle Against Fate: Robert D. Kaplan: 9781400069835: Amazon.com: Books

Finally...Stop using words like 'dude'. It makes you looks stupid. You are not an American so stop talking like an American teenager. You want to be taken seriously, which no one took you seriously to start, I suggest you use as much proper English as your education allows.
We have plenty of time to wait and see big brother Russia will annex the whole EU and then the Alaska after that. And with the raise of Taliban , people soon will see US citizen willing to join in Russia to get a better protection.

US economy is going down , u can not stop the revenge of Taliban to USA coz u dont have enough $$ to keep going war with them. SO, u'd better learn how to praise Great comrade Kim jong Un now to get the protection for our own safety :laugh:
THe problem with Edmonton is that it has a huge urban sprawl for its population size. It feels a lot smaller than it is, at least with respect to its population.There is no centralization here. Even the downtown is like a small village. Whyte Ave is nice I agree. There is even a persian restaurant there :D but I never tried it. You don't like west edmonton mall?
To me, the biggest problem is how run down the entire city looks and feels like. I agree 100% with the comment about the DT area. First time I visited the down town my jaw was on the floor @ how dead it was. Vancouver's down town (I grew up in Van city) has 11 times the density compared to Edmonton and it's mostly residential as well.

Whyte ave isn't even that great, but it's better than the rest of the city. And yeah, there used to be a Persian restaurant on Whyte, but they relocated and I haven't been there since. I went there twice when they were still on Whyte. There's also another Persian restaurant in the city, but I haven't had a chance to visit them yet.

West Edm. Mall is interesting, but it's still a mall. I've been there quite a few times though. When it's infinity below zero outside the entire city seems to flock towards that stupid mall lol

How long have you been on this frozen piece of ice?
We have plenty of time to wait and see big brother Russia will annex the whole EU and then the Alaska after that. And with the raise of Taliban , people soon will see US citizen willing to join in Russia to get a better protection.

US economy is going down , u can not stop the revenge of Taliban to USA coz u dont have enough $$ to keep going war with them. SO, u'd better learn how to praise Great comrade Kim jong Un now to get the protection for our own safety :laugh:
Looks like I have to resign myself to the fact that there is no spark of intelligence in you after all. It is true: That communism make people stupid. You are definitive proof of that.
Yeah, definitely. Detroit is actually bankrupt.

Thank you, yeah I actually like Cali more. But my best job offer was from Detroit so I moved here. True, Hong Kong is very expensive, but the major that I graduated in is best taught there ;) I don't even know why Chinese parents send their Children to U.S. probably because Hong Kong is too expensive for them.

I'm not working in that department, I'm in the R&D department, but to tell you the truth secrets are well-kept within the company and are not released until public announcement, but my own guess would be in April. Probably mid-April onward.

I bought a crappy Honda for myself, old Honda, because I'm currently not living in the "best" neighborhood :D
I'll see your old Honda and raise you an old chevy 4 door lol

I'm a cheap bastard, but if I manage to convince myself to loosen up a bit, I might trade my old piece of shit for a 2015 Mustang. I don't see my Jew *** spending that much money in one go though. We'll see lol

I keep the lights on just in case, and I called ADT today, they will be installing an alarm system in my apartment. I don't know what good that'll do, but at least I'm trying. :D

Is it actually that bad?

Oh Detroit lol
Looks like I have to resign myself to the fact that there is no spark of intelligence in you after all. It is true: That communism make people stupid. You are definitive proof of that.
Im good at making $$ from stock market, no need u to enlighten me more. As VNese I suggest that u should beg for North Korea or Russia protection against Taliban threat now.

Dont die in bloody sky-building in hijack attack bcz of refusing protection form Mr. Putin . Taliban is raising very fast as ur troop fleeing from Apganistan :laugh:
To me, the biggest problem is how run down the entire city looks and feels like. I agree 100% with the comment about the DT area. First time I visited the down town my jaw was on the floor @ how dead it was. Vancouver's down town (I grew up in Van city) has 11 times the density compared to Edmonton and it's mostly residential as well.

Whyte ave isn't even that great, but it's better than the rest of the city. And yeah, there used to be a Persian restaurant on Whyte, but they relocated and I haven't been there since. I went there twice when they were still on Whyte. There's also another Persian restaurant in the city, but I haven't had a chance to visit them yet.

West Edm. Mall is interesting, but it's still a mall. I've been there quite a few times though. When it's infinity below zero outside the entire city seems to flock towards that stupid mall lol

How long have you been on this frozen piece of ice?

The funny thing is that Canadians think they live so much better than Brazilians and that Brazil is a shithole. But when compared to cities like Edmonton, Brazilian cities are much more lively and modern. Look at Edmonton's roads. They are so bad. The government never fixes anything. Edmonton must have the worst roads in North America.
Yea, Vancouver is nice I've heard. I haven't been there but it seems like a much bigger city than Edmonton. Even Calgary is much better than Edmonton.
Yea there is still a persian restaurant on Whyte. And yea you're right. Whyte Ave kinda sucks and the club/bar scene there is so bad. The problem is again, a lack of centralization. People from west go to WEM, people from south go to South common, from north probably have their own ghetto clubs lol. Some go to Jasper Ave. It's not worth it to drive all the way to Whyte from a completely different part of the city. I go to WEM to do my shopping and go to the theater. It's not a bad mall but it can get boring pretty quickly if you go there a lot.
I've been here for a year now. What about you?
Barking dog seldom bite, naughty dog should get punished
SO, best luck for u guys American, dont die again in sky building. Taliban is rising very fast now. U guys still have time to flee to Russia now :laugh:

You are either mega trolling, or are completely delusional and living in a dream world. Despite that, I still will not judge Vietnamese people based on your ramblings and belligerence. I know most Vietnamese are humble and friendly.
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