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North East Calls Boycott of Rebublic days (India).

First of all , My apologize that I forgot to mention Militants in Thread's title.. It happened by mistake .:fie: and I reveiwed now wat were all members were shouting for about the thread title:P.. But It happened by mistake...I request to Mod just add militants after North east in Thread's Title...

Oh! Can you share something about NE bloodline ? Are they Nepalese or Burmese? Cuz there faces look different than the people living in other parts of india.
Nepalese and Burmese are modern names referring to citizens of different nations,I guess you want to know more about race thingy. ok my knowledge is not so good neither there has been any studies done on anthropology of natives of this part of India,so our understanding is very fragmented.

The most earliest inhabitant of this part of the land were the austro-asiatic people who settled here during there migration from across the vast plains of India to southeast Asia. They were the first wave of migrants (I m talking of stone age here okay).. There descendants can still be found in plains of Assam and among Khasi-Jaintia people of state of meghalaya (infact the Khasi and Pnar language belongs to same family as the Khmer <Austro-asiatic>)

This was followed by huge wave of migration (or more appropriately waves)of mongoloid people from south china and tibet into this land, remember this happened long before chinese civilization(probably bronze age or stone age time--or whatever is ancient) started and hence they didnot bring anything resembling present day china (culturally).This happened all over south east asia where they mixed with previously settelled austro-asiatic people. Waves after waves of migration continued and all settled in different part of NE and developed their own distinct culture and tradition .They also developed languages which resembled in some way to what were originally spoken by common ancestor and hence in modern times all were clubbed together in tibeto-burman family by british. But the fact is that we are neither tibetan nor burmese but closely related and devloped group of people.

Looong after these the third wave of migration from present time India (aryans/Dravidian Caucasoid whatever ) occured, but mostly limited to western Assam and present day bangladesh. Gradually civilization dawned on here and villages lead to developement of small kingdoms like Kingdom of Manipur , Kacahri kingdoms (parallel to those in South East asia like Burma ,Cambodia) . People of mainland India had some contact with us then which lead to our mentioning in epic like Mahabharata and Ramayana..

Some more time later precisely around 13th century another group of interesting people arrived here from east who changed the ancient geopolitical system of northeast they were shan (tai) people who called themselve ahoms. they conqured the land either by peace or by war , defeated the kacharis and established their capital in present day sivsagar town. they defated the western kingdom of koch people and established strong administration in the state of assam . They also invited priest and other scholars from Ujjain(present day UP-Bihar) and strted the aryanisation/hindunistaion (vedic term) of plains of assam.They also kept the mughal at bay and defeated them many times and never allowed them to enter the northeast (hence no mughal influence in north east), until the fall of ahom in the hands of british in modern times , when we truely became a part of India.

so basically the plains of assam is inhabited by two kinds of people mongoloid people(ahoms and other tribes) and the caucosoid(scholars and priest and other who setteled here<together both forms the modern assamese community>) surrounded all around by mongoloid tribes and communities of different kinds.

I hope this answers your question
Any NE indian from manipur?

i'm breaking my b@lls trying to understand this movie

just the summary will do
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Time to give freedom to them , thanks for your support against Indian occupation in norht east....actually the north east are chinese

how about Baluchistan. lolz it is an party only. do you know how many states in NE??? how suppose it is applicable to entire NE India. look after your own business
how about Baluchistan. lolz it is an party only. do you know how many states in NE??? how suppose it is applicable to entire NE India. look after your own business

Don't wake up the troll. Let him be happy in his own imaginary world.
Any NE indian from manipur?

i'm breaking my b@lls trying to understand this movie

just the summary will do

I don`t understand meiti but it was hilarious , the teacher at 5:30 :smitten::smitten::smitten::smitten:
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Nepalese and Burmese are modern names referring to citizens of different nations,I guess you want to know more about race thingy. ok my knowledge is not so good neither there has been any studies done on anthropology of natives of this part of India,so our understanding is very fragmented.

The most earliest inhabitant of this part of the land were the austro-asiatic people who settled here during there migration from across the vast plains of India to southeast Asia. They were the first wave of migrants (I m talking of stone age here okay).. There descendants can still be found in plains of Assam and among Khasi-Jaintia people of state of meghalaya (infact the Khasi and Pnar language belongs to same family as the Khmer <Austro-asiatic>)

This was followed by huge wave of migration (or more appropriately waves)of mongoloid people from south china and tibet into this land, remember this happened long before chinese civilization(probably bronze age or stone age time--or whatever is ancient) started and hence they didnot bring anything resembling present day china (culturally).This happened all over south east asia where they mixed with previously settelled austro-asiatic people. Waves after waves of migration continued and all settled in different part of NE and developed their own distinct culture and tradition .They also developed languages which resembled in some way to what were originally spoken by common ancestor and hence in modern times all were clubbed together in tibeto-burman family by british. But the fact is that we are neither tibetan nor burmese but closely related and devloped group of people.

Looong after these the third wave of migration from present time India (aryans/Dravidian Caucasoid whatever ) occured, but mostly limited to western Assam and present day bangladesh. Gradually civilization dawned on here and villages lead to developement of small kingdoms like Kingdom of Manipur , Kacahri kingdoms (parallel to those in South East asia like Burma ,Cambodia) . People of mainland India had some contact with us then which lead to our mentioning in epic like Mahabharata and Ramayana..

Some more time later precisely around 13th century another group of interesting people arrived here from east who changed the ancient geopolitical system of northeast they were shan (tai) people who called themselve ahoms. they conqured the land either by peace or by war , defeated the kacharis and established their capital in present day sivsagar town. they defated the western kingdom of koch people and established strong administration in the state of assam . They also invited priest and other scholars from Ujjain(present day UP-Bihar) and strted the aryanisation/hindunistaion (vedic term) of plains of assam.They also kept the mughal at bay and defeated them many times and never allowed them to enter the northeast (hence no mughal influence in north east), until the fall of ahom in the hands of british in modern times , when we truely became a part of India.

so basically the plains of assam is inhabited by two kinds of people mongoloid people(ahoms and other tribes) and the caucosoid(scholars and priest and other who setteled here<together both forms the modern assamese community>) surrounded all around by mongoloid tribes and communities of different kinds.

I hope this answers your question
OK Pretty informative.. Now Wat are the reservations of militant organizations? I mean Nobody will picks up the weapons with out any solid reason..
Any NE indian from manipur?

i'm breaking my b@lls trying to understand this movie

just the summary will do

it is a digital film from manipur ,title school karusi meaning let go to school

one of the girl is new to the class so , they are trying to befriend her.
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OK Pretty informative.. Now Wat are the reservations of militant organizations? I mean Nobody will picks up the weapons with out any solid reason..

isnt it obvious? a stagnant economy with low job opportunities produce frustrated youngsters who take up arms. similar to what is happening in pakistan today.

NE india was isolated economically from rest of india due to denial of transition rights through Bangladesh. just look at an indian map to figure out why.
i saw ...you are from sikkim ...which is occupied by India///dont worry you people....Chines has risen and it will give you freedom by attack India...they are saviours of 21st century

I am not trolling here . Just trying to give you a perspective about your statement up there.

Let me try a weird theory in the lines of your statement.

The Chinese have risen...... The godless-commies will spank the Islamists and fanatics of Pakistan and grant freedom from military-mullah establishment to the people of:

Islamic republic of Punjabistan
Republic of Sindhudesh
Islamic Republic of Bulchistan
Islamic emirates of Afghanistan(which includes NWFP)

How about that now?

Again, don't call me troll, I was just trying to put up a mirror. :toast_sign:
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