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No proof of Indian involvement in Balochistan: Hillary to Pakistan

The Neocons want to enforce the New World Order and doing so they have to whipe out more than half of the World's Population . The whole game is being played from this prespective .
Indians should not feel happy for the US stance coz it poses more danger to India than its traditional enemy Pakistan.
From what ever I have read Pakistan has found few things manufactured in India.
with this, every little can be proved.
Maoists in India have Chinese made guns can Indian claim there involvement. Do not premature in claiming these things or else you made yourself kiddish before international community.

I think not much will happen in these issues look at mumbai instant what happened when it presented more solid proofs than above to international community.It could just get issue red corner issue against perpetrator or label him banned as terrorist by UN.

At last he is free citizen let off by court.

"when it comes to strategic interests justice rarely prevails".
It does not mean I support claim India sponsor these things in Pakistan if it is I regret and condemn it.
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you will see India's real face and you will not be alone who would see that. Time is near when Indian friends would be giving Kashmir and Punjab as their excuse for their doings in Baluchistan and you wont have to wait longer for that.

Kashmir and Punjab are not excuse :no: they are the reasons :agree: if India is involved in Baluchistan and other parts of Pakistan. :devil:

Do ISI think that RAW will keep mum if they (ISI) will create nuisance in Inida :no: :no: the best covert operation is that which never leaves a proof but is well known that who is involved in it. :tup:
India must explain role in terrorism in Pakistan: FO

ISLAMABAD: The Foreign Office (FO) on Thursday asked New Delhi to explain India’s conduct in promoting terrorism in the region. Responding to earlier remarks made by the Indian foreign secretary, an FO spokesperson said, “India must explain its own conduct in sponsoring and abetting terrorism and militancy in our region.” The spokesperson took exception to the Indian foreign secretary’s reported remarks that the international community should put pressure on Pakistan “to implement its stated commitment to deal with terror groups”. staff report

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
It is widely know Pakistan involvement inside India to create nuisance and now Pakistan is calming India role inside Pakistan.
Seems like India saying you play game even I am play too both can play ...
Your entire argument is based on assumptions......

Except for saying that India's presence in Afghanistan makes Pakistan nervous....neither has McChristal implicated India, nor has he presented any proof....

What I fail to understand is how easily and naively you guys forget that the US is paying their hard earned Tax payer dollars to Pakistan as aid so it can fight an enemy that can be as easily eliminated as telling India to stop.......
And not just that....after knowing that India is involved in fomenting trouble in Pakistan...leading to more strain on the US.....the US decides to arm India with the latest weapons, civilian nuclear deal and other incentives.......
Do you think the Americans are stupid to support India, Pay Pakistan to fight the Talibs and at the same time suffer losses in their troops on a daily basis just so they can befriend India.....
Is it just me or are u guys getting delusional-paranoid as each day passes....
Please calm down and think rationally.....


No point in explaining all this... No one is going to listen to you because people have already made up their mind. I have been discussing the same thing with many members but to no avail.

I regret that most of the members here have attitude like "My country is saint and yours is an evil attitude"...Now i am not vindicating india's role in Baluchistan(if any) but then i ask the same members who are saying india is supporting millitancy in Baloch what is their stand on Pakistan doing the same in Kashmir from last two decades???

Also no-one wants to give a thought that if it is in india's interest to help TTP??? Even if we say india is evil and imperailistic and would love to kill innocents just to destabalize pak yet how can india harm her own interests by helping TTP who is our enemy???
It is widely know Pakistan involvement inside India to create nuisance and now Pakistan is calming India role inside Pakistan.
Seems like India saying you play game even I am play too both can play ...

Please, let's not forget that india was the one who started supporting insurgencies dating back to 1971.

I have said this many times before and I will say this again. TTP and india are not enemies. If anything they are friends. Their interests and goals are not too different. TTP's only target is Pakistan and Pakistani state and india can use that to destabilize Pakistan so as to call the world to denuclearize Pakistan. It's not really as simple as you make it look like.

I regret that most of the members here have attitude like "My country is saint and yours is an evil attitude"...

I am afraid this attitude is not shown by Pakistanis, but in fact is shown by indians as evident here.
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What I fail to understand is how easily and naively you guys forget that the US is paying their hard earned Tax payer dollars to Pakistan as aid so it can fight an enemy that can be as easily eliminated as telling India to stop.......
And not just that....after knowing that India is involved in fomenting trouble in Pakistan...leading to more strain on the US.....the US decides to arm India with the latest weapons, civilian nuclear deal and other incentives.......
Do you think the Americans are stupid to support India, Pay Pakistan to fight the Talibs and at the same time suffer losses in their troops on a daily basis just so they can befriend India.....
Is it just me or are u guys getting delusional-paranoid as each day passes....
Please calm down and think rationally.....

Please, you're the one being naive here. It is not in US interest to admit that india is behind terrorist activities. Why? Because it will only stop terrorism in Pakistan, not in Afghanistan. And it gives Pakistan reason to pull out troops of Western Pakistan and pressure the world to close down indian terror embassy/consulates/information centers, etc.
Pakistani Media isn't so botched up that it'd not report this proclamation of Ms. Devil Clinton. Indian media is immature to a considerable extent.
I have said this many times before and I will say this again. TTP and india are not enemies. If anything they are friends. Their interests and goals are not too different. TTP's only target is Pakistan and Pakistani state and india can use that to destabilize Pakistan so as to call the world to denuclearize Pakistan. It's not really as simple as you make it look like.
Ok keep living in denial mode..all your problems are because of foreign hand(Us..India...Israel)... but i want to ask you few questions...

a) Has TTP any public support in Pakistan(It might be diminishing now)...If yes then what is the ideology??
b) What is their stand on Kashmir??
c) My understanding is they want "Sharia" in pakistan..once they do that they will take on the real enemy ..India...
d) We always say ISI is very powerful...RAW is noting compare to ISI...then how come RAW is able to cause so much damage to Pakistan??? I hope you are not saying RAW,CIA,Mossad all are working in tandem to de-nuclarize Pakistan by bombing the **** out of them...

I am afraid this attitude is not shown by Pakistanis, but in fact is shown by indians as evident here.

^^^^ this kind of attitude is regrettable..I never said that Indians or Pakistani...but you could not help pointing it out..anyways look around and you will see people from both sides...
Please, the denial mode is coming from indians. We have sources within the army and ISI who have UNDENIABLE evidence of indian involvement - and loads of such evidence - and they present the proof to the government, but government does nothing. This is from WITHIN the army and ISI. You can deny all you want, but we have reason to believe that india is heavily involved in supporting TTP. Stop telling me what to believe and what not to believe. Just because the proof is not public, doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

Additionally, I doubt US or Israel involvement, so don't put words in my mouth. I am 100% sure of indian involvement however.

As for your questions.

1. They have very little support. Your second sub-question of first question makes little sense and I don't quite understand what you're asking.

2. They have hardly ever mentioned Kashmir.

3. Please, cut the crap. How many times I have to mention this. If their real enemy was in india, they would be attacking india right now. TTP's enemy is not india, it's Pakistan. GET THAT THROUGH YOUR SKULL.

4. They suck at gathering real intelligence, but they might be good at doing terrorism. You see, they did pretty good in 1971 in regards to sponsering terrorists. No reason why they can't do it again.
So it seems like RAW only specializes in spreading terroism while is incompetent in intelligence gathering.
TTP is Pakistan's enemy? Nah. They love Pakistan a lot. Infact, they love Pakistan so much that they want to make the whole of Pakistan like them.
Please, the denial mode is coming from indians.
of-course you are in denial mode. As a rule of thumb people can take advantage of bad situations...they cannot just create something out of nothing and then take advantage of it...As you yourself said they have little public support..are you saying even your public is RAW agents???

We have sources within the army and ISI who have UNDENIABLE evidence of indian involvement - and loads of such evidence - and they present the proof to the government, but government does nothing. This is from WITHIN the army and ISI. You can deny all you want, but we have reason to believe that india is heavily involved in supporting TTP. Stop telling me what to believe and what not to believe. Just because the proof is not public, doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

Buddy this is not fair... I am part of the same public who unlike you don't have such strong contacts within ISI or Army that i can get to know classified information...Thus i can comment based on the knowledge i have and putting logic into it...MY understanding is that in pakistan Army is the main player...You are saying that Army and ISI have tons and tons of information but your government is ignoring those proofs..IN other words your own government is India's agent because even after knowing that India is kiiling innocent pakistani people GOP is doing nothing about it???

Honestly i will be more than happy to change my state in case i get some logical reasoning from you rather than statements but i guess this time you have taken a bit too far...

Additionally, I doubt US or Israel involvement, so don't put words in my mouth. I am 100% sure of indian involvement however.

I apologize for that but i am so confused..reason being there are so many stories around it...Some says its US who is putting pressure on GOP to ignore the wrong doing of India..Some says its US herself helping TTP...Some says its MOssad who is helping RAW(Raw being not worthy to do anything)...

As for your questions.
1. They have very little support. Your second sub-question of first question makes little sense and I don't quite understand what you're asking.

I was asking what is ideology of TTP...Every organization has an ideology. To me they want to implement sharia in pakistan

2. They have hardly ever mentioned Kashmir.

Thanks for telling me that...I was not aware of this...i take your words for it..

3. Please, cut the crap. How many times I have to mention this. If their real enemy was in india, they would be attacking india right now. TTP's enemy is not india, it's Pakistan. GET THAT THROUGH YOUR SKULL.

Please don't loose patience...I will get that through my skull if what you are saying has any sense in it...If sharia is not their demand than care to explain peace deal Pak army had with TTP in SWAT??? What were the terms and conditions of that deal???

4. They suck at gathering real intelligence, but they might be good at doing terrorism. You see, they did pretty good in 1971 in regards to sponsering terrorists. No reason why they can't do it again.

First of all we did not sponsored any terrorrist in 1971. Mukti Bahini was supported by India...their cadets trained by Indian Armed forces and later on we openly attacked Pakistan and eventually bangladesh was born..It was a civl war which after India formally joined turned out to be full fledged war between two countries.....

Having said it i never said RAW cannot create terrorist..a good example from you would have been LTTE...

Now as per your explanation can i say the same about ISI...they suck in gathering real intelligence because they are not able to stop attacks in Pakistan and are good in sponsoring terrorism(Kashmir)...does that mean RAW is better than ISI because both suck in gathering intelligence and RAW is able to spread terrorism in pak more lethaly???
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