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No Pakistani selected at IPL auction!

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Need to keep in Mind the players who play for IPL purely play for Money and themselves and not for country.
This is only a bubble dude. It won't take long to burst. A tournament that is more famous for its money and cheerleaders rather than the sport being played doesn't take long to become bankrupt.

Teams are owned by realllly Big corporate houses. Maybe they are spending 0.0001% on IPL. They wont become bankrupt even if no one turns up to watch any of their matches. i hope you get my point that money is not an issue for the biggies and its business as usual for them. They will make it sure that their products are sold, and sold well.
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hmmmm interesting thought AMAAN KII MAA KII for sure now buddy....this is the problem i think IPL should be taken away from india it is an international event it should be hosted in a new place every year!

Its an international event? sponsored and held by ICC? Schedule given by ICC?
If purely an Indian event with a mix of 4 foreign player in each side for a match.

IF you are talking about international event, ICC T20 Worldcup is the one you might be interested in.

frankly i never watched IPL with any interest! why would i care if kolkata wins or hyderabad wins! what do i get from it! so yes keep your razmataz to yourself & keep your non racist theory to yourself! when its clear that just cuz its an indian event we are discriminated against! :coffee:

Boy, at one side you say its an International event and at the other end so much frustration? IF you dont watch any match and dont care who wins then why are you whining so much on Pak players not getting included?
Another Slap On The Face For ‘Aman Ki Asha’ Apologists

The great ‘Aman Ki Asha’ inspired love affair between Pakistan and India has just been hit by a bus and chances are that it won’t survive. This came as all of the 11 Pakistani cricketers, most of them from the T20 Worldcup winning side last year were kept out of the third edition of the Indian Premiere League including all-rounder Shahid Afridi who was the highest rated player expected to be the most expensive. This is truly astonishing given that Pakistan is the reigning World Twenty20 champion, and their exclusion devalues the entire competition. What a huge loss for cricket and what utter disappointment for millions of fans. Given that the World Champions are not to be seen in action, it is only logical to say that this makes the IPL anything but ‘World Class’.

Despite the great love story being sold to the people of Pakistan and India by their respective media, there is still not enough love in the world that can hide the hypocrisy and two-facedness that has always characterized India’s dealing with her neighbour. This is just the icing on the cake. It is also very interesting to note that despite the violent attacks on Indian nationals on Australian soil, and the threats issued by the militant Hindu extremist outfit Shiv Sena against Australians playing in India, the Indians were more than happy to have a love-in with the Aussies at IPL. One cannot help but think that this says a lot for the Indian national pride and sense of solidarity with their counterparts being humiliated and abused by the Australians.

Given the threats being issues by Hindu fanatics against foreign players visiting India, it is perhaps a really good thing that Pakistani players are not going to be put in a position where their lives might be at risk from extremist elements and religious fanatics. While the great Bollywood soap opera called ‘Aman ki Asha’ meets an unhappy yet very predictable ending, Pakistanis must now realize that the only ‘goodwill gestures’ they will ever receive from across the border is covert terrorism on its land, caskets of Pakistani prisoners tortured to death in Indian jails for overstaying visas, and poorly disguised threats of war.

Did it have a life to start with? two media houses were trying to create TRP and thats it. This time this aman ki asha had nothing in it after what we saw in Kargil as return. No thanks
ipl is another indian joke, no pakistani should play in the joke league. its a disgrace on their honour. they should instead only focus on winning the aussie one day and up coming t20 world cup

What is big about IPL? is it just because it was created by BCCI ? Its purely commercial who will pay for unavailability of players due to tensions between neighbors ?

why is it a joke.. ?? Because instead of PCB not allowing pakistani cricketers to participate like in 2009, this time the sponsors have refused to take any of them.

Do you know the popularity of this league?? In 2009 the viewrship generated a revenue of $2.4 billion in 35 days. Thats more than what the total export economy of pakistan generated in the same period.

On folks who are hoping for this to go bankrupt because its focussing on money and not sport, please realize there were as many detractors for One Day cricket when it strated after years of 5 Day test matches. Commercialization is extremely important for a sport. See the dismal situation of hockey in the subcontinent as compared to cricket

You may not believe that a lot of indians including me are as upset to miss these great players but at the end of the day, its a business venture and the 8 team owners have taken a call to de risk their investment.

Even if it is at behest of the indian govt, so what.. It is doing what it thinks is right. Whoever thinks politics and sports at this level do not intermingle is kidding himself (or herself for our distinguished EMO_Girl who believes banning more indians is a criteria to become a mod).

I was not on this forum last year, but was there a similar noise against GOP when GOP refused permission to pakistani players last year?
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Whatever the reason might be, I am glad they were not selected. It's sad it had to be this way, but one good thing is that it should work as wake up call for the players.

But would it? I dont know if this is not going to serve as a wakeup call then what will. Sorry for sarcasm but Shoiab Akhtar might still like to act in Indian movies.

As i see things happening to our Cricket from last few years, and Ijazz Butt keeps on going saying he isnt bothered, what will become of our cricket?
This is only a bubble dude. It won't take long to burst. A tournament that is more famous for its money and cheerleaders rather than the sport being played doesn't take long to become bankrupt.

and so do wish? Why are you so keen on seeing its failure? just because you could not replicate something similar back at home?

I guess after IPL1 or after India cancelled their trip to Pak on security grounds the talk by Mr Butt was to create PPL or something like that.
Cant see that , which channel they show those matches?
Its purely commercial who will pay for unavailability of players due to tensions between neighbors ?

Maybe that could have led the bidders to decide not to buy Pakistani or Australian players given the tension between those countries and India.
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This is only a bubble dude. It won't take long to burst. A tournament that is more famous for its money and cheerleaders rather than the sport being played doesn't take long to become bankrupt.

Haath Kangan ko aarsi kya? Padhe likhe ko farsi kya..

Its 4-5 months away. Stick around and watch the magic..
What ever name you give it , but not selecting Champions is some thing shows the mentality of IPL management that how cheap they are.

I think Pakistan should prepare it self for any League. the unbalanced attitude for Pakistanis is enough to understand.

Teams are owned by realllly Big corporate houses. Maybe they are spending 0.0001% on IPL. They wont become bankrupt even if no one turns up to watch any of their matches. i hope you get my point that money is not an issue for the biggies and its business as usual for them. They will make it sure that their products are sold, and sold well.

They are not spending as little as you're saying - that much I can assure you. Yes it might be a small percentage but not as little. My point is sooner or later people will start getting bored of this farce. You can add whatever attractions you want - the cricket being played has to be the main attraction, which it is not.
Thats really sad :tdown:

I wish you would not have said that.

Well I was just going through a thread here in PDF that Pakistani don't want "Made in india" Nokia phones as it will help India use the money against Pakistan, so going by that logic I was bang on ;)
why is it a joke.. ?? Because instead of PCB not allowing pakistani cricketers to participate like in 2009, this time the sponsors have refused to take any of them.

You're using emotions to explain why people think IPL is a joke. People have been saying IPL is a joke from day one - Pakistani players not being selected is just an icing on the cake.

Do you know the popularity of this league?? In 2009 the viewrship generated a revenue of $2.4 billion in 35 days. Thats more than what the total export economy of pakistan generated in the same period.

It's only popular in india. Outside india the only thing people care about it is the money surrounding it.

Also, 2.4 billion only looks good on paper, but if you look deep inside, that's actually a pretty bad revenue. The franchises will expect at least 1 billion from it. BCCI will want some of it too. Then you can add the broadcasters - they are spending lot of money on broadcasting it. I am sure I am missing out some other big players involved as well. So overall it makes no good reading but rather pretty average or below average reading.

And what does exports have to do with anything? So NBA, or NFL most likely make more in a month than indian exports. What's your point? It's totally unrelated. And I am sure you don't actually know whether it really made more than Pakistani exports.
I think the team managements have taken a very prudent decision.What is the point in buying players when it is not confirmed wether they will be getting visas (not only for season 3 but also in the future).Everytime pakistan sends a bunch of doped up brainwashed kids to kill innocents in India the relationship between the two countries is likely to turn bad .Is it not funny that pakistani players stood for the IPL auction when it is certain that someone somewhere in pakistan is drawing up plans to distrupt the commonwealth games in any way possible.
and so do wish? Why are you so keen on seeing its failure? just because you could not replicate something similar back at home?

I guess after IPL1 or after India cancelled their trip to Pak on security grounds the talk by Mr Butt was to create PPL or something like that.
Cant see that , which channel they show those matches?

Please, PPL was never expected to be a reality anytime soon. People were laughing when Nasim Ashraf was talking about it. So that's a poor argument. And really, I am not sure I am interested in seeing T20 leagues in Pakistan which gets tiring and boring after a while after watching same thing again and again.
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