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No Pakistani General has ever succeeded; not will Asim Munir!

It's MBS idea of decoupling from West, and his overtures towards China to play them against Washington that makes me feel this way.
In MBS' case, the decoupling from the West is really driven by Biden who had promised to make him a pariah during his election campaign. Saudis would have preferred to deal with the US rather than China as long as they were not going to receive lectures about democracy and human rights. The Gulf states have probably seen the benefits India and Israel have reaped from not having aligned too closely with one power and have decided to follow that playbook.
In MBS' case, the decoupling from the West is really driven by Biden who had promised to make him a pariah during his election campaign. Saudis would have preferred to deal with the US rather than China as long as they were not going to receive lectures about democracy and human rights. The Gulf states have probably seen the benefits India and Israel have reaped from not having aligned too closely with one power and have decided to follow that playbook.
Yes and that is why they are trying to have multiple cards in hand, as opposed to their past where US ruled the roost in their country strategically.
An alternative is asking if there is an alternative way to seek $10 billion a year in investment from the diaspora and finding our what their demands would be (beyond just elections). It could be a virtuous cycle, where the profits are not withdrawn from the country but reinvest over and over again. This also does not prevent GCC investment, but gives the Pakistani government more leverage to negotiate better terms for the investment they want to make, such as instead of PIA being completely sold off, it could be made a partner budget airline of a GCC carrier like Qatar Airways.

It also doesn’t have to be rocket science. Overseas Pakistani investing in their own agricultural land to increase crop yields, or buying out IPPs to renegotiate power prices and being compensated by the government with land in desirable places to form residential apartment blocks in a walkable, clean, lively, and secure neighborhood (something like Barcelona and not massive skyscrapers).

Overseas Pakistani can buy Pakistan government US / Poundsterling/ Euro denominated bond if Pakistan gov issue it or buy Pakistani companies bond whether in US or local currency.

That is how you can finance your government development program and your state/private own companies
How about selling to Afghanistan Taliban?
You guys are talking about nukes as chocolate candy.

You are already notorious for your illegal nuclear smuggling under Dr Abdul Kadeer. Your support to N. Korean nuclear power capabilities is well known.
Abdul qadeer was a scapegoat, anyways that was a sarcasm, written in lighter vein.
Abdul qadeer was a scapegoat, anyways that was a sarcasm, written in lighter vein.
Weither he was a scapegoat or not, damage was done and world came to know how Pakistan cannot be trusted.
The Saudis are smart when it comes to policy making. Contrary to what entitled Pakistani boomers used to think, they’re already self sufficient in basic goods and they’ve got plenty of oil and gas. They’re not stopping there and are working towards to becoming a top destination for investment.

Anyways, back to the topic. The Saudis won’t make overtures related to nukes with Pakistan. If push comes to shove and if there is a war like situation then the Saudis might throw a few billions towards Pakistan for a nuclear umbrella.

But for now, they’re spreading their eggs and not betting on the West or China. A wise policy move.

Again, Pakistan has absolutely nothing to offer. Ask yourself this, if your government had $25bn, would you invest in Pakistan? Its a no brainer.
The 'high' level games are being played with this country since 47' and look where we are :lol:
The media news is not for general public, it’s to reassure the stake holders. Public can stand where it likes.

This is not army job to conduct meeting with businessmen, run civilian affairs, & to interfere in parliament.
Army General is not specialize in this category. He should do only his job which is to secure border. He should not run finance
Stake holders require his guarantee, so he gets involved.
The media news is not for general public, it’s to reassure the stake holders. Public can stand where it likes.

Stake holders require his guarantee, so he gets involved.
Let's see if MBS stops by Pakistan on his way back from India. If he doesn't, then I'll consider this "stakeholders" high level game is yet another pipe dream & scam, just like Gwadar, CPEC, and now SIFC.

Pakistanis are the best scammers on the planet. I've heard of one Pakistani guy selling one plot to ten different people before running off with the money!
Let's see if MBS stops by Pakistan on his way back from India. If he doesn't, then I'll consider this "stakeholders" high level game is yet another pipe dream & scam, just like Gwadar, CPEC, and now SIFC.

Pakistanis are the best scammers on the planet. I've heard of one Pakistani guy selling one plot to ten different people before running off with the money!
Unless you fully understand the dynamics of what GOP along with investors, aid givers, lenders etc have got planned, putting conditions on yourself is not worth it.

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