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No Pakistani General has ever succeeded; not will Asim Munir!

Beware of such campaigns specifically against army chiefs, while others, like politicians, bureaucrats, thugs are free to loot and kill people.
I know army chief might also be involved, but he is not doing it alone.
پاکستان کا اصل مسئلہ بدیانت لوگ ہیں اور وہ ہر جگہ موجود ہیں۔
اکیلا آرمی چیف ہی نشانے پر کیوں۔
The Sharifs, Zardaris, Tareens siphoned off right under the Chief’s nose.

What makes him think he is smart enough to manage Pakistan’s economy?
Read the news in Pakistani media and connect the dots. Who is guaranteeing the stake holders and lenders ?

This is not army job to conduct meeting with businessmen, run civilian affairs, & to interfere in parliament.
Army General is not specialize in this category. He should do only his job which is to secure border. He should not run finance
Look at them!
Khaja rangbaz was right when he said that.
They did not win any battle.
They lost 48
They lost 65
1971 is world history beater record holder defeat where 90000 put off their pants.
They lost kargil
They lost abbotabad
They lost Salala
They lost war on terror
Lost everything where an army is in front of them!

What they won?
Mysterious death of the founder of Pakistan.

Defeating Fatimah Jinnah.
Assasination of Liaquat Ali Khan
Assasination of Zulfiqar ali bhutto
Assasination of Benazir bhutto
Innumerable martial laws and attack on civilian governments, Baluchistan, Karachi, sindh, kpk.

شرم ان کو مگر نہیں آتی
Read the news in Pakistani media and connect the dots. Who is guaranteeing the stake holders and lenders ?

Now Face the reality, dollar crossed 350 from 170 since the regime change and the presence of this chutiaa matric fail hafiz
Won’t happen.
A year back I would have agreed, but am not so sure now.

It's not because of Pakistan's economic situation, that I think about this. It's MBS idea of decoupling from West, and his overtures towards China to play them against Washington that makes me feel this way.

As much as MBS has done a rapprochement with Iran, the underlying distrust between the two nations is far old and deep seated. While Iran hasn't reached a level in nuclearizing themselves to a level, it could threaten West.. they are on their way more or less.

West has also proved itself to be not so trustworthy, in certain situations. So Saudi's can negotiated a deal with US, to get the tech from Pakistan.. promising to stay in Western sphere. They have all the money, and only need personnel and tech. Pakistan can do that, till Saudis train themselves to required level. The world is slowly but surely changing, into a more multi polar world where everyone wants to look out for themselves more or less and have fail safes for it.

Selling the nukes is not as bad as relinquishing it.
How about selling to Afghanistan Taliban?
You guys are talking about nukes as chocolate candy.

You are already notorious for your illegal nuclear smuggling under Dr Abdul Kadeer. Your support to N. Korean nuclear power capabilities is well known.
You mean our entire arsenal itself or just the infrastructure and knowledge to produce it?
No just the knowledge of producing it, lol they can't just transfer Infra. It doesn't work that way.

Saudi will build nukes but never test them, so they have to go with a proven design.

I mean think about it, what else is there for Pakistan to offer to get the insane amounts Munir saab is promising the nation to get from Middle East?
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