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No More Gurkhas For Indian Army As Nepal FM Declares 1947 Treaty "Redundant"

These news weblinks cant change the history of 5000 years, we share the same gods, same ethics same lifestyle , In Mithilanchal you can find students from Nepal are going to Primar schools in India and India going for shopping in Nepal . A single ruler either in India or in Nepal can't change the genes , as they say its a roti beti ka rishta , and Nepal is the only Hindu country throughout history. We have Nepali as National language in India, the Nepali language use the same Devanagari script as Sanskrit

A Nepali citizen can do govt jobs in India can move freely without passport and stat business and it's vice versa

Million years, dharma nonsense... Shenanigans and dramatics dont change the changing geopolitics of the region.
Roti beti as per govt of Nepal is BS.

And the arm twisting, interference and black mailing of Nepal by india is infront of all to see and so is the outcome we are seeing today.
What this Nepali govt will do ask people to divorce , change the devnagri to Arabic script or convert them to either Islam or some other religion ..... dude Pashpati remains Pashupati whether in India or in Nepal .... again I said its beyond your comprehension.

Plenty of Muslim states have issues and they share ethnicities, religion ans culture. One has to be a thick headed idiot to think politics and statecraft are dependents of religion or script.
Did all of the above stop india from illegal blockade, supporting madhesis, forcing nepal on constitution changes, claiming Nepalese lands and so on forth?

Its ironic how you are dissing the democratically elected Nepalese govt and her decisions while bringing in nonsensical excuses and religion. My condolences, I truly cant comprehend such stupidity.

My cousine brother's wife is from Pokhara
Applause, bravo.. very relevant to the discussion. Thats like me bringing in my uncles in laws being Iranians and me having relatives and friends from Afghanistan and so on forth.
Now you have started name-calling , tell the guy who is working in Delhi to resign because of Geopolitics and tell me any Muslim country which allows the nationals of other Islamic countries to move in each other nations without passports, how many Islamic countries allow Pakistanis to come without a passport , Indians can go to Nepal without passport and Nepalis can come without passport and work in even each other governments and stay for life long .......

The example of my cousin was just to tell the type of bonds are there between people

5 years ina history of 5000 years is just .1%, govt comes goes but religions remain the same again I said Pashupati is Pashupati either in India or in Nepal
Stop parroting the same 5000 year, Bullshit over and over and over again.
You have no argument.
So no Muslim country allows Muslim Pakistanis to come without a passport .....
Kid every fukimg day 75K afghans cross torkham alone.
Do you know Pak even serve in ANA? Do you know 35% oman is Pakistani? All this means nothing these countries still follow their own policies.

if 5000 years are irrelevant then why you guys stick to rules which are 1400 years old.
Modern indian state was formed in 47. And dont count IVC as some bloody indian national state. British landed in a subcontinent with almost over 650 kingdoms. Go figure...
Maybe 5000 years are irrelevant for you but not for Hindus they are relevant and Nepal remained the only Hindu country throughout history...hope one-day Ummah will learn from Hindus and allow Muslims to move freely without passports.
5000 lol... that didnt stop Nepali troops from killing couple of indians a few days back did it?
Regarding Nepali Gorkhas , how many Gorkhas resigned from the Indian Army and , how many surrendered their pensions.

Nepali Army chief is honorary General in Indian Army , never hear he returned that honarary rank ....
What did he do during lockade? the nepalese went to china for supplies.

Did he stop Nepal from reclaiming Nepalese land india was claiming?

Only thing it all stopped was indian hegemony and big brother bullying in the region, with the worlds only hindu state showing india a middle finger.
Just like this news of Nepalese govt stopping recruitment of gurkhas for indian military. But again you can play dumb.. and bring in beti roti or boti.. and dismiss the nepalese govt which essentially represents the will of the Nepalese people.. no wonder Nepalis hate india.. which can be observed on social media platforms aswell as in interactions with them.
Heck I had a few nepali friends during my univ time..
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I think there is no need to argue, I agree whatever you are saying ........

Kid every fukimg day 75K afghans cross torkham alone.
Do you know Pak even serve in ANA? Do you know 35% oman is Pakistani? All this means nothing these countries still follow their own policies.

Modern indian state was formed in 47. And dont count IVC as some bloody indian national state. British landed in a subcontinent with almost over 650 kingdoms. Go figure...

5000 lol... that didnt stop Nepali troops from killing couple of indians a few days back did it?

Did he lift the blockade? No the nepalese went to china for supplies.
Did that stop Nepal from reclaiming Nepalese land india was claiming?

Only thing it all stopped was indian hegemony and big brother bullying in the region, with the worlds only hindu state showing india a middle finger.
Just like this news of Nepalese govt stopping recruitment of gurkhas for indian military. But again you can play dumb.. and bring in beti roti or boti.. and dismiss the nepalese govt which essentially represents the will of the Nepalese people.. no wonder Nepalis hate india.. which can be observed on social media platforms aswell as in interactions with them.
Heck I had a few nepali friends during my univ time..
China is conducting a study to find out the Socio economic impact of the Nepalis soldiers deployed in the Gurkha regiment of the IA. There are 40 battalions of Gurkha Regiment, they are good soldiers and if China can find a way out to dissuade the Nepalese from joining the Gurkha Regiment it will be a big gain for them strategically.
Please do send your bhakts and sanghis as replacement for gurkhas.

I have been saying this for years, Indian establishment have been using Gurkhas as cannon fodders. Let the RSS lot come forth and show their mettle on the front. :D
You add your ghud savar mullahs. We'll add our sanghi's. All will be happy.
Gurkhas in the PLA will change the geo strategic balance in the Himalayas in China's favour.
Gurkhas in the PLA will change the geo strategic balance in the Himalayas in China's favour.

Oh no! That indeed is troubling!
Does this mean that the Gurkhas will now speak mandarin, take orders and training in Mandarin under the PLA?
Nepal must immediately open mandarin schools so that the Chinese can utilize these Gurkhas in the PLA.

good development. India in a lot of Barney!
Gurkhas dont just live in nepal

We can do without the 6000 Nepali Gurkhas serving in Indian Army
That still leaves 40000 Gurkhas who were born in India

If Nepal does rewoke the friendship treaty
Then the only impact will be on the night watchmen and Momos industry
The word Gurkha came from Hindu warrior-saint Guru Gorakhnath who founded Gorakhnath math and Yogi Adityanath was the main priest before he became CM.
Just saying.
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