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No More Gurkhas For Indian Army As Nepal FM Declares 1947 Treaty "Redundant"

The Rashtriya Rifles and BSF who man the LoC and counter terrorist activities in Kashmir don't comprise of any Gurkhas.

So, certain ethnicities are banned from the RR and BSF?
The Gurkhas and the Sikh Regiments of the IA are the most respected regiments of India that are renowned globally for their Valour . The no of Sikhs in the IA has been reduced drastically owing to their questionable loyalties, after the Operation Blue star disaster that ended up in the destruction of the Akal Takht and assassination of an Indian PM. The Gurkhas have served several nations and mostly the IA. If their FM has declared their 1947 Treaty with India REDUNDANT then this will be a major set back for India. He also said"Gurkha recruitment is legacy of past". More than 30,000 Nepalese Gurkhas are currently serving in the Indian Army's seven Gorkha Rifle regiments.

Indian media is full of this news.



China has many levers to hurt India and this is certainly one of them. As tensions between the two neighbours is escalating on a daily basis, breaking the old established regiments of India will be a start of a warfare of a different nature. Hopefully the Sikh will follow suit in not so distant future.:pakistan::china:

Modi Zindabad. Any one who dares insult Modi shall feel my wrath. Inshallah Modi will be Indian PM for at least another 3 terms :enjoy:

Agent Modi is doing a fantastic job.

That's one fewer of the usual contingents to send blindly and directionless up Tiger Hill into a hail of pk bullets. A day will soon come when the pathetic good for nothing priestly keyboard classes will have to get up and do the fighting themselves for a change. That will be India's last big fat greasy hurrah.

One blow after another for India ..... Was Mody really wanted to isolate Pakistan or ....?

Wrong. It was proposed back then to reduce the number of Gurkhas serving in the Indian Army. Now the treaty is fully ending.

Please do send your bhakts and sanghis as replacement for gurkhas.

I have been saying this for years, Indian establishment have been using Gurkhas as cannon fodders. Let the RSS lot come forth and show their mettle on the front. :D

These fucking indians can't even fight themselves they need to hire foreigners from Khalistan and Nepal to fight their wars just like they need Israeli AF experts to manage their airforce operations during petty conflicts like Kargil and 2/27 IAF spanking

Superb news from Nepali brothers. Nepal now understands the dirty mind of Hindustan.

No doubt about it Historians will write how Modi saved Pakistan.

Without the Sikhs, the Indian Army would be absolutely hopeless. The only people holding back an Indian army rout/surrender along the border are the Sikhs. I do really respect how they single handedly prop up an 1.2 million strong army.

Stupid sikhs....need khalistan

Just when you think Indians on this forum hit their peak of stupidity another one comes and raises it. For someone obsessed enough to stalk Pakistanis on defence forums you are certainly misinformed on Pashtuns in the military and country.

Oh and "they don't look too happy right now with the whole War on terror"?? India literally has more deaths from terrorism than Pakistan for the last two years :rofl:

kaise kar laita ho... u understand this is not kajol movie right? or some emotional SRK movie? where u can throw shitty dialogues like kaho tou main saari duniya tumhare naam kar doun, par woh tou pehle he tumhare hai... Sara India is Nepal like What the .... are u saying. itne low level ki chussain na maro karo dost.

He’s the perfect “Manchurian Candidate”.

All that’s left is for the Chinese to equip and motivate the Nepalese to turn their border with India into a hard border, as well as send the Gurkhas to train the Chinese army in the ways of the Indian army as an OPFOR.

Modi- We will isolate Pakistan...

Coming full circle.


its not good :rolleyes:

Mega Epic Fail.

Nepal's KP Oli and his ministers says the exact same thing literally each and every year but have failed to change a single letter in the treaty:lol:




Feb 2020:

But Nepal knows it can't do any thing as both UK and India have rejected any possibility of revision to the treaty:

UK did not accept proposal for revising 1947 treaty, says prime minister

Mega Epic Fail.

Nepal's KP Oli and his ministers says the exact same thing literally each and every year but have failed to change a single letter in the treaty:lol:




Feb 2020:

But Nepal knows it can't do any thing as both UK and India have rejected any possibility of revision to the treaty:

UK did not accept proposal for revising 1947 treaty, says prime minister

The British treat them well. Gurkhas would gladly continue to work as mercenaries for a professional outfit like the British Army. The Indians just send them charging into hails of bullets like meat shields for the Indian natives in the rear formations. We saw how well Santosh and the Bihar contingents did just the other day when sent to fight the PLA. Do remind me - wasn't there a Sikh guy who supposedly dragged three PLA soldiers to their doom?

Can you imagine if Gurkhas had squared off against the PLA? We may well have had a decent scrap on our hands. China wouldn't be laughing at your weakling nation right now, that's for sure.

The arrogance you display towards Nepalese by giggling childishly over the apparent "ownership" of human beings is of no surprise to Pakistanis. You are playing up to form.

Should the Gurkhas choose between the British and the Indians, I can guarantee you they will go for Britain, not your third rate nation with its third rate army and its third rate keyboard veterans.
Sad for nepalese...many nepalese will lose their livelihood...

The number of Nepali workers in Malaysia is 425,000 in 2020 according to Nepali Embassy in Malaysia, employed in factories and construction sites and as security guards. The 30,000 Gurkhas in IA will have no employment problems in they quit IA.
The 30,000 Gurkhas in IA will have no employment problems in they quit IA.
You didn't get my point. When the time of conflict comes, be it war or be it insurgency, only certain communities (for instance Punjabis, Haryanvis, Himachalis, Gorkhas) fight and the rest of the army deserts.

Why don't you show proof that a particular unit abandoned during such instances to support your claims...regiments take up tasks based on what they're assigned
So, certain ethnicities are banned from the RR and BSF?
OP was claiming that Gurkhas and Sikhs are the only ones brave and strong enough to defend the entire territorial integrity of India...so I was just pointing out the current actively involved troops deployed in the valley and LoC who are RR & BSF comprising of men from across India
Why don't you show proof that a particular unit abandoned during such instances to support your claims...regiments take up tasks based on what they're assigned
Word of mouth information is more authentic and reliable than any media. During Kargil thousands of soldiers had deserted and ran to their hometowns and Ladakh's cold was one of the reasons.

North Indian bhaiyya run govt consider themselves lowly hence prefer to recruit Sikh and Nepalese mercenaries over their own kin.
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