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No More Gurkhas For Indian Army As Nepal FM Declares 1947 Treaty "Redundant"

Agent Modi is doing a fantastic job.

He’s the perfect “Manchurian Candidate”.

All that’s left is for the Chinese to equip and motivate the Nepalese to turn their border with India into a hard border, as well as send the Gurkhas to train the Chinese army in the ways of the Indian army as an OPFOR.
Still most of the shock troops (probably the subsequent assault troops also) in Kargil war were Sikhs as @Aasimkhan would tell you.

The Indian armed forces are comprised of voluntary service, not forces induction. If the Gurkhas or Sikhs aren't loyal to India...why'd they even wanna join?? No one is forcing em right!!
Sad for nepalese...many nepalese will lose their livelihood...
The Gurkhas and the Sikh Regiments of the IA are the most respected regiments of India that are renowned globally for their Valour . The no of Sikhs in the IA has been reduced drastically owing to their questionable loyalties, after the Operation Blue star disaster that ended up in the destruction of the Akal Takht and assassination of an Indian PM. The Gurkhas have served several nations and mostly the IA. If their FM has declared their 1947 Treaty with India REDUNDANT then this will be a major set back for India. He also said"Gurkha recruitment is legacy of past". More than 30,000 Nepalese Gurkhas are currently serving in the Indian Army's seven Gorkha Rifle regiments.

Indian media is full of this news.



China has many levers to hurt India and this is certainly one of them. As tensions between the two neighbours is escalating on a daily basis, breaking the old established regiments of India will be a start of a warfare of a different nature. Hopefully the Sikh will follow suit in not so distant future.:pakistan::china:

Do you know not more than 20% of Gorkhas of Indian Army and Paramilitary are from Nepal
Do you know in 2012 there was a massive protest in Nepal when it was proposed. Prachanda has to revise it.
The Indian armed forces are comprised of voluntary service, not forces induction. If the Gurkhas or Sikhs aren't loyal to India...why'd they even wanna join?? No one is forcing em right!!
You didn't get my point. When the time of conflict comes, be it war or be it insurgency, only certain communities (for instance Punjabis, Haryanvis, Himachalis, Gorkhas) fight and the rest of the army deserts.

You didn't get my point. When the time of conflict comes, be it war or be it insurgency, only certain communities (for instance Punjabis, Haryanvis, Himachalis, Gorkhas) fight and the rest of the army deserts.

Yeah? How're you gonna stop these Nepalis joining in for recruitment drives? It's not like they have handsome offers in the Nepali army.
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