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No mention of ‘One China’ is New Delhi reply to Beijing for its silence on J&K

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Meh. A few decades ago China was doing "worse" than India. These things keep on changing, nothing new. Civilization is built over thousands of years, not a few decades.

All these "expert" predictions usually turn out to be Bullshit. Nobody can predict the future, nobody has been able to do it successfully till date ;)
LOL our system is doing much better than India. China is now the 2nd largest economy on Earth, and the fastest growing as well. India is NOT even in the top ten largest economies.

India has more people in poverty than even the continent of Africa. Poor infrastructure, massive amounts of malnutrition and starvation...

And yet mighty China cannot take Arunachal from puny India.:lol:

Four times or forty times, Arunachal is still beyond mighty China's reach. :P
And yet mighty China cannot take Arunachal from puny India.:lol:

You keep worrying about Arunachal, and spending your limited funds to try and defend it. Money that could have been spent on your economy. :azn:

Meanwhile China will continue investing in infrastructure, and not bother with Arunachal. In ten years, India will not be able to compete with China for the global markets.

I love how some Indians are so fixated on the border disputes, and miss the bigger picture. :D
Hiii :wave:

Sorry to interrupt ... just checking who is now leading the mud throwing contest ??/
that doesn't explain why china is NOT ahead of india in almost everything!

It doesn't have to. It's a slap in face of all those who say 'China this, China that' tens of times in every other thread.

Bottomline: India has Arunachal and mighty China can do jack about it!
You keep worrying about Arunachal, and spending your limited funds to try and defend it. Money that could have been spent on your economy. :azn:

Meanwhile China will continue investing in infrastructure, and not bother with Arunachal. In ten years, India will not be able to compete with China for the global markets.

I love how some Indians are so fixated on the border disputes, and miss the bigger picture. :D

LOL... no response as usual. :azn:



lolz, the brits got their @sses handed to them by the Americans!

Unlike you indians who were enslaved by everyone invader!
lol...why need foreign invader when your own government is the slave-owner?

Does it matter if the guy on top has yellow skin or white skin? :D
Makes sense.

So your country depends on you former oppressor's language to communicate because you can't have, or make consensus/compromise to have, a native language of your own to serve such.

British system + British language => India: this is your forefathers' greatest invention, and for you to inherit.

I'm ok with that. :lol:

You need to brush up on your history. The very fact that English is a foreign language; made it a perfect choice as a link language between Indians. Because it is a foreign language, no Indian would give up their own languages for the sake of English...they might have if it was some other Indian language. This foreignness ensures that Indian languages will always be spoken within their own circles.

Most Indians I know of speak at least 3 languages...often its 4 or 5..sometimes even more.

and there cannot be any "compromise" "Indian" language cos the languages differ so much...hell there are languages from 3 entirely different language families...not merely different languages from one language family.

What will be the so called "compromise language" between a Japanese speaker, a Russian speaker and a swahili speaker?
lolz, the brits got their @sses handed to them by the Americans!

Unlike you indians who were enslaved by everyone invader!

very correct. that explains who were the invaders in the past...pretty much
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