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No, India Isn't Growing Like China

Jun 12, 2014
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United States
The author raises some good points. However, he doesn't fully appreciate Modi-ji's brilliant leadership and India's many advanced Vedic technologies such as space travel, teleportation, and gravity manipulation.

India is a knowledge superpower, and India will become a superpower by 2020!

No, India Isn't Growing Like China - Bloomberg View

No, India Isn't Growing Like China
India's factories are much less productive than the mainland's.

Source: IndiaPictures/Getty Images
India bulls are ecstatic. According to revised gross domestic product numbers released earlier this week, the country will expand 7.4 percent in the year through March -- on par with rival China. Never mind that most other indicators -- from manufacturing to trade to corporate investment -- seem to show that the economy is at best bottoming out, or that central banker Raghuram Rajan has himself expressed puzzlement over the revised figures. For optimists, India has once again reached that holy grail of emerging economies: "China-like" growth.

India has been here before, of course. So have dozens of other countries, from Brazil to Turkey to tiny Sri Lanka. At one point or another, all have posted growth rates above 8 percent, leading to predictions of a liftoff like the one that's powered China for more than three decades. In most cases, those dreams have fizzled out within a couple years. Weak fundamentals, irrational investor exuberance and in some cases, credit or commodity busts quickly puncture fantasies of global dominance. By contrast, while its economy has begun to slow, China has grown an average of 8.5 percent for the last five years. Its Gini coefficient, a measure of a nation's rich-poor gap, has improved in each of them.

India's Aspirations

Ironically, achieving China-like growth is often the surest way to lose it. Leaders fall prey to hubris and complacency, hyping all the factors that supposedly guarantee a long run at the top: young populations, abundant resources, the unwavering affection of investors. That overconfidence fosters drift and bad policy. Remember, during its first term, India's previous Congress-led government also topped 8 percent growth. During its second, it focused on sharing the wealth through huge transfer programs rather than opening India to foreign investment, reducing red tape and deregulating fossilized industries. Growth, according the old formulas, slid below five percent.

Officials from New Delhi to Manila should be learning from China not just how to achieve high growth, but more importantly, how to sustain it. The mainland economy faces huge challenges of its own, of course. President Xi Jinping must shift growth engines away from exports and overinvestment toward services, as well as clean up Beijing's notoriously corrupt political machine. But China has gotten right many of the elements critical to raising the quality of growth. Among them: running a current-account surplus, beating inflation, boosting productivity and taming politics.

China proves, for example, that it's best for an emerging economy to be a net exporter of capital. India's chronic deficits almost dragged the economy into a full-blown debt crisis in 2013. A more balanced set of government books would shield the economy from market turbulence should Europe crash or Federal Reserve rate hikes unnerve investors. Also, by moving surplus cash into financial assets of developed nations, China helps lower interest rates from Washington to Frankfurt and empowers Western consumers to buy more Chinese goods and create more Chinese jobs.

India must do better at attacking inflation that remains six times higher than China's 0.8 percent rate. Chronic inflation means higher borrowing costs, reduced economic efficiency and greater hardship for the nation's poor. Most of India's price pressures derive from the supply side, which limits Rajan's ability to lower rates. It's up to Prime Minister Narendra Modi to attack the graft, bureaucratic inefficiencies, overlapping tax regimes and crumbling infrastructure that shackles India with high costs, even as most other nations in the region fret over the threat of deflation. Simply integrating India's labyrinthine food markets would improve the lives of hundreds of millions of struggling households.

Raising productivity would both help lower inflation and improve India's standing as a manufacturing hub. As of 2014, India's working-age population was more than 800 million -- analogous to China’s in 1993. And estimates have it swelling by about 200 million over the next two decades. But China's manufacturing floors are about 1.6 times more productive than India's. Modi needs to boost investments in education and new technology and rework archaic labor laws if India is to narrow the gap. Otherwise, the country will undershoot in inward investment and fail to create decent jobs for all those new workers.

Finally, while I'm not joining the chorus of those who think Indiawould benefit from a more authoritarian, "China-like" political system, greater clarity and predictability from the government would help Modi's sales pitch. The government's scattershot policy decisions over the last decade -- imposing retroactive taxes on foreign companies, scuttling a World Trade Organization deal, repeatedly failing to implement reform pledges -- continue to hover over the economy in 2015. Until they're convinced Modi's reforms will stick, investors will hesitate to jump into India.

Indeed, as even the top bureaucrat at India's Statistics Ministry has noted, the new figures don't change the underlying economic reality for India. The government's fiscal position remains strained; companies are too indebted to invest; banks are saddled with bad loans. No nation can revise its way into China's orbit. If India wants to replicate the mainland's success, it needs to act more "China-like," too.

To contact the author on this story:
William Pesek at wpesek@bloomberg.net

To contact the editor on this story:
Nisid Hajari at nhajari@bloomberg.net
This is not a 50 cent bot. This seems to be some million dollar bot.....

Jobless troll,probably got pink slipped .
China still growing for the last 30 years . Yet to become a superpower . Giving the amount of growing poverty in China and due to raise in wage for its workers it will be highly speculative that China can be superpower . India can provide high end products with good quality and good price . And stability of democracy will benefit India an dc will replace China in the future for manufacturing hub .

Slow and steady wins over high speed development propaganda and tampering of currency value . It's nothing but the bubble to burst in a while . No stopping for India . Everything is falling into its place to elevate India in to a strong peaceful power at the global stage . Influence of India as grown from zero to 10 in the recent months with more nations looking at India to play a role in containing China. Because conflict between next door neighbours will be a great blow to each other economy . But India has nothing to loss. But it's not the case for China. CPC already acknowledged the fact . So they started to work with India on many front . Chinese are the more isolated now than before . All their buddies are failed state or with ransacked economy . No comparison to India's Multi Alignment policy which was recently initiated by the new Government .

So i don't think the bashing by the poster will stand a chance against the fact . But it's just an other helplessness and insecurity of chinese which they ha dc gone thru for many centuries . So i don't agree with the article .

Why ? Because one can predict a win or loss with latest detailed statistics but the phase of growth may be faster than we think or may be not . Chinese growth stories are already highly speculative in nature . But slow and steady growth story of India have substance .

Jai Hoo ! Keep up the phase India :D
@RisingShiningSuperpower Next time put your remarks in separate post.

I will not make a change just because somebody is butthurt. Singh Sahab should apply Burnol instead.

China still growing for the last 30 years . Yet to become a superpower . Giving the amount of growing poverty in China and due to raise in wage for its workers it will be highly speculative that China can be superpower . India can provide high end products with good quality and good price . And stability of democracy will benefit India an dc will replace China in the future for manufacturing hub .

Slow and steady wins over high speed development propaganda and tampering of currency value . It's nothing but the bubble to burst in a while . No stopping for India . Everything is falling into its place to elevate India in to a strong peaceful power at the global stage . Influence of India as grown from zero to 10 in the recent months with more nations looking at India to play a role in containing China. Because conflict between next door neighbours will be a great blow to each other economy . But India has nothing to loss. But it's not the case for China. CPC already acknowledged the fact . So they started to work with India on many front . Chinese are the more isolated now than before . All their buddies are failed state or with ransacked economy . No comparison to India's Multi Alignment policy which was recently initiated by the new Government .

So i don't think the bashing by the poster will stand a chance against the fact . But it's just an other helplessness and insecurity of chinese which they ha dc gone thru for many centuries . So i don't agree with the article .

Why ? Because one can predict a win or loss with latest detailed statistics but the phase of growth may be faster than we think or may be not . Chinese growth stories are already highly speculative in nature . But slow and steady growth story of India have substance .

Jai Hoo ! Keep up the phase India

You are very true!

India will become a superpower because India grows at night.

India will become a superpower because India has inclusive growth.

India will become a superpower because India is a knowledge superpower.

India will become a superpower because India is a tortoise and tortoise wins the race.

India will become a superpower because slow and steady wins the race.

India will become a superpower because India has Jugaad.

India will become a superpower because ancient India invented teleportation.

India will become a superpower because ancient India invented plastic surgery.

India will become a superpower because ancient India invented electric cars.

India will become a superpower because ancient India invented genetic engineering.

India will become a superpower because ancient India invented interstellar space travel.

India will become a superpower because ancient India invented anti-gravity engine.

India will become a superpower because ancient India invented nuclear fusion.

India will become a superpower because ancient India invented stem cell therapy.

India will become a superpower because ancient India invented computer chips.

India will become a superpower because 39% of all doctors in America are Indians.

India will become a superpower because 38% of all NASA engineers are Indians.

India will become a superpower because 41% of all Google engineers are Indians.

India will become a superpower because 45% of all Microsoft engineers are Indians.

India will become a superpower because India invented zero!

India will become a superpower because Germans came from India.

India will become a superpower because Indians speak English.

India will become a superpower because Indians are Aryans.

India will become a superpower because of Yoga.

India will become a superpower because of Bollywood.

India will become a superpower because India plays Cricket.

Most importantly, India will become a superpower due to Modi-ji brilliant and visionary leadership!

India will become a superpower by 2020!!

...India can provide high end products with good quality and good price...

Again, you are very true!

You must educate our Chinese members. @Ind4Ever, please tell them what high-end products India provides. Give specific examples to enlighten them.
Last edited:

The World Bank is anti-India. Its statistics are unreliable because it uses Western methods.

To get a true picture of India's economy, you must use Vedic mathematics and Vedic statistics, which were first invented by India 11000 years ago.

Using advanced Vedic methods of data collection and analysis, India grew faster than China last year.
The World Bank is anti-India. Its statistics are unreliable because it uses Western methods.

To get a true picture of India's economy, you must use Vedic mathematics and Vedic statistics, which were first invented by India 11000 years ago.

Using advanced Vedic methods of data collection and analysis, India grew faster than China last year.

The World Bank is one of the most anti-China organization as it is controlled by the US (since 1946 all 12 terms of presidents are Americans, including famous neo-conservative warhawk Paul Wolfowitz). While combined IBRD/IDA lending to China stand at $1.655B in 2014, the amount to India is $5.211B, and on top there is World Bank Group's Partnership Strategy for India (2013-2017) to help.

Despite these unfavorable factors from WB, China's poverty has reduced significantly to 6.3% (as of year 2011) compared to 1.7% of USA. Regarding India, no comment, the data is self-explanatory.

And if measuring Poverty is "negative", then how about comparing the ability to create wealth among its people? Check this:

By number of millionaire households:
Countries with the Most Millionaires - Yahoo Finance
Top 10 Countries with the Most Millionaires in the World

1) USA - 4,715,000
2) Japan - 1,230,000
3) China - 670,000
4) United Kingdom - 485,000
5) Germany - 430,000
6) Italy - 300,000
7) Switzerland - 283,000
8) France - 280,000
9) Taiwan - 230,000
10) Hong Kong - 205,000

By density of millionaire population:
The countries with the densest millionaire populations
1) Singapore - 17.1%
2) Qatar - 14.3%
3) Kuwait - 11.8%
4) Switzerland 9.5%
5) Hong Kong 8.8%
6) UAE - 5%
7) USA - 4.3%
8) Israel - 3.6%
9) Taiwan - 3.2%
10) Bahrain - 3.2%

- Top 10 countries with most millionaires are in USA, East Asia (4 countries) and Western Europe (5 countries)
- The wealthiest population are in USA, East Asia (3 countries), Middle East (5 countries), Western Europe (1 country)
- The countries that appear in both charts are: USA, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Switzerland
- In Asia, Japan and China have large quantity of millionaires, while Singapore, Hong Kong and Taiwan have the wealthiest population.

Top 10 Weathiest Nations of the World
The BJP is spreading like Cancer. Only Rahul baba and Congress can bring enlightenment to India.

Rahul baba become PM in 2019, and within month he convert India into a superpower.

India will become superpower by 2019.

You are anti-national kongrassi sickular
You are anti-national kongrassi sickular

You know how much rahul baba is fair. His genes shows his intelligence. No one can question him.

India become superpower by 2019.
You know how much rahul baba is fair. His genes shows his intelligence. No one can question him.

India become superpower by 2019.

He is impure blood, while modi ji is solid son of soil.

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