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No houses on rent for Indians in Singapore

and saw someone's winds getting jammed. :p::p::p:
Thats why its stinking here :sick:

Its about whatever smell you are used to. For example I can't stand the smell of parmesan cheese, or dried fish, for others its food. Similarly we might be accustomed to the smell of curry, but for people who are not used to it, smell of curry can be pretty rank.
But its even more malodorous when such ads get published without giving proper reasons.
IMO... they should not name the nationalities at all.
Its finally at the landlord's discretion whom he/she wants to rent his/her flat to.But its rude to mention nationalities in such ads,its like sullying them publicly.
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Hainanese Curry rice. :blink:
You will be surprised, but a survey of SG cabbies revealed they hate PRC tourists more than Indian ones :)

BTW my malay muslim landlord would actively seek out Indians because we don't eat pork. Its really not a big issue. And if the OP thinks those ads mean No Indians but Pakistanis OK then LOL!!!!!
Did he compare? :unsure:
Seems like the Indians are 'loosing ground' everywhere! Starting from their 'Diplomat' getting probed!

What's up Indians! Explain! Plz Explain! LOL!


Listen creep, as i said sitting on your backside you are nothing but a loud mouth loser who knows jack sh**
The real world is not meant for you internet morons so let me knock some sense into your thick skull. ... you heard about flyovers and speeding trucks but your pea size brain is oblivious to the reality hence watch and weep and above all put a sock in it.

I have said what I wanted to say. Punks like you are not worth my time. Next time when you will dare to be self referential, think of me pulled down from your high moral donkey.

The video you put have Pakistanis in it as well and it has been discussed on your national channels to be specific by Junaid Salim. Unlike you who speaks lies through his teeth to put only good about Pakistan, he was rather thankful to Sikh Gurudwara and Hindu temples providing food to Pakistani students.

Stupid article , yes there are some people who are not willing to rent but not all . Yes we do heavy cooking and we like it , now go cry like baby :lol: These same people go to Indian Restaurant to eat this "Curry " .

Atleast , we bloody don't eat this


Crocodile paws


Shark Head

I too had to refurbish my flat after i rented it to Pakistanis , costed me almost 20,000 Pounds .

(Imaginary people and Imaginary Refurbishment.) :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::lol::lol::lol:
you deserve a -ve point


I am quite fascinated that a thread on percived toxicity of Indian curries makes it to "Discussions related to the changing world environment, strategic issues, and important political changes in the world." on an respectable International forum.... Go Curry!
Knowing you lot, you are definitely not fascinated. Pissed off for sure!
Somebody else also posted similar post about Indians...why should they not get a -ve point first??
That post was the flame-bait.And not this one.
Why don't you tell us about the no renting to indians policy in the UAE - specifically upscale properties.
Ok What's your point! Plz Come to the point!!!! Think now, don't go by 'impulse'!

That is next to impossible!!

Windjammer also posted similar post about Indians...why should that member not get a -ve point first??
That post was the flame-bait.And not this one.
Windjammer is a very responsible member and a true gentleman. Do not let your delusions cloud your judgement!
I have said what I wanted to say. Punks like you are not worth my time. Next time when you will dare to be self referential, think of me pulled down from your high moral donkey.

The video you put have Pakistanis in it as well and it has been discussed on your national channels to be specific by Junaid Salim. Unlike you who speaks lies through his teeth to put only good about Pakistan, he was rather thankful to Sikh Gurudwara and Hindu temples providing food to Pakistani students.

Haha... i'll think of you indeed.... the headless chicken digressing from one topic to another, maybe you are sitting on that Donkey that runs in circles.... me having to cough up 5000 pounds did hurt but you have provided me enough humor to laugh over it.... learn to crawl before you aim on walking, next time try to address the topic and have a point in your posts rather than going berserk when shown the mirror.
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