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No evidence of the loss of an F-16


Aug 28, 2006
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Compilation of well-researched independent articles for consultation and reference.

[1] February 27, 2019: https://medium.com/dfrlab/in-depth-indian-plane-shot-down-over-pakistan-in-february-91d81881a798

[2] March 2, 2019: https://www.bellingcat.com/news/rest-of-world/2019/03/02/falcon-vs-bison-verifying-a-mig-21-wreck/

[3] March 11, 2019: https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zo...21-bison-versus-pakistani-f-16-viper-bullshit

[4] March 27, 2019: https://www.armscontrolwonk.com/arc...d-rhetoric-analyzing-the-standoff-in-kashmir/

[5] April 8, 2019: https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zo...s-they-downed-an-f-16-is-far-from-irrefutable

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Indian propaganda # 1



Munitions recovered from the wreckage of a MiG-21 Bison piloted by Abhinandan Varthaman:-






Indian propaganda # 2





"It's also worth pointing out that India has not provided any evidence of the F-16 shootdown beyond the radar track "vanishing." Kapoor only showed two still radar images, as well. Without having more data and context, we have no way of knowing conclusively that the contact disappeared and never reappeared or that it was an F-16, to begin with. Electronic warfare and the limitations of the airborne early warning and control system could have been factors, as well. The mountainous terrain and other ground clutter may have masked the Viper's radar signatures temporarily and the fighter could have dropped into the "doppler notch" of the airborne radar system. There are so many possible explanations that cannot be ruled out without more information and at the very least, full motion video of the tactical picture, not just a few hand-picked screenshots.

There is no indication that Pakistan launched any combat search and rescue effort to recover the crew of the purportedly downed F-16, which one might have expected to see, either. There is an unsubstantiated report that a group of civilians on the ground lynched a Pakistani pilot after his plane got shot down, mistaking him for an Indian aviator, but this is incredibly hard to believe.

Pakistan has also released images of portions of Russian-made R-73 Archer and R-77 Adder missiles it recovered from the MiG-21 crash site as evidence that Varthaman never got off a shot. The remains of one of the close-range R-73s, which numerous reports say was the weapon that brought down the F-16, consists of just elements of the rocket motor and seeker head, raising questions about this claim."
- Tyler Rogoway
they provided still pictures.when f-16 vanished,they showed this still picture and there is no next frame.they can show more frames to justify their claim but i think f-16 simply used terrain for it's advantage.americans counted f-16 which clearly means that iaf is missing something that's why israeli specialists was in india after feb 27.they showed data to israeli specialists and i don't think that they are satisfy with the data.i believe f-16 landed safely but other plane seen in the video is still a mystery.
Israeli systems don't integrate with Russian IFF. That is why Indian air defenses shot down the MI-17. Could the other track be the SU-30MKI just mislabeled a F-16? Modern digital systems all have training simulation modes so those images could also be a simulation. Those Israeli experts could have been brought in for this. Without more context, the Indian still frames mean nothing.
Identifying the second Aircraft that went down.


Image enhancement clearly shows dark silhouette of an aircraft behind the flames. Not a MiG 21. The flames split into a Y shape at the tail - single tail. Not the tail of Su-30.


Identifying the second Aircraft that went down.


Image enhancement clearly shows dark silhouette of an aircraft behind the flames. Not a MiG 21. The flames split into a Y shape at the tail - single tail. Not the tail of Su-30.


This is like that ink blot psychology test. You see what you want to see. It's too blurry to make anything out. You guys are like a drowning man grasping at any thing.
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This is like that ink blot psychology test. You see what you want to see. It's too blurry to make anything out. You guys are like a drowning man grasping at any thing.

No, its called Forensic image analysis.

The image has been enhanced using available software tools. The dark silhouette is plainly visible. This video explains further.

This evidence taken along with other evidences of a second pilot in pakistani custody and dying in hospital and eye witness accounts gives one a pretty good Idea of what happened.
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