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No evidence of the loss of an F-16

You need to see it for what it is, a minor skirmish in which you had a better day than India.
Almost 3 months down the line we can now call it a minor skirmish. It almost got out of hand. Both sides almost went war. The missile and Naval threats from India were real
But leanr your lessons from Feb 26th too. Ignoring what happened that day would be a big mistake
We did. That's why we responded on 27th. Next time the IAF will try to drop it's "payload", the PAF will also not hesitate to take a pot shot with a BVR
India too needs to learn from Feb 27
That's not the impression we get by looking at various Indian media outlets and even many Indian posters here. They are hell bent on painting the events of 27th as a decisive victory for India
No one is starting a full scale war to avenge a downed vintage fighter jet.
It's not the vintage MiG21 we are talking about. We are talking about the pride of the IAF fleet, the Su30 as per PAF claims. Even as per Indian claims the most it could do was dodge AMRAAMs. Even the F16 kill is attributed to the MiG
I understand the events of 27th Feb pleased Pakistanis and they should but don't blow the importance or significance of those events out of proportion.
We denied India the right to call herself the local enforcer of the region. An image the Modi government was tirelessly building. It was shattered by PAF's retaliation
No one outside of Pakistan thinks that the events had any major impact on the larger picture in the region.
That's because India failed to deliver. The status quo which the world at large believed had ended in India's favor and Pakistan was a spent military force, came as rude shock to everyone. The status quo still exists for now
If anything, it will give the IAF and the India MoD the required wake up call and help strengthen India's defences further.
I can definitely agree with you on that
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Our entire fleet of F16 is accounted for by neutral source. How about yours? When are you allowing Russians to count your Su30's? Scared much?
First let Pakistan officially claim the second plane was a Su30 .
ISPR tweets every day and never in these 2.5 months he ever said the second plane was a Su30 .
ISPR tweets every day and never in these 2.5 months he ever said the second plane was a Su30 .
Well why don't you go the extra mile and do an independent fleet count of the Mirage and Su30 fleets or any IAF aircraft for that matter that were involved in the events of February 27th
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Well why don't you go the extra mile and do an independent fleet count of the Mirage and Su30 fleets or any aircraft involved in the events of February 27th for that matter
Yaa of course we do fleet count of su30 , Mig21 , Mirage 2000 or Mig 29 because Pakistan " claims " it shoot down an Indian jet and isn't too sure of which made it was .

BTW we also still build Su30 by HAL at it Bangalore center , so one can very easily say a new one has replaced the so called downed Su30 .
Pakistan " claims " it shoot down a Indian jet and can't be too sure of which made it was
We did it based on your "claims". Now it is your turn to return the favor

BTW we also still build Su30 by HAL at it Bangalore center , so one can very easily say a new one has replac
That's why an independent third party should do the job. You are more than welcome to hire the services of Foreign Policy Magazine. You accuse us of bribing them to write a pro Pakistani piece. Well you guys have more money. Maybe you can buy them out.

BTW ISPR also asked you guys to make any senior American government official make a statement that Pakistan had indeed lost an F16. Your relationship with the Americans is way better than ours
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No point in flogging THAT dead horse.

I have already posted direct US state officials saying that no such audit too place. There is now Egg on the face of that journalist who posted that fake news of audit.
hi from Indian source good for you, @Gadkari ;):enjoy:
here is the real link from foreign policy that confirmed that no PAF F-16 is missing
and she was telling the world from her twitter account, far more reliable than your Indian source, @Gadkari ;):enjoy:
I lost a dozen IQ points going through this post
If you watch the complete video,the narrator says "to my delight F16 is a perfect match" and then he claims it to be unbiased analysis.
LOL, how credible and high tech, using this technique I can prove it was a flying elephant.

Identifying the second Aircraft that went down.


Image enhancement clearly shows dark silhouette of an aircraft behind the flames. Not a MiG 21. The flames split into a Y shape at the tail - single tail. Not the tail of Su-30.



you people can't find a black box from a crsh site 50 meters by 50 meters but you can surely create an f-16 from a burning SU30's smoke trail

No, its called Forensic image analysis.

The image has been enhanced using available software tools. The dark silhouette is plainly visible. This video explains further.

This evidence taken along with other evidences of a second pilot in pakistani custody and dying in hospital and eye witness accounts gives one a pretty good Idea of what happened.

Looks like not-to-be-seen Indians are now starting to come out of their shame-hiding-caves with creative stories
No audit was done of your F16 as admitted by the US govt. themselves.

But we know for sure that pakistani govt. planted Fake Missile evidence.

In their desperation to prove that no F-16 was hit, Pakis tried to say that Abhi did not fire a missile at all. For this they published this doctored image with an R-73 missile head delicately placed as if it was part of the crash debris. See image


Now Look at videograbs from soon after the plane crashed and they were still dousing the flames. Lot of smoke/steam but when the wind clear the area you can see that there was no brilliant white missile head sitting where it was later shown



Notice how the Missile head moves itself to DIFFERENT distances from the Main crash ?



If pakistan was confident that No F-16 was shot down, there would have been no need for all this drama.

This amateur attempt at concocting evidence only serves to embarrass pakistan further.
Pakistan has to do nothing and yet ALL the embarrassment is on the Indian end. You know it and we know it otherwise you folks would not be flogging a dead horse. IAF ingressed, yet did not have any impact on the intended target. IAF lost an aircraft, a pilot captured and we have a probable kill against an MKI and in the fog of war, you also shot down another Mi-17 in fratricide resulting in 6 additional IAF casualties. We went inside of IoK in broad daylight and despite what the Indian media says, the IAF and IA know exactly what the PAF was able to do.

So let's not bother with embarrassment on the Pakistani side. We reacted to an Indian attempt to surprise us at night time and fared fairly well by all accounts (from those inside and outside Pakistan).
First let Pakistan officially claim the second plane was a Su30 .
ISPR tweets every day and never in these 2.5 months he ever said the second plane was a Su30 .


"The United States Department of Defence has said that it was "not aware" of any audit of Pakistan's F-16 jets. "

You are deflecting and we both know why.

Nothing more to be said.

We don't want indian garbage propaganda sources.

World said 3 indian planes were thrashed by JF17. Now you can oink or shrink, won't make an iota of difference.

Indian media itself claimed, but later slapped by their army who is propaganda master.
Identifying the second Aircraft that went down.


Image enhancement clearly shows dark silhouette of an aircraft behind the flames. Not a MiG 21. The flames split into a Y shape at the tail - single tail. Not the tail of Su-30.



i analyzed this entire video on indian defence forum.two mistakes by the person in the video.first the black shadow above is clearly engine and you can even see tail.when he adjusted su-30,the upper and lower part completely matched,including the engine but wingspan is a problem.now if you see the image of f-16,you can see the f-16 engines are upward and the black shadow(engine) is quite low which basically indicates length problem.it's clear that wingspan of su-30 is quite big compared to f-16 so there are more chances that this is su-30.su-30 length is adjusted correctly but only wingspan is a problem.

We don't want indian garbage propaganda sources.

World said 3 indian planes were thrashed by JF17. Now you can oink or shrink, won't make an iota of difference.

Indian media itself claimed, but later slapped by their army who is propaganda master.
LOL The voice in the video is clearly doctored and if you watch the clip , u will clearly see underlying news scroll says " Pak Jet downed "

you have no proof may be MKI was down by AMRAAM but Mig-21 was shot down by JF-17+SD-10 combo according to various senior/professional members here on PDF @airomerix
@airomerix pls explain to these guys first that whether it was F-16 or Jf-17 . Too much 'fcuking' confusion after 3 months .
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LOL The voice in the video is clearly doctored and if you watch the clip , u will clearly says underlying news scroll says " Pak Jet downed "

@airomerix pls explain to these guys first that whether it was F-16 or Jf-17 . Too much 'fcuking' confusion after 3 months .

Chowkidar Indiot Please explain.

2 R-77 recovered
1 R-73 with serial number can be traced back to IAF inventory
1 R-73 tail section still attached to pylon

If all missiles are accounted for and abhi did not fire any missile then how did IAF shot donw PAF F-16?

please answer this question without diverting the topic.

thank you
LOL The voice in the video is clearly doctored and if you watch the clip , u will clearly see underlying news scroll says " Pak Jet downed "

@airomerix pls explain to these guys first that whether it was F-16 or Jf-17 . Too much 'fcuking' confusion after 3 months .
cut that crap again and again, Pentagon for foreign policy (lara) confirmed that No PAF F-16 Missing, look at post # 36 of mine, and last you claims Mig-21 shot down our F-16 but in clip MKI claim F-16, so which one true if it was and here's the links

got some shame @Suriya
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