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No evidence of the loss of an F-16

Forwarded link of thread of F-16 pilot with the Indian posts.

His reply was “inke mutabiq saare PaF tabah hogayi. C**yas, they are the only ones with jets down.. they know the reality”
No, its called Forensic image analysis.

The image has been enhanced using available software tools. The dark silhouette is plainly visible. This video explains further.

This evidence taken along with other evidences of a second pilot in pakistani custody and dying in hospital and eye witness accounts gives one a pretty good Idea of what happened.

Our entire fleet of F16 is accounted for by neutral source. How about yours? When are you allowing Russians to count your Su30's? Scared much?
Our entire fleet of F16 is accounted for by neutral source. How about yours? When are you allowing Russians to count your Su30's? Scared much?

No audit was done of your F16 as admitted by the US govt. themselves.

But we know for sure that pakistani govt. planted Fake Missile evidence.

In their desperation to prove that no F-16 was hit, Pakis tried to say that Abhi did not fire a missile at all. For this they published this doctored image with an R-73 missile head delicately placed as if it was part of the crash debris. See image


Now Look at videograbs from soon after the plane crashed and they were still dousing the flames. Lot of smoke/steam but when the wind clear the area you can see that there was no brilliant white missile head sitting where it was later shown



Notice how the Missile head moves itself to DIFFERENT distances from the Main crash ?



If pakistan was confident that No F-16 was shot down, there would have been no need for all this drama.

This amateur attempt at concocting evidence only serves to embarrass pakistan further.
No audit was done of your F16 as admitted by the US govt. themselves.

But we know for sure that pakistani govt. planted Fake Missile evidence.

In their desperation to prove that no F-16 was hit, Pakis tried to say that Abhi did not fire a missile at all. For this they published this doctored image with an R-73 missile head delicately placed as if it was part of the crash debris. See image


Now Look at videograbs from soon after the plane crashed and they were still dousing the flames. Lot of smoke/steam but when the wind clear the area you can see that there was no brilliant white missile head sitting where it was later shown



Notice how the Missile head moves itself to DIFFERENT distances from the Main crash ?



If pakistan was confident that No F-16 was shot down, there would have been no need for all this drama.

This amateur attempt at concocting evidence only serves to embarrass pakistan further.

You are speaking like a r3turd tbh.

US did an audit and buried your claims. They didn't publicized it much because they want to milk bharat mata for now.

This picture clearly shows 3 indian jets shot down. 2 seem like su30 and 1 mig21.

The Chai was fantastic, I'm not supposed to tell you that.
You are speaking like a r3turd tbh.

US did an audit and buried your claims. They didn't publicized it much because they want to milk bharat mata for now.


"The United States Department of Defence has said that it was "not aware" of any audit of Pakistan's F-16 jets. "

This picture clearly shows 3 indian jets shot down. 2 seem like su30 and 1 mig21.

The Chai was fantastic, I'm not supposed to tell you that.

You are deflecting and we both know why.

Nothing more to be said.
This amateur attempt at concocting evidence only serves to embarrass pakistan further.
This amateur Indian attempt (amongst a dozen other amateur attempts) at trying to suggest that Pakistan moving scattered pieces of wreckage next to the main wreckage is anything other than a consolidation of the pieces of wreckage close by is what is an embarrassment to India, and almost every independent (non-Bakht) analyst continues to laugh at each successive piece of stupid excuse Indians come up with.

Literally ‘clutching at straws’ around the wreckage to somehow justify claims of shooting down a PAF F-16.
This amateur Indian attempt (amongst a dozen other amateur attempts) at trying to suggest that Pakistan moving scattered pieces of wreckage next to the main wreckage is anything other than a consolidation of the pieces of wreckage close by is what is an embarrassment to India, and almost every independent (non-Bakht) analyst continues to laugh at each successive piece of stupid excuse Indians come up with.

Literally ‘clutching at straws’ around the wreckage to somehow justify claims of shooting down a PAF F-16.

So the Missile head of the Fired R-73 magically appearing next to the wreckage is "consolidation" ? Not planting of evidence.

So why are the other 3 A2A missiles not "consolidated" in that picture ?

Do you really think anyone with Half a brain will swallow your spin ?

The only public who will swallow to pakistani govt. narrative is a few uber patriotic pakistani's. Not the rest of the world when they sit back and slowly look at the plethora of evidence.

1. Eye witness account.
2. DG ISPR and PM statement of 2nd Pilot in custody and then death.
3. VIdeo evidence and photographic evidence.
4. Proof of planting of evidence.
5. AWAC evidence.
6. Radio intercepts.

Anyway there is nothing more to be said on this matter. We are just going around in circles.

"The United States Department of Defence has said that it was "not aware" of any audit of Pakistan's F-16 jets. "

Curious why this article was only posted by Indian sources while no international media giving any damn about it? That FP report was quoted and widely published by international media.
Report from a well reputed magazine Vs Crap from Hindustan Times (Original source to this article). People know which one to take. You guys keep living in your bubble.
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No audit was done of your F16 as admitted by the US govt. themselves.

But we know for sure that pakistani govt. planted Fake Missile evidence.

In their desperation to prove that no F-16 was hit, Pakis tried to say that Abhi did not fire a missile at all. For this they published this doctored image with an R-73 missile head delicately placed as if it was part of the crash debris. See image


Now Look at videograbs from soon after the plane crashed and they were still dousing the flames. Lot of smoke/steam but when the wind clear the area you can see that there was no brilliant white missile head sitting where it was later shown



Notice how the Missile head moves itself to DIFFERENT distances from the Main crash ?



If pakistan was confident that No F-16 was shot down, there would have been no need for all this drama.

This amateur attempt at concocting evidence only serves to embarrass pakistan further.
Another conspiracy theories by retard Indian, these were 2 different wreck sites, You (India) manufacturing fake evidences Not Pakistan @Gadkari :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:

So the Missile head of the Fired R-73 magically appearing next to the wreckage is "consolidation" ? Not planting of evidence.

So why are the other 3 A2A missiles not "consolidated" in that picture ?

Do you really think anyone with Half a brain will swallow your spin ?

The only public who will swallow to pakistani govt. narrative is a few uber patriotic pakistani's. Not the rest of the world when they sit back and slowly look at the plethora of evidence.

1. Eye witness account.
2. DG ISPR and PM statement of 2nd Pilot in custody and then death.
3. VIdeo evidence and photographic evidence.
4. Proof of planting of evidence.
5. AWAC evidence.
6. Radio intercepts.

Anyway there is nothing more to be said on this matter. We are just going around in circles.
Technically its Impossible that Mig-21 had shot down our F-16, and recently pentagon corespondent for foreign policy confirmed that no PAF F-16 is missing, and the world buys/believes in Pakistani narrative on 26/27 FEB incident, you (india) is master of lies/deceptions and manufacturing of fake evidences for face savings, the whole world knows it@Gadkari
Another conspiracy theories by retard Indian, these were 2 different wreck sites, You (India) manufacturing fake evidences Not Pakistan @Gadkari :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:

LOL .... what ? :cheesy:

You now claim that Two Mig-21 Bis was shot down ? :woot:

Technically its Impossible that Mig-21 had shot down our F-16, and recently pentagon corespondent for foreign policy confirmed that no PAF F-16 is missing, and the world buys/believes in Pakistani narrative on 26/27 FEB incident, you (india) is master of lies/deceptions and manufacturing of fake evidences for face savings, the whole world knows it@Gadkari

No point in flogging THAT dead horse.

I have already posted direct US state officials saying that no such audit too place. There is now Egg on the face of that journalist who posted that fake news of audit.
LOL .... what ? :cheesy:

You now claim that Two Mig-21 Bis was shot down ? :woot:
Same site but different place @Gadkari :p::sick::P;):enjoy:
No point in flogging THAT dead horse.

I have already posted direct US state officials saying that no such audit too place. There is now Egg on the face of that journalist who posted that fake news of audit.
just shut up, there was a thread here on PDF, and not journalist taking any fake news, but this was in her directly from twitter accounts that she was saying not a single PAF F-16 missing, why your fat @$$ on fire to hear that truth, and technically IMPOSSIBLE THAT MIG-21 SHOT DOWN 4.5TH GEN BLOCK-52 F-16D, CAN I GO TO TECHNICAL ASPECT OF 27 FEB AIR BATTLE THAT MIG-21 CAN'T HAVE TECH TO DESTROY MORE ADVANCE OPPONENT (DESIGN LIMITATIONS), SO SHUT UP AND ACCEPT THE TRUTH THAT NO OF OUR F-16 WAS DOWN AT 27 FEB BUT YOUR RAPTOR OF EAST MKI BEING SHOT DOWN AND FELL IN IOK @Gadkari
So the Missile head of the Fired R-73 magically appearing next to the wreckage is "consolidation" ? Not planting of evidence.
It didn’t ‘magically appear’. It was out of the frame for the initial pictures when the fires were being doused in the wreckage and likely moved next to the wreckage after the flames were doused to capture as much of the wreckage in one shot as possible. In addition, it is the parts of the R-73 that were still attached to the wreckage that establish that no missile was fired by Abhi.
Not sufficient proof of F-16 downing. No proof of Su 30 downing.

It's about time we settle with what we know. 1 Mig 21 downed.
If India's claims are true for 27th Feb:
Foreign Policy Magazine and the PAF have a lot of explaining to do. Yet Pakistan can still claim a pyrrhic victory even though on the public relations front it will be major embarrassment.

If Pakistan's claims are true:
Modi sarkar if they have any shred of diginity should resign and so should most of the IAF top brass. Indian media and all the internet bakhts should also apologize to the people of India.

I doubt the BJP government will resign. They might start a full scale war to avenge their humiliation
If India's claims are true for 27th Feb:
Foreign Policy Magazine and the PAF have a lot of explaining to do. Yet Pakistan can still claim a pyrrhic victory even though on the public relations front it will be major embarrassment.

If Pakistan's claims are true:
Modi sarkar if they have any shred of diginity should resign and so should most of the IAF top brass. Indian media and all the internet bakhts should also apologize to the people of India.

I doubt the BJP government will resign. They might start a full scale war to avenge their humiliation

None of this is gonna happen man. Settle down and take a chill pill. You need to see it for what it is, a minor skirmish in which you had a better day than India. Be happy about it. But leanr your lessons from Feb 26th too. Ignoring what happened that day would be a big mistake. India too needs to learn from Feb 27.

No one is starting a full scale war to avenge a downed vintage fighter jet. If it was that important, India would have retaliated long ago. It wasn't and the quick return of the pilot ensured that India descalated after that.

I understand the events of 27th Feb pleased Pakistanis and they should but don't blow the importance or significance of those events out of proportion. No one outside of Pakistan thinks that the events had any major impact on the larger picture in the region. If anything, it will give the IAF and the India MoD the required wake up call and help strengthen India's defences further.
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