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No beef on menu during Commonwealth Games: Kalmadi

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cow is sacred due to the fact Lord Krishna was born into a dairy cow herding family like jesus was a shepherd and Vaishnav hindus are pure vegetarians like Swaminaryans and Jains even eggs are not allowed. It all depends where you go in India i seen beef in goa and kerala but if you go places like north india it is more taboo.
It has been only taken away from Common wealth games menu, those Who want to eat it, can go out to the hotel, Its not there in the CWG menu ... Cannot Afford Mass Killing of such Creatures

Why ban it from CWG menu???????????/ give me one solid reason ?

I dont see any other than pressure and blackmailing from BJP
Why ban it from CWG menu???????????/ give me one solid reason ?

I dont see any other than pressure and blackmailing from BJP

Ok, Let me explain it to You in an Economic Way.....

there is less demand for beef in India, slaughtering of bulls are limited, but if Suddenly the Demand is 20 times , then Imagine How many Bulls have to Slaughtered Un necessarily, what answer will the GOI give to ANIMAL WELFARE SOCIETY????

Should the answer be Common Wealth Games??:pop: (have pop corns instead)
Ok, Let me explain it to You in an Economic Way.....

there is less demand for beef in India, slaughtering of bulls are limited, but if Suddenly the Demand is 20 times , then Imagine How many Bulls have to Slaughtered Un necessarily, what answer will the GOI give to ANIMAL WELFARE SOCIETY????

Should the answer be Common Wealth Games??:pop: (have pop corns instead)

:disagree::no: BEEF IS BANNED IN INDIA EXCEPT WEST BENGAL according to the links i posted my friend so don't go around saying it is less in demand WHEN YOU BAN something doesn't mean it has no demand!! :rolleyes:
Ok, Let me explain it to You in an Economic Way.....

there is less demand for beef in India, slaughtering of bulls are limited, but if Suddenly the Demand is 20 times , then Imagine How many Bulls have to Slaughtered Un necessarily, what answer will the GOI give to ANIMAL WELFARE SOCIETY????

Should the answer be Common Wealth Games??:pop: (have pop corns instead)

:lol::lol: i dont see any solid reasoning in your post above.

Come again please.

:disagree::no: BEEF IS BANNED IN INDIA EXCEPT WEST BENGAL according to the links i posted my friend so don't go around saying it is less in demand WHEN YOU BAN something doesn't mean it has no demand!! :rolleyes:

Thats why said, Please come to India, If you dont see Beef Stall in any other part of India, Please I will take back My words, I live in Tamil Nadu, where I have beef stall's just opposite to my house ....

Please visit India and then Speak, although there is No demand for beef here In India.... Because recently a scandal was caught that, Dogs meat is sold Instead of beef, so its demand became even Low...

Now dont say that , The scandal was a RAW conspiracy to protect Hindu Sentiments
:lol::lol: i dont see any solid reasoning in your post above.

Come again please.


I wish, Only if You knew Who menaka gandhi is.... You wouldnt be speaking like this to me:pop:, and Amir Kahn was arrested for Aiming at a black buck, Salman kahn for killing a dear, And Poaching of tigers is Not allowed.... so are these not animals? or Protecting cows is un islamic??
: BEEF IS BANNED IN INDIA EXCEPT WEST BENGAL according to the links i posted my friend so don't go around saying it is less in demand WHEN YOU BAN something doesn't mean it has no demand!!:

Demand or NO demand its not some Govt Own entity that will look into the demand supply factor. The individuals are to decide whether it will earn them some money or not.

I do not know about other areas but in Delhi it is banned. BTW we were served beef in South India now i do not know if it was really beef or something else lolzzzz but the hosts said it was beef and one of my colleagues did eat
And it is called a secular nation..what a hypocrisy. India becoming secular is like Israel giving up Judaism and Saudi Arabia giving up Islam. Total pipe dreams.

We never said Indians Dont eat beef, Its Like we dont want to Have a mass Killing of Bulls or OX's for such a Mega Event.... Do you have any idea, how many bulls are to be Slayed???

What a weak argument?? India is mass exporter of cows and all these cows make their way to dinner plate. It has more to do with hindu fanatic "Gao mata ke jay!!" crowd.
I can speak like this to you anytime no matter who is manaka or sonia gandhi ;)

Menak gandhi is a lady, who even shouts Over killing mad street dogs... And To the fate she was a member of animal welfare society
Menak gandhi is a lady, who even shouts Over killing mad street dogs... And To the fate she was a member of animal welfare society

I know that. But only if she knows that how leather industry is involved in cow skin products she would have banged her head.

Anyway WHY BAN BEEF AT CWG???????????????????????????

can anyone please answer this question ???????/
What a weak argument?? India is mass exporter of cows and all these cows make their way to dinner plate. It has more to do with hindu fanatic "Gao mata ke jay!!" crowd.

Mind Your tongue hey Mister, You are weak at heart thats why You are using such words like Hindu Fanatics.... You dont deserve any explanation from my side, believe in your false conspiracy....
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