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No beef on menu during Commonwealth Games: Kalmadi

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It's not banned, it's not in menu. How hard is it to understand? :|

People can still go out and have beef if reason be.

exactly what I have been saying all this while...if not having beef, is religiously harmful for you..go out and fulfill your religious compulsion..why spoils other's religion ?
Then why the ban this time?

Actually I read the article and could not find any ban on beef, it just says its just not on the menu in the Games village in the athlete cafetaria? I have no doubt Pakistan will never serve 10,000 people pork if they held similiar events or we would serve exotic foods like dog meat during the Olympics.

It's not banned, it's not in menu. How hard is it to understand? :|

People can still go out and have beef if reason be.

Its exclusion is not the issue but its exclusion due to threats of hindu harliners is the issue.

why a secular, govt should be so weak to bow to hardliner elements ??????
Actually I read the article and could not find any ban on beef, it just says its just not on the menu in the Games village in the athlete cafetaria? I have no doubt Pakistan will never serve 10,000 people pork if they held similiar events or we would serve exotic foods like dog meat during the Olympics.


How do you say that all 10,000 people will be eating beef ??

And as far as ban is concerned please read the above post, the ban is intact for Delhi.
Its exclusion is not the issue but its exclusion due to threats of hindu harliners is the issue.

why a secular, govt should be so weak to bow to hardliner elements ??????

Problem is secular govt considers it a secular move :undecided::undecided:
Why this balancing act always tilt towards Hindu sentiments only in India viz a viz cow ?????

Why Muslims are stopped from sacrificing cows on eid ??? Dont you think Secularism should keep the same balance to avoid conflict or is it that Hindu majority is more powerful than the secularism ??

Cows are considered holy in hindu culture. They are sentimental over this issue. By not sacrificing cows our muslim brothers are showing respect to our sentiments.
Consider this, if i celebrate diwali then is there any need to blow up anything that is symbolic to islam along with crackers?
I simply will not do this because it will hurt feelings of our muslim brothers.
And you, it seems, make all your arguments out of your utter hate towards hindus and nothing else.
The problem is that Kalmadi or the entire set up making beef a prohibited item in CWGs menu makes no sense keeping in mind the claims of Indians that Beef is allowed in Delhi.

I still do not understand what legitimate reason is behind excluding beef from CWGs menu

I do not understand what Kalmadi is fearing of? Beef is easily available throughout the city. It is NOT an exclusive menu item by any yard stick!

CWGs are going to be a real CONTAGIOUSLY WORRYSOME GAME for Delhi!
Actually I read the article and could not find any ban on beef, it just says its just not on the menu in the Games village in the athlete cafetaria? I have no doubt Pakistan will never serve 10,000 people pork if they held similiar events or we would serve exotic foods like dog meat during the Olympics.


Now the problem is it is ISLAMIC Republic of Pakistan
Islam is the state religion (as per constitution )
Still you can eat what you want. And you can even kill a pig.

But in the secular state of India you can not slaughter a cow :sick:
How do you say that all 10,000 people will be eating beef ??

And as far as ban is concerned please read the above post, the ban is intact for Delhi.

Sorry my English as good as yours. The only state where the ban is legal is Gujarat as per your own article. Storage and sale of Beef can be for banned formany reasons within city limits (though an un-named official has been quoted). I doubt any athlete will be banned if he eats it in his own room. You are just making a mountain out of a molehill. Any politician can write any letter to anybody, it does not become law.
I do not understand what Kalmadi is fearing of? Beef is easily available throughout the city. It is NOT an exclusive menu item by any yard stick!

CWGs are going to be a real CONTAGIOUSLY WORRYSOME GAME for Delhi!

I think Kalmadi is not the only one to take up this decision. The biggest role is played by BJP who has threatened to disrupt the games if Beef was served. With such cheap politics and political stunts BJP is not only hurting its base but also bringing shame to India just like our religious parties.
You do not eat beef so i respect your choice but atleast do not ban it for those who do eat it. You are simply imposing your beliefs on others.

It is not like hindus dont eat beef.
It is Hindu give respect to cow in their religion. OK.

Please do give your brain some exercise before writing, so your finger can get some rest
Now the problem is it is ISLAMIC Republic of Pakistan
Islam is the state religion (as per constitution )
Still you can eat what you want. And you can even kill a pig.

But in the secular state of India you can not slaughter a cow :sick:

Well in secular UK, you cannot slaughter or be cruel to a dog (China u can), Dolphin or a whale (secular Iceland/Japan u can), so whats your point.

Sorry my English as good as yours. The only state where the ban is legal is Gujarat as per your own article. Storage and sale of Beef can be for banned formany reasons within city limits (though an un-named official has been quoted). I doubt any athlete will be banned if he eats it in his own room. You are just making a mountain out of a molehill. Any politician can write any letter to anybody, it does not become law.

Un-named?? where . Its an act. An ACT is clearly a law.

"Delhi Agricultural Cattle Preservation Act, 1994, prohibits the sale and storage of beef"

Read more: No Beef at Mega Sports Event in New Delhi | ISKCON News
I think Kalmadi is not the only one to take up this decision. The biggest role is played by BJP who has threatened to disrupt the games if Beef was served. With such cheap politics and political stunts BJP is not only hurting its base but also bringing shame to India just like our religious parties.
pls substantiate ur claims with a source...it would be highly appreciable
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