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No Afghan in Gulberg, at least, has to be rescued by a western colleague as

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I believe that had Pakistan not helped the various factions and allowed their soil to be used against Afghanistan, then there would be no refugee crisis today. The mujahedin would be quickly defeated.

Today Pakistan suffers from Taliban extremism because of mistakes their leaders made many years ago.

Ah, but why not start the clock with Daud Khan?

Had Daud Khan ot interfered in Pakistan - Pakistan would not have interfered in Afghanistan.

Had Afghanistan not invited the USSR to invade Pakistan would not have felt threatened.
The gem here is that now declassified Soviet records show that USSR did not want to intervene in Afghanistan

Or, perhaps I should not blame you for trying to start the clock at a time that favors your arguments.

Face it, you have burnt your house down - hatred of Pakistanis just runs deep in Afghan society.
Ah, but why not start the clock with Daud Khan?

Had Daud Khan ot interfered in Pakistan - Pakistan would not have interfered in Afghanistan.

Had Afghanistan not invited the USSR to invade Pakistan would not have felt threatened.
The gem here is that now declassified Soviet records show that USSR did not want to intervene in Afghanistan

Or, perhaps I should not blame you for trying to start the clock at a time that favors your arguments.

Face it, you have burnt your house down - hatred of Pakistanis just runs deep in Afghan society.

THEY ALSO FIRED SCUD MISSILES AT PAKISTAN IN THAT TIMEhttp://www.defence.pk/forums/pakistan-strategic-forces/244016-record-afghan-ballistic-missile-attacks-pakistan-1989-1990-a.html
THEY ALSO FIRED SCUD MISSILES AT PAKISTAN IN THAT TIMEhttp://www.defence.pk/forums/pakistan-strategic-forces/244016-record-afghan-ballistic-missile-attacks-pakistan-1989-1990-a.html

It is really amazing that educated, secular Afghans have:
1. On one hand such a filtered view of history
2. and on the other hand hate Pakistanis so much

The needs of the hour are:
1. Pakistan should expel all 3 million Afghans refugees from Pakistan – there is no need to host a people who are ungrateful and hostile to Pakistanis
2. The resources Afghans consume in Pakistan: schools, hospitals, universities should go to Pakistanis – no point in giving these to a people, Afghans, who hate us Pakistanis
3. Pakistan should not provide transit trade to Afghans – it will reduce drugs and guns in Pakistan.
Total bull crap about Pakistanis pretending to be Indians.

Most of the Pakistani workers in Afghanistan are Pakistani Pukhtoons, you can't really tell the difference between them and the afghans , pretending to be an Indian would stick out.

Afghan are just punishing us for our loyalty to Pakistan, i have first hand experience, we get looked down on, called imbreds and so on, but we will always will call our selves Pakistani and always will be pro pak, so shove your pureness and leave our land.
Afghan-indian husband wife relationship is build on hatred of Pakistan thats the fact.

Saying that Pakistan should expel Afghan immigrants is useless unless the Pak-Afghan border is fenced. The fence @ Pak-Afghan border is much needed & should've been build after 2001, anyways it is still not too late better gather the resources & start building the fence/wall on Pak-Afghan border.
Afghan are just punishing us for our loyalty to Pakistan, i have first hand experience, we get looked down on, called imbreds and so on, but we will always will call our selves Pakistani and always will be pro pak, so shove your pureness and leave our land.

lol...indians think Afghan love them unconditionally which is not true at all, the reason of Afghan-india marriage is cuz they both hate Pakistan otherwise Afghans hatred towards Hindus can be seen when they call Pakistanis daal khor hindu & hindu ki aulad, etc.

Sadly there are many Pakistanis who have to suffer from malnutrition, due to wrong policies of their government. Nothing to boast about, if I were you.

Also, I think the problem with the original poster is that he thinks that hatred for the Pakistani military and ISI means hatred for the entire population. This is very common among nationalists.

Pakistani Military & ISI did'nt land here from planet X.
Read history, they had enmity with us from day one and were the first who attacked on us, used to support separatist groups, exporting drugs and invited a super power on our door steps way before talibans came into existence - So, what you think, Pakistan should have offered flowers in return?

All i can say is, India is lucky that she have buffer zone.

I dont think the hatred that afgans have for pakistanis has anything to do with history. Its mostly recent events especilly misrule of taliban that is fresh in their mind. If there was historical enimity, it will be on both sides, but it seems pakistanis dont hate afgans as such.

Its the victim that hates the perpetrator of the act( in this case taliban and its sponsor). Exactly for the same reason I would say(after mumbai),hatred of pakistan in India is all time high(where as hatred of India in pakistan has not increased much or might have reduced.)
I dont think the hatred that afgans have for pakistanis has anything to do with history. Its mostly recent events especilly misrule of taliban that is fresh in their mind. If there was historical enimity, it will be on both sides, but it seems pakistanis dont hate afgans as such.

Its the victim that hates the perpetrator of the act( in this case taliban and its sponsor). Exactly for the same reason I would say(after mumbai),hatred of pakistan in India is all time high(where as hatred of India in pakistan has not increased much or might have reduced.)

Pakistan supported taliban because of ever hostile attitude of northern alliance towards Pakistan and their support for insurgents in Pakistan. Policy of supporting Afghan pashtuns is good or bad that's a separate debate but Pakistan did it to safeguard her interest and get ride of war lords always dreaming to rule over sub-continent like centuries ago, And every country have right to protect herself.
Pakistan supported taliban because of ever hostile attitude of northern alliance towards Pakistan and their support for insurgents in Pakistan. Policy of supporting Afghan pashtuns is good or bad that's a separate debate but Pakistan did it to safeguard her interest and get ride of war lords always dreaming to rule over sub-continent like centuries ago, And every country have right to protect herself.
I am not getting into the debate whether pakistan did right or wrong in supporting taliban.
All I want to say is, the reason for hatred can be traced to actions during that specific period, and not long time back in history.
At least that is what afgans are saying, and I dont think we should ignore it.

Nothing is permanent of course. India's support of soviet invasion did not exactly make us popular there. The recent goodwill is specifically due to civilian projects (and our refusal to send armed forces) and not some brotherhood dating back to ashoka period. :)
Currently warlords are gone, so do you think establishment in pakistan will help in rebuilding afganistan?
Pakistan supported taliban because of ever hostile attitude of northern alliance towards Pakistan and their support for insurgents in Pakistan. Policy of supporting Afghan pashtuns is good or bad that's a separate debate but Pakistan did it to safeguard her interest and get ride of war lords always dreaming to rule over sub-continent like centuries ago, And every country have right to protect herself.

Which dumbass told you that those warlords were dreaming of ruling entire subcontinent?
Afghans hate Pakistan because it directly interferes in their country, support one against another and then take u-turn and betray the group which it has previously supported.
I am not getting into the debate whether pakistan did right or wrong in supporting taliban.
All I want to say is, the reason for hatred can be traced to actions during that specific period, and not long time back in history.
At least that is what afgans are saying, and I dont think we should ignore it.

Nothing is permanent of course. India's support of soviet invasion did not exactly make us popular there. The recent goodwill is specifically due to civilian projects (and our refusal to send armed forces) and not some brotherhood dating back to ashoka period. :)
Currently warlords are gone, so do you think establishment in pakistan will help in rebuilding afganistan?

Talibans are not isolated thing, they are very much interlinked with past events - i don't care what afghan think or says but at-least they should have some shame for blaming others for their incompetence and hostile attitude.

And no, those hostile elements are not gone but became part of puppet government.

Which dumbass told you that those warlords were dreaming of ruling entire subcontinent?
Afghans hate Pakistan because it directly interferes in their country, support one against another and then take u-turn and betray the group which it has previously supported.

Was waiting for you - And yes Pakistan attacked Afghanistan as soon as it was founded, and started supporting separatists of Afghanistan.

And what you think if our tribal people wouldn't had resisted you would have stopped on FATA only?
Policy of supporting Afghan pashtuns is good or bad that's a separate debate but Pakistan did it to safeguard her interest and get ride of war lords always dreaming to rule over sub-continent like centuries ago

Among Afghan Pashtuns you are not popular. Even your puppets, the Taliban, dislike you.

This is what the Mullah Abdul Salam Zaeef, Taliban ambassador to Pakistan, has to say about your country:

Look at Pakistan, our neighbour. How does it treat Afghans? Pakistan, which plays a key role in Asia, is so famous for treachery that it is said they can get milk from a bull. They have two tongues in one mouth, and two faces on one head so they can speak everybody’s language; they use everybody, deceive everybody.

They deceive the Arabs under the guise of Islamic nuclear power, saying that they are defending Islam and Islamic countries. They milk America and Europe in the alliance against terrorism, and they have been deceiving Pakistani and other Muslims around the world in the name of the Kashmiri jihad. But behind the curtain, they have been betraying everyone.
Their Islam and their jihad were to destroy their neighbouring Islamic country together with the infidels. They handed over their airports to the Americans so they could kill Muslims and destroy an Islamic country. Their loyalty to the Arabs is so great that they sold diplomats, journalists and mujahedeen for dollars. Like animals. God knows whether they will ever use their nuclear bomb to defend Muslims and Islam. They might use their weapons—as they have used everything else—against Muslims.
From his book "Life with the Taliban".

I won't go into your claim of the Northern Alliance wanting to rule the sub-continent, because it is a ridiculous statement.
Talibans are not isolated thing, they are very much interlinked with past events - i don't care what afghan think or says but at-least they should have some shame for blaming others for their incompetence and hostile attitude.

And no, those hostile elements are not gone but became part of puppet government.

Was waiting for you - And yes Pakistan attacked Afghanistan as soon as it was founded, and started supporting separatists of Afghanistan.

And what you think if our tribal people wouldn't had resisted you would have stopped on FATA only?

Separatists of Afghanistan? Around 1947? ....or you on drugs?
Separatists of Afghanistan? Around 1947? ....or you on drugs?

I thought you are intelligent enough to understand what i meant :omghaha:

Among Afghan Pashtuns you are not popular. Even your puppets, the Taliban, dislike you.

This is what the Mullah Abdul Salam Zaeef, Taliban ambassador to Pakistan, has to say about your country:

From his book "Life with the Taliban".

I won't go into your claim of the Northern Alliance wanting to rule the sub-continent, because it is a ridiculous statement.

I don't care what any kind of Afghan think or say about Pakistan, all i care is whoever work or collaborate with our enemies to harm my country should be dealt in his language, enough of Muslim brotherhood bullsh!t which don't even exist today. Pakistan's interests first.

PS: when you guys pulls out your twisted logic to ridicule Pakistan than why you get hurt when on my remark of sub-continent? At-least those are supported by fact that you attacked Pakistan and tried to annex our territory.
I suspect it's more beneficial for Pakistan to simply expel the Afghan refugees. You can expel Pakistanis.

We go our way you go yours.

Oh and I forgot ... hosting millions of Afghans for decades clearly has won us no friends.

I think what Pakistanis need to remember is that Afghans have been hostile to Pakistanis from nearly the founding of Pakistan.

Pakistan doesn't thinks so..neither they will abandon their ambition is Afghanistan.they thinks Afghanistan is their backyard and they will try to use it as a "Strategic depth",even if it costs thousands of lives and democracy of another country..
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