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No Afghan in Gulberg, at least, has to be rescued by a western colleague as

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@pakistani342 funny the people who call punjabis daal khor are starving for "bread" themselves... and have to smuggle wheat,livestock,veggies (including daal),cement,fertilizers and what not.

It is very sad I must say - The whole Afghan condition.

And, there is nothing Pakistanis can do except protect themselves now.

The only thing we should care about is if our daughters can go to school (or not) -- may Afghans prosper, just on the other side of the Durand line.

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To Pakistan friends...Chill out man...now a days..most of the neighborliness countries have some issues or the other....See like we Indian and Pakistan people...We have diff and warss too...that does not mean we hate you...or in same sense entire Pakistan hates Indian...So in that context Afganistan has yet to evolve as an independent nation..So once their nation is self sufficient and modern, then definitely...people will appreciate your role and any good work if you have done for them..I donot feel this is such a big issue for Pakistan public..
@pakistani342 funny the people who call punjabis daal khor are starving for "bread" themselves... and have to smuggle wheat,livestock,veggies (including daal),cement,fertilizers and what not.

Sadly there are many Pakistanis who have to suffer from malnutrition, due to wrong policies of their government. Nothing to boast about, if I were you.

Also, I think the problem with the original poster is that he thinks that hatred for the Pakistani military and ISI means hatred for the entire population. This is very common among nationalists.
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My favorite parts:

Here we see the result of the positive influence from India, for which Afghans are very thankful.

If Pakistanis don't like to receive a full body search every time they drive around Kabul, they should ask their government to stop sponsoring terrorism.

hate u afghanis for this kind of bloody mindset , we rescued u , we provide u with shelter still u bark at us and bite us
@pakistani342 funny the people who call punjabis daal khor are starving for "bread" themselves... and have to smuggle wheat,livestock,veggies (including daal),cement,fertilizers and what not.

Moreover - they gets undue respect in Punjab as they hide their identity and present themselves as Pakistani Pashtuns which they can't do in KPK
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Sadly there are many Pakistanis who have to suffer from malnutrition, due to wrong policies of their government. Nothing to boast about, if I were you.

Also, I think the problem with the original poster is that he thinks that hatred for the Pakistani military and ISI means hatred for the entire population. This is very common among nationalists.

Yes 17% of our population is poor... while afghanistan is in deep trouble:


As for hating... we know u hate not just our army or ISI... u hate its people... which is evident from the forums and other websites..
Sadly there are many Pakistanis who have to suffer from malnutrition, due to wrong policies of their government. Nothing to boast about, if I were you.

Also, I think the problem with the original poster is that he thinks that hatred for the Pakistani military and ISI means hatred for the entire population. This is very common among nationalists.
better need to expell all afghan refugees at once for all ..... these are haram khor .....
those who respect PAKISTANIs and respect PAKISTAN should be respected all others need to be expelled ...
it will ease our tensions and would bring positive economic outcome ..
people of KPK too want to get rid of these refugees ...... even ANP govt is supporting the agenda of expelling refugees
To Pakistan friends...Chill out man...now a days..most of the neighborliness countries have some issues or the other....See like we Indian and Pakistan people...We have diff and warss too...that does not mean we hate you...or in same sense entire Pakistan hates Indian...So in that context Afganistan has yet to evolve as an independent nation..So once their nation is self sufficient and modern, then definitely...people will appreciate your role and any good work if you have done for them..I donot feel this is such a big issue for Pakistan public..

I must disagree with you:
1. Pakistanis do not by and large hate Indians
2. Indians do not by and large hate Pakistanis
3. "1" and "2" despite what you have rightly pointed out that we have fought wars grabbed territory
4. Pakistanis and Indians at the personal level are quite friendly to each other
5. Afghans have a hatred for Pakistanis and issues like "Afganistan has yet to evolve as an independent nation" certainly do not help but do not constitute the center-of-gravity

Plus we are not advocating anything harmful for Afghans and Afghanistan. We wish the Afghans well, may they prosper.

All we are saying is that until a time when this hatred subsides:
1. Pakistan should expel all 3 million Afghans refugees from Pakistan – there is no need to host a people who are ungrateful and hostile to Pakistanis
2. The resources Afghans consume in Pakistan: schools, hospitals, universities should go to Pakistanis – no point in giving these to a people, Afghans, who hate us Pakistanis
3. Pakistan should not provide transit trade to Afghans – it will reduce drugs and guns in Pakistan.
actually being Muslim country they should have been like our brothers but since our freedom they have been hostile to us. they are suffering at the hands of their own evil plans ....
when ever they would start to respect Pakistan and PAKISTANI people , both nations will prosper
many of my Afghan friends know the importance of brotherly relation thats why they respect PAKISTAN but unfortunately only few have that kind of mindset .... most are brainwashed and imbued with racism
Sadly there are many Pakistanis who have to suffer from malnutrition, due to wrong policies of their government. Nothing to boast about, if I were you.

Here we are in agreement - Pakistan is a poor country and has no business giving access to her meager resources to a hostile and ungrateful people, the Afghans.

Also, I think the problem with the original poster is that he thinks that hatred for the Pakistani military and ISI means hatred for the entire population. This is very common among nationalists.

No you are wrong here and I do have to give Afghans credit for one thing - they don't even deny that they hate Pakistanis, not just the abstract state. As evidenced by Afghans calling Pakistanis:
1. dark-skinned
2. Daal-khor
3. Bastand children of some gloooorious Afghan invaders

Afghans hate Pakistanis - not just Pakistan.
hate u afghanis for this kind of bloody mindset , we rescued u , we provide u with shelter still u bark at us and bite us
If "rescue" is helping the mujahedin, then I don't see it as a rescue. That war was fought for American and Pakistani interests mainly. Religious extremism has never been good for a country.
I must disagree with you:
1. Pakistanis do not by and large hate Indians
2. Indians do not by and large hate Pakistanis
3. "1" and "2" despite what you have rightly pointed out that we have fought wars grabbed territory
4. Pakistanis and Indians at the personal level are quite friendly to each other
5. Afghans have a hatred for Pakistanis and issues like "Afganistan has yet to evolve as an independent nation" certainly do not help but do not constitute the center-of-gravity

Plus we are not advocating anything harmful for Afghans and Afghanistan. We wish the Afghans well, may they prosper.

All we are saying is that until a time when this hatred subsides:
1. Pakistan should expel all 3 million Afghans refugees from Pakistan – there is no need to host a people who are ungrateful and hostile to Pakistanis
2. The resources Afghans consume in Pakistan: schools, hospitals, universities should go to Pakistanis – no point in giving these to a people, Afghans, who hate us Pakistanis
3. Pakistan should not provide transit trade to Afghans – it will reduce drugs and guns in Pakistan.
not 3 million now around 5 million ...... leave unregistered ones aside ,
we are feeding parasites ..... they live in PAKISTAN and run propaganda of Pastoonistan and spell hatred against PAKISTAN

If "rescue" is helping the mujahedin, then I don't see it as a rescue. That war was fought for American and Pakistani interests mainly. Religious extremism has never been good for a country.

hahahhaha why u invited Russia , hadn't u played that dirty game there would have been no mujahedeen phenomenon or american infiltration .... u are run pashtoonistan propaganda and invited russia to conquer PAKISTAN that led to that current situation ..
had u respected ur Muslim neighbor there wouldn't have been any such thing

The belligerents were by and large all Afghans:
1. Gulbudin Hekmetyar - Afghan
2. Ahmad Shah Masoud - Afghan
3. Dostom - Afghan
4. Taraki - Afghan
5. Amin - Afghan

Are you telling me that Afghans are so stupid that they were manipulated by the ISI - NOT!!!

The Afghans settled their own agendas - they used what ever power they could to further their own aims.

By "rescued you" he may have meant gave 30% of your ungrateful population a home for decades - did you forget that?!

If "rescue" is helping the mujahedin, then I don't see it as a rescue. That war was fought for American and Pakistani interests mainly. Religious extremism has never been good for a country.

i had great love and respect for Afghans and there are many afghan refugees who are now part of our families cos of intermarriages but know after meeting people like u , who are against my country , i have started to hate u ... u are there on all the forums abusing my country and it is intolerable ..... come to my area and i will show afghan refugees living like one of us no discrimination , but there in your country u discriminate us and hate us ... thats what has made u to hate u
Are you telling me that Afghans are so stupid that they were manipulated by the ISI - NOT!!!

I believe that had Pakistan not helped the various factions and allowed their soil to be used against Afghanistan, then there would be no refugee crisis today. The mujahedin would be quickly defeated. Instead, it dragged for more than 9 years.

Today Pakistan suffers from Taliban extremism because of mistakes their leaders made many years ago.
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