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No Afghan in Gulberg, at least, has to be rescued by a western colleague as

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I don't know why our stupid policy makers thought about strategic depth in a country who attacked us as soon our country founded. But whatever, our economy don't permit us to bear burden of millions of refugees. We must send them to their country - create military jobs for tribal areas and give them responsibility of securing border. Any Afghan interested to come to Pakistan should come with valid visa.

Besides the obvious terror threat Pakistanis pose, there are also other reasons for hostility. When the Taliban ruled Kabul, they brought with them many fanatic mullahs and students from Pakistani madrassas, who would patrol the streets and beat/arrest people if they did not comply with Sharia law.

Another thing that many Taliban lovers conveniently forget is the massacre of the Hazara people, who are Shia. Hazaras have joined Afghan security forces overwhelmingly, and they have not forgotten what Pakistan did to them.

Thank you @Brother Barry; for putting forth your views on what may be some reasons for the bad-blood between Afghans and Pakistanis.

Now hopefully; @pakistani342 will try to explain his views on the reason for this hostility.
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That does not mean people should be hostile even now. And you yourself said, people of pakistan are not hostile to afgans.
You are blind to the fact that pakistan has a bad reputation due to support it gave to taliban(very recent event). If your govt stops destabilizing afganistan and invests in progress, you will get same goodwill as India.
Indians were not very popular during soviet rule there.

Read history, they had enmity with us from day one and were the first who attacked on us, used to support separatist groups, exporting drugs and invited a super power on our door steps way before talibans came into existence - So, what you think, Pakistan should have offered flowers in return?

Thank you @Brother Barry; for putting forth your views on what may be some reasons for the bad-blood between Afghans and Pakistanis.

Now hopefully; @pakistan342 will try to explain his views on the reason for this hostility.

All i can say is, India is lucky that she have buffer zone.
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I don't think so it will gonna work because in Pakistan a lot of idiots are present who are in love with these afghans mostly mullahs and some religious parties.

Well I'm sad to say this but I think we Pakistanis are stupid - the Afghans by comparison are very clear on what they want and it is amazing to see the level of consensus they have on this issue.

The good news is that there is a realization amongst Pakistanis that Afghans are a deficit for us - I think a slow and consistent campaign has a decent chance at success.

The focus should be educating the common Pakistani that:
1. Afghans hate Pakistanis - and the Afghans have done the homework on this point, on social media, on their media, in our cities.
2. Afghans have hated us long before 1947 and the reasons for that are not going to change anytime soon.
3. Afghans genuinely wish us harm (perhaps the only nationality that overwhelmingly does so)
4. We Pakistanis, ourselves are a poor and vulnerable people and have no business extending our resources such as schools, jobs, hospitals, ports to a hostile and ungrateful people.
Besides the obvious terror threat Pakistanis pose, there are also other reasons for hostility. When the Taliban ruled Kabul, they brought with them many fanatic mullahs and students from Pakistani madrassas, who would patrol the streets and beat/arrest people if they did not comply with Sharia law.

Another thing that many Taliban lovers conveniently forget is the massacre of the Hazara people, who are Shia. Hazaras have joined Afghan security forces overwhelmingly, and they have not forgotten what Pakistan did to them.

And yet we see hatred be it on youtube,internet forums or websites againsts non pashtuns by afghan pashtuns... yet on the other hand Pakistan had a Hazara COAS and several hazara and qazalbash generals... amazing isnt it..
Besides the obvious terror threat Pakistanis pose, there are also other reasons for hostility. When the Taliban ruled Kabul, they brought with them many fanatic mullahs and students from Pakistani madrassas, who would patrol the streets and beat/arrest people if they did not comply with Sharia law.

Another thing that many Taliban lovers conveniently forget is the massacre of the Hazara people, who are Shia. Hazaras have joined Afghan security forces overwhelmingly, and they have not forgotten what Pakistan did to them.

1. Seriously, and how do you explain the hatred of Pakistanis prior to the Taliban ? Didn't know the Taliban went all they way back to Daud Khan's time.

2. Pakistanis have suffered from Afghan drugs, crime, incursions into Pakistan, support for separatists, etc. yet you will still not find hatred towards Afghans among the Pakistani population at large

3. How does support translate to Afghans calling us: daal-khor, dark-skinned, etc.

You are either naive or deliberately dishonest with history - Afghans hate Pakistanis (not just Pakistan).
Well I'm sad to say this but I think we Pakistanis are stupid - the Afghans by comparison are very clear on what they want and it is amazing to see the level of consensus they have on this issue.

The good news is that there is a realization amongst Pakistanis that Afghans are a deficit for us - I think a slow and consistent campaign has a decent chance at success.

The focus should be educating the common Pakistani that:
1. Afghans hate Pakistanis - and the Afghans have done the homework on this point, on social media, on their media, in our cities.
2. Afghans have hated us long before 1947 and the reasons for that are not going to change anytime soon.
3. Afghans genuinely wish us harm (perhaps the only nationality that overwhelmingly does so)
4. We Pakistanis, ourselves are a poor and vulnerable people and have no business extending our resources such as schools, jobs, hospitals, ports to a hostile and ungrateful people.


Thank you @Brother Barry; for putting forth your views on what may be some reasons for the bad-blood between Afghans and Pakistanis.

Now hopefully; @pakistani342 will try to explain his views on the reason for this hostility.

Aheemmm, I did, and I would urge you to do a little research if you wish to interact on the topic.

Just for humour - you do know the Afghans use racial and degrading slurs towards Pakistanis:
1. Daal-khor
2. Dark-skinned
I wonder who else these may apply to in the future.



I think it would be more beneficial to join in activism than being disappointed.

Blog, Tweet on this issue.

Raise awareness amongst Pakistanis.

The good news is that the Afghans actually have done the homework for us.
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1. Seriously, and how do you explain the hatred of Pakistanis prior to the Taliban ? Didn't know the Taliban went all they way back to Daud Khan's time.

2. Pakistanis have suffered from Afghan drugs, crime, incursions into Pakistan, support for separatists, etc. yet you will still not find hatred towards Afghans among the Pakistani population at large

3. How does support translate to Afghans calling us: daal-khor, dark-skinned, etc.

You are either naive or deliberately dishonest with history - Afghans hate Pakistanis (not just Pakistan).

You forget that Pakistan used to be British India, who fought wars against us and even supported Islamic fundamentalist rebels against the government, very similar to the current situation.

Afghans in Pakistan are Pashtun, and you are lying if you say that there is no hatred for them.
You forget that Pakistan used to be British India, who fought wars against us and even supported Islamic fundamentalist rebels against the government, very similar to the current situation.

Afghans in Pakistan are Pashtun, and you are lying if you say that there is no hatred for them.

What a twisted logic you have, By your logic you must also hate India - because she was also part of same British India who fought wars against you.
You forget that Pakistan used to be British India, who fought wars against us and even supported Islamic fundamentalist rebels against the government, very similar to the current situation.

Mmmm, well actually on this point we may be in agreement - you see the Afghan method of argument involves cherry picking periods in history and standards.

For example:
1. Afghans rightly detest Pakistans interference in Afghanistan because it runs agains International norms, laws, etc. - Fair point.
2. However when when they interfere in Pakistan, for example Daud Khan - that seems ok under historical norms - ummm not Fair

Afghans in Pakistan are Pashtun, and you are lying if you say that there is no hatred for them.

No you are incorrect (and possibly lying deliberately):
1. There are Afghans of all ethnicities in Pakistan - Pastun, Hazara, Tajik - in significant numbers
2. All Afghans hate Pakistan and Pakistanis (in significant numbers) - hell even the Afghan Taliban hate Pakistan.
3. By and large there is no equivalent hatred of Afghans (of any ethnicity) amongst Pakistanis
@pakistani342 if you know any blog or sites do tell me I want to join for this cause
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Read history, they had enmity with us from day one and were the first who attacked on us, used to support separatist groups, exporting drugs and invited a super power on our door steps way before talibans came into existence - So, what you think, Pakistan should have offered flowers in return?

All i can say is, India is lucky that she have buffer zone.

This is the one line where i agree with you ....And to further add it up...I always feel that India should feel further lucky that because the educated and developed part of Pakistan is in border to India...Think about the chaos that would have happened...if The easteren and disturbed part of your country like NWFP/FATA/WAZIRSTAN and Balochictan province would have been bordering India....It would be an nightmare....So we should thankful to your Punajab and Sindh GOV that in one aspect they are helping India too...
@pakistani342 funny the people who call punjabis daal khor are starving for "bread" themselves... and have to smuggle wheat,livestock,veggies (including daal),cement,fertilizers and what not.
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1. Seriously, and how do you explain the hatred of Pakistanis prior to the Taliban ? Didn't know the Taliban went all they way back to Daud Khan's time.

Pakistan started interfere in Afghanistan soon after Daud Khan took the government.
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