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Nirbhay cruise missile to be tested by next month finally

And we don't need your crappy comments here.Go elsewhere if you cant even substantiate what you claim...!!

This is Pakistan Defence Forum. And i do belong here. Who the hell are you tell me anything?
THen Im positive. :-)

Every Babur related ISPR press release since 2006 mentioned DSMAC and the claim of achieving 2 meter accuracy in 2012 test after which it was made operational.
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It does not matter if you're flag says Indian or Pakistan (although I reckon there is prejudice against those
with Indian flag in many instances here). What matters is you uphold forum rules & regulations, and live
up to what your title & rank suggest.
My posts are far better than most crappiest post in this thread #4 & #6.

Nothing better can be expected from you.

To talk to you and your fellow Indian members, one has to stoop down to their level.
To talk to you and your fellow Indian members, one has to stoop down to their level.

Says a troll...LMAO.

This is when Indian members get thread banned for even the slightest criticism in a Pakistani thread.Say 'Paksat 1R' is a chinese built sat in a 'chesting thumping' thread about 'Paksat 1R'....and get thread banned.

This is when ( so called ) TTA's troll in Indian threads,and bring even rape & toilet issues to threads like these.
As per an old interview of Dr. Samar Mubarak Mand it does, he said there are 5 cameras in it.

@Oscar I take it you guys are either trying to spread disinformation, have been misinformed yourself, or have no clue about the issue at all.

Does it use DSMAC or not??:pissed:
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