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Nirbhay cruise missile to be tested by next month finally

There is an Indian Defence Forum? I thought all the Indians were exported to PDF.

Yeah but it's pretty much dead a forum.
And "exported" would not be the right choice of word,the Indian Members are attracted to PDF due to its large member base,many good debates going on and abundant number of knowledgeable members on different fields.
Besides,where else do you think we can get to know how our rivals are thinking on different matters other than PDF??
Yeah but it's pretty much dead a forum.
And "exported" would not be the right choice of word,the Indian Members are attracted to PDF due to its large member base,many good debates going on and abundant number of knowledgeable members on different fields.
Besides,where else do you think we can get to know how our rivals are thinking on different matters other than PDF??

And Sir You should not forget to stating the "Troll" which attracts a lot, and good members though not enter into but enjoy others fight.
So what's up.. The month is over.. did we test it or not??
What exactly is your problem ?

I'm glad you asked. My problem is that loads of Indian trolls come here just for the purpose of taking a piss. The whole PDF culture is ruined because of them. They say something just because they have to say something. Now whether that is to increase post counts or not, i don't know. But majority of the posts by them over here are just pure trash and of zero value. They take over the threads where nobody mentions India or anything. They have that troll level capability to turn any thread into a me vs you war. This is not good. While we can reply in kind, it doesn't help. Because then the whole thread is ruined. A lot of senior and professional members refrain from having professional discussions just because of this.
I'm glad you asked. My problem is that loads of trolls come here just for the purpose of taking a piss. The whole PDF culture is ruined because of them. They say something just because they have to say something.

Oh really,do mean trolls like ones who make fun of missile program of a countrythat have even developed BMD systems & ICBMs...?
Oh really,do mean trolls like ones who make fun of missile program of a countrythat have even developed BMD systems & ICBMs...?

Sometimes the Indian trolls get on your nerves and you have to deliver them an equal treatment. And then they get pissed off.....being a hypocrite gslv mk3 ???
Read post #160 very very carefully.

I don't get you - what is there in post 160 to read very very carefully?

was your troll posts on the first page in reaction to some trolling in some other thread and don't you think the Indian person who trolled in that thread would cite a similar reason of being trolled by a Pakistani in some other thread?

What's the point in complaining when you indulge in it too?
I don't get you - what is there in post 160 to read very very carefully?

was your troll posts on the first page in reaction to some trolling in some other thread and don't you think the Indian person who trolled in that thread would cite a similar reason of being trolled by a Pakistani in some other thread?

What's the point in complaining when you indulge in it too?

Plus, i wasn't even having conversation with you. See, you just proved me right. Indians jumping here and there.
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