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Nine days and eight lives later, Pakistan holds fire along border

how did u get photos of your mom and his ex-BF.........I think u stole it from her weardrobe....:

You sound mad at the world because you were born an Albino. Can't do anything for you. :lol:
it is better to stay silent and strike when the time is right, than to scream all day and at the end go running
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killing million to save billion is justifiable...
If you are killing them to save billions then dont label them terrorist. They are helpless unarmed civilians.

If you are killing them to save billions then dont label them terrorist. They are helpless unarmed civilians.
Breaking news:
ISIS flag again appears

This time in jamia masjid srinagar today after nimaz.

Dude, i have told the truth here on this forum many many times, the truth is that Kashmiris should be allowed to decide about their future by a third Party like UN holding plebe cite already existing as a UN resolution, so why all that fuss, why all that insults why all that lying and why Indian claim to be the biggest Democracy and yet keep 120,000 innocent Kashmiris in Jails without trial, have so far killed 80,000 innocent.

Indian do not even have basic courtesy to respect visiting artists from Pakistan, shamelessly the call on them to get out and many a times beat them up, look what you guys did to Adnan even when he discarded his Pakistani citizenship, you kept on pushing and pushing and pushing,

About godhra train, innocent were burned alive , and your judges gave out a decision that fire started from inside, but some of you guys will not stop and accept the truth, they want to exonerate modi for what he did to Muslims in Gujarat for the revenge, what kind of sick minds are these.

I can write more but since you put a questing than this is the answer, let me see what you have to say to all this before i check you of my list as another spin master, question here is would be be honorable man or a spin master.

dude what is vandematram, it sounds very Hindi, which is not a language understood by more than half of India, but you push it because it Hindu words means something spiritual for Hindus, now can you figure this one what i said or you will go into spin mode and then there will be long discussions about what vadematram etc, etc.

Mate, I now work in Zimbabwe. Prior to that I was in South Africa and before that in the UK. Ever since I passed my teens a few years ago, I have had a limited stay in India. People abroad regard Indians and Pakistanis as one people who fight over stupid issues. I have many Pakistani friends here in Southern Africa and it becomes embarrassing when people mock our countries for fighting over silly issues. Radical Indians do exist and if I tell you otherwise then I will be a liar. Kashmir can be resolved by common sense. Pakistani artists are widely respected by most Indians I know. Those who treated Adnan Sani with disrespect are nothing short of morons. He is one of the most talented artists in South Asia. Godhra train issue was unnecessary killing and maiming by bigots. I cannot condone that incident if that is what you are asking me. Modi was exonerated by the courts of India. Anybody can take that on appeal. If anybody did , they seem to have been unsuccessful. The Indian courts like the Pakistani courts or even the American courts for that matter are prone to mistakes. I cannot argue with your opinion that Modi should be held responsible for the riots. The fact remains however that the courts exonerated him. As an Indian I am bound by that decision. I however refuse to stress over issues which will cloud my judgment about the average Pakistani. He or she is no different than the average Indian. Out there to survive in a tough world and getting screwed by politicians, the establishment and beaurocracy. I refuse to be a victim of that mentality
:rofl: Crap video! Shows nothing! Except some noise. And you call it a ceasefire violation by the IA/BSF? It's the sound of mortars being fired by you guys not us! :P

Do remember East Pakistan 1971....The surrender ceremony.


Some of the thousands who surrendered in 1971...Laying down their weapons.

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:rofl: Crap video! Shows nothing! Except some noise. And you call it a ceasefire violation by the IA/BSF? It's the sound of mortars being fired by you guys not us! :P

Do remember East Pakistan 1971....The surrender ceremony.

View attachment 125534

Some of the thousands who surrendered in 1971...Laying down their weapons.

View attachment 125535
:-) That is the reason I love Mahmood of Ghazni
We really dono the reason for this sudden flare up...... yes firing has been increased since new govt in power, may be they are trying to judge the new govt response to such scenario....... Now that they got their answer, they thought its time to stop this nonsense.......

Hope it stops for now, but I don't think it will be the end of the provokation in general and the new government is simply seen as easier to provoke than the former. Partially of course based on the provocative statments made in the elections, but as we can see, many things that were promised in the elections are different when in power.
What troubles me is, that the government has no solution for the problem. Just saying we stop talking, doesn't help us, because it's not like the otherside wants to talk. So we actually have to convince them, which then again is only possible by talking and diplomatic solutions.
Hope it stops for now, but I don't think it will be the end of the provokation in general and the new government is simply seen as easier to provoke than the former. Partially of course based on the provocative statments made in the elections, but as we can see, many things that were promised in the elections are different when in power.
What troubles me is, that the government has no solution for the problem. Just saying we stop talking, doesn't help us, because it's not like the otherside wants to talk. So we actually have to convince them, which then again is only possible by talking and diplomatic solutions.

You know what??? i happened to watch a program yesterday in NDTV - the Big Fight, in which one of the speaker was an ex army officer who served the LOC, and I found his points quite interesting, and quite different from what has been portrayed..... Suggest watching it......

When it comes to relation between Pakistan and India, give the new govt some time, they will eventually realise the right way to deal with Pakistan and i am sure it is not going to be very different from UPA's...
You know what??? i happened to watch a program yesterday in NDTV - the Big Fight, in which one of the speaker was an ex army officer who served the LOC, and I found his points quite interesting, and quite different from what has been portrayed..... Suggest watching it......

:D Saw it yesterday too and I know whom you are talking about and I was surprisingly impressed by his point of view, if only if would state such truth about IAF matters too.

When it comes to relation between Pakistan and India, give the new govt some time, they will eventually realise the right way to deal with Pakistan and i am sure it is not going to be very different from UPA's...

As he mentioned yesterday too, the retaliation of the forces are not different under the former or the current government. The difference is the policy towards Pakistan and especially the Pakistani government! After the invitation of the Pakistani PM to the inauguration (which was indeed surprising and completely contrary to his statements during the elections), I thought he might surprise us with a proactive policy towards Pakistans government, to actually change the course of both countries. But after the recent months the reality strikes back and seeing the government even denying to make basic talks with their counterparts, shows that nothing will happen / change. Change is only possible if we go beyond the old habbits and only on a government to government level, keeping the forces aside.
:D Saw it yesterday too and I know whom you are talking about and I was surprisingly impressed by his point of view, if only if would state such truth about IAF matters too

He sounded irritated with media on playing this victim card.....:D
As he mentioned yesterday too, the retaliation of the forces are not different under the former or the current government. The difference is the policy towards Pakistan and especially the Pakistani government! After the invitation of the Pakistani PM to the inauguration (which was indeed surprising and completely contrary to his statements during the elections), I thought he might surprise us with a proactive policy towards Pakistans government, to actually change the course of both countries. But after the recent months the reality strikes back and seeing the government even denying to make basic talks with their counterparts, shows that nothing will happen / change. Change is only possible if we go beyond the old habbits and only on a government to government level, keeping the forces aside.

See the relation between India and Pakistan is one of the most complex one, Probably the policy would have been a proactive one... The new PM could have taken any stand to resolve the issue because 1) he had absolute majority and he is the boss in the govt, 2) Congress is in opposition and they would never oppose any productive moves to resolve the issues..... Let us also consider the internal equation of Pakistan, Nawaz shariff was a different man before the quadri/IK protests he had a say in foreign policy especially when it comes to india..... But now he is not that strong and when a PM is weak, we know who calls the shots in Pak...... That can also be considered as a reason why GOI thought of stopping the talks. If you know nothing is going to be gained out of talks, why not cancel it and show the nation that the new govt is strong and doesnt hesitate in taking strong decision.....

One more thing came up in the NDTV show was, though the IA/BSF response in loc is similar in UPA/NDA regime, The local commanders were more confident as the signal from centre was clear, unlike UPA which used to give mixed signals.....
What troubles me is, that the government has no solution for the problem. Just saying we stop talking, doesn't help us, because it's not like the otherside wants to talk. So we actually have to convince them, which then again is only possible by talking and diplomatic solutions.

Solution? Convince? Wow, it doesn't get much more naive than that.
This is a problem that can only be managed, there is no solution available. The interests of the 2 countries are diametrically opposite, there is simply no meeting point and we should expect anything but an cold peace as the best scenario probable.

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