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Nikki Haley's Astounding Claims About Iran

Inshallah, I sincerely hope so.

Yes, Iran has brought so much prosperity to countries it has strong alliances with.

Lebanon is currently suffering its worst economic conditions for 50 years.
Yemen is a famine-ridden hellhole
Syria is Syria

Yes, Pakistan should hitch its wagon to Iran and all the prosperity and pistachios that will bring :omghaha:
Aren't you the guy that constantly reports people for flamebaiting and personal insults?

Because most countries don't seek IMF loans for terrorism.
yeah sure its terrorism because you and uncle Sam and BiBi say so. let enlighten you they called Mandela terrorist when they kill indiscriminately with precision weapon it acceptable collateral damage , when the freedom fighter kill because his weapon is not precision guided its terrorism , go and dig up the percentage of killed civilian in 2006 Lebanon war against Israel compared to military personnel death in that war . that open the eye of someone who is not blind

Yemen is a famine-ridden hellhole
Syria is Syria
and Iran brought that to Yemen or some other one.
and who sent cannibals and head choppers from more than 90 country to Syria?
Nikki also threat to Pakistan when Pak-Turkey jointly launch Palestinian resolution in UNO..... She said to Pakistan..we make example out of you ...


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During partition of India hundreds of thousands people were slaughtered by crazy mobs from both sides.

What's going on in Syria on the other hand is deliberate and systematic extermination of Muslims by regular IRGC aka Assad forces for 10 years.

Ridiculous accusatory inversion.

There is no "genocide" whatsoever ocurring in Syria, except local ones committed by zionist-backed terrorist groups systematically slaughtering minorities in certain areas.

Not a single one of the major human rights NGO's, nor one single authoritative judicial source, nor any of the UN agecies has ever spoken of a "genocide" in Syria.

The quoted subject, a zionist operative and notorious pilpul con artist, is simply trying to incite sectarian strife among Muslims.

If the Syrian government intended to "genocide Muslims", it would start with the thousands of Sunni Muslims employed as civil servants by the state, it would start with the few million Sunni Muslim civilians residing in government controlled areas, it would start with the Sunni Muslim merchant class in Aleppo, it would start with the Sunni Muslim officers, generals and soldiers in the SAA.

So the whole contention is laughable.

Also the designation "regular IRGC aka Assad forces" makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. Those are separate organizations from different countries. Moroever, there is absolutely not a single shred of hard evidence implicating IRGC units in war crimes, let alone in acts of "genocide" in Syria.

Oh, and violations of the rules of warfare (not "genocide") committed by SAA troops were mostly carried on orders of the undercover zionist fifth-column inside the Syrian state. In Syria like everywhere else in the Muslim world, Tel Aviv has planted spies, saboteurs and fifth-columnist agents of influence carrying out its filthy work.

Not to mention that Isra"el" bears the primary responsability for the totality of killings in Syria, since the armed uprising that led to the war was instigated by Tel Aviv and its shabbos goy vassals in Washington and the EU, in conformity with the Lewis and Yinon plans designed to balkanize and destroy the entire neighborhood, state after state. Just as the Iraq war was the doing of the zionist lobby in the US, killing to this day far more people than the Syrian war did.

Here is genocidal zionist sayan Madeleine Albright, the former US Secretary of State stating in cold blood that it is "worth it" to slaughter 500,000 Muslim children:

These people are perfectly open about their genocidal intentions, then project their dastardly deeds on others, including on their victims. It is no coincidence that the person who theorized this behaviour as psychological projection, Sigmund Freud, was himself a zionist.
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She looks like Sunny Leone. Not sure if she has a similarly hot body.
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