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Nikki Haley's Astounding Claims About Iran

Imaginary??.............do you EVEN know what sikhs did to Muslims in August 1947?........if not then please don't comment on things you know nothing of.

He's an Israeli propagandist posting ridiculous stats and garbled information intent on confusing people. He most likely knows **** all about what happened during partition.
He's an Israeli propagandist posting ridiculous stats and garbled information intent on confusing people. He most likely knows **** all about what happened during partition.

He's probably an indian pretending to be a Israeli............:disagree:
Imaginary??.............do you EVEN know what sikhs did to Muslims in August 1947?........if not then please don't comment on things you know nothing of.
During partition of India hundreds of thousands people were slaughtered by crazy mobs from both sides.

What's going on in Syria on the other hand is deliberate and systematic extermination of Muslims by regular IRGC aka Assad forces for 10 years.
It's just bs. Pakistanis and Indians think that the universe revolves around them. Nikki Haley however is an Indian American who changed her name to fit with the neocon republican community while passing as "white".

LOL an Indian woman makes the remarks against Iran and this fool takes an opportunity to hate Pakistan. Stupid hater.

During partition of India hundreds of thousands people were slaughtered by crazy mobs from both sides.

What's going on in Syria on the other hand is deliberate and systematic extermination of Muslims by regular IRGC aka Assad forces for 10 years.

You know nothing about the partition Pakistan-hating Zionist.

Don't you worry little Zionist. Your plans are doomed. We too are planning to put and end to your privileged world. You and your angry white privileged Anglo-Saxon brothers are about to find out what it means to play with fire.
LOL an Indian woman makes the remarks against Iran and this fool takes an opportunity to hate Pakistan. Stupid hater.

You know nothing about the partition Pakistan-hating Zionist.

Don't you worry little Zionist. Your plans are doomed. We too are planning to put and end to your privileged world. You and your angry white privileged Anglo-Saxon brothers are about to find out what it means to play with fire.
Why are you FOB people so weird? Because of you weird accented, head shaking, bad hygiene keepers we all brown people get a bad name. Jeez change your attitudes once you’re in the west
During partition of India hundreds of thousands people were slaughtered by crazy mobs from both sides.
Absolutely correct.
Just as many Sikhs were killed by Muslims as were Muslims by Sikhs. It became a self perpetuating vicious cycle based on rumours, lies and suspicions where most of the victims on both sides were innocent. It was a moment of madness between people who had lived together in peace, harmony, love and friendship.
It is true that the Sikh religion in it's infancy clashed with the ruling Muslim rulers and there may be a historical sense of injustice.
Modern day Pakistani Muslims and Sikhs don't have a problem with each other unless it's linked to the India Pakistan rivalry paradigm, which is understandable.
A one eyed view of history doesn't benefit anyone.
For once Nikki Haley is right. Iran hates sunnis and are going about funding and directly participating in Sunni genocide in Iraq and Syria (among other places). They hate Sunnis so much that, instead of spending funds on their economically destitute population, they would rather spend it on mass murdering others. Priorities of these mad Mullah is all screwed up.
It's just bs. Pakistanis and Indians think that the universe revolves around them. Nikki Haley however is an Indian American who changed her name to fit with the neocon republican community while passing as "white".

I agree that it was a BS from a loyalist of Qum, but that is also wrong to state that we think that universe revolve around us.
Nikki may be biased, but than that's subject to the general design of brought up, with wrong information and impression.
Two points of consideration.

Why is Iran seeking an IMF loan? we have Iranians on here every day telling us how strong Iran is. There's even a thread on the Iranian forces forum about how good the Iranian economy is and that reports of Iranians starving is western propaganda.

And Nikki Haley is absolutely right. The Mullah regime which is the most crazed and genocidal regime on the planet right now, should not be getting any funds. This would be like if Hitler applied for a loan whilst destroying half of Europe.

Any money the regime gets will not go on bread and medicine, it will go on making more war and terrorism in Arab countries.

Not a single penny for Iran.
Why not Iran is part of IMF and have the right to seek loan of it in case of emergency . why everybody can ask loan and its Ok. but if Iran ask for it its not Ok.
It may be news to you but Iran Joined IMF on 29 December 1945 and we are part of its 29 founding member
by the way in all these times we only recieved two loans from IMF one in 1956 when we recieved 17.50 SDR million loan package and once in 1960 when IMF approved a 35 SDR million package for Iran but we decided only to take 22.5 SDR million and if you gys don't knew lwt me tell you As of 2019, the IR Iran's special drawing rights (SDR) is 1549.18 million and its remaining callable capital brings Iran to its IMF quota of 3567.1 million SDR.

Iran can stop funding terror in Muslim lands and it won't need to go to the IMF.
look at my post and you see that we have the right to go there

During partition of India hundreds of thousands people were slaughtered by crazy mobs from both sides.

What's going on in Syria on the other hand is deliberate and systematic extermination of Muslims by regular IRGC aka Assad forces for 10 years.
and again you blame Iran for Arab Killing Arabs

For once Nikki Haley is right. Iran hates sunnis and are going about funding and directly participating in Sunni genocide in Iraq and Syria (among other places). They hate Sunnis so much that, instead of spending funds on their economically destitute population, they would rather spend it on mass murdering others. Priorities of these mad Mullah is all screwed up.
if you want to knew what's genocide go ask Iraqi people what happened in 2006

by the way for the guys who ask why go to IMF for Loan , England went there 11 time , USA went there 2 time , turkey get help 19 time, Spain 3 time , South Africa 5 times, Russia 4 time, Pakistan 22 times, Netherland 1 times, Myanmar 6 time, Morocco 20 times, Korea 17 times, Japan 2 times, Italy 2 times, Israel 3 times, India 7 times, France 3 times, Finland 3 times, China 2 times, Brazil 16 times. so its not strange that you go to IMF at the time of emergency
Bro, Your QUOTE was upvoted by 2 Zionists. Congrats on achieving this new low level :lol:
Aren't you the guy that constantly reports people for flamebaiting and personal insults?

Why not Iran is part of IMF and have the right to seek loan of it in case of emergency . why everybody can ask loan and its Ok.

Because most countries don't seek IMF loans for terrorism.
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There's even a thread on the Iranian forces forum about how good the Iranian economy is and that reports of Iranians starving is western propaganda.
it is about industrial progresses. economy fails when you can't progress or maintain your industries...
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