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NGO Save the Children ordered to leave Pakistan: officials!

These Foreign NGO"s are a " NEST OF SPIES " and not just in Pakistan. A lot of countries have clamped down on them because of their illegal and covert activities, riling up people against their Governments and sowing the seeds of dissension and fomenting trouble. The so-called " Arab Spring " in the Arab World and " Orange Revolution " in Ukraine and other places are classic examples of their handiwork. Even Russia and China have started clamping down on them.

Pakistan needs to be extra vigilante as to the activities of these Scumbags.

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Russia: Spy Scandal Highlights Mounting Pressure On NGOs

NGOs a Cover for Spying in Russia | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Pakistan Accuses Save the Children of 'Spying', Asks NGO to Leave the Country Within 15 Days

NGOs had been infiltrated by foreign agencies going as far back as the 60's, globally. There is no such thing as a humanitarian organization any more, it is all a facade to hide behind while the unfriendly foreign agencies conduct their business.

All NGOs, foreign and domestic, need to be brought under the umbrella of strict government regulation and surveillance. All staff members must be vetted by our agencies before they are allowed a visa or employment. And so on.

Let's just say that they have been helping some other 'families' a lot more then the poor Pakistani families!
Lately was certainly an understatement. Russia, China and even India have learned to keep a tight grip and proper surveillance on NGOs. We need to do the same.
Pakistan government lift ban on Save the children and notice issues no objection to re open their offices:wat: American pressure?
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