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NGO Save the Children ordered to leave Pakistan: officials!

Having worked with NGOs even at management level i can tell you exactly that not even 10% is spent on the relief or development activities.
I worked on a project where NGO i was working for Setup their offices for a skill development programme in south punjab. All the districts circle around some very sensitive places in term of pakistans nuclear assets. Later some officials of ISI came up and told us to leave the area imediately but that NGO risked employees by refusing to leave. I unilaterally decided to close down that office and all the staff under my management resigned due to their fishy activities.
Having worked with NGOs even at management level i can tell you exactly that not even 10% is spent on the relief or development activities.
I worked on a project where NGO i was working for Setup their offices for a skill development programme in south punjab. All the districts circle around some very sensitive places in term of pakistans nuclear assets. Later some officials of ISI came up and told us to leave the area imediately but that NGO risked employees by refusing to leave. I unilaterally decided to close down that office and all the staff under my management resigned due to their fishy activities.

Name of your NGO?
Having worked with NGOs even at management level i can tell you exactly that not even 10% is spent on the relief or development activities.
I worked on a project where NGO i was working for Setup their offices for a skill development programme in south punjab. All the districts circle around some very sensitive places in term of pakistans nuclear assets. Later some officials of ISI came up and told us to leave the area imediately but that NGO risked employees by refusing to leave. I unilaterally decided to close down that office and all the staff under my management resigned due to their fishy activities.
Though I have not worked with NGO directly, I agree with what you say. Even UN related organisations spend allocated amount for travel, so called training and in the name of capacity building. Studies are being carried out with colourful reports printed. Then those are allowed to rot in the shelf no action taken. Objective is to spend the allocated budgets, gather media attention and campaign for more funds. Those in whose name funds are released keep on living in shambles whereas these people roam around in bullet proof land cruisers. In these heinous crimes our so called elite civil servants perform very well as abettors.
NGO Save the Children ordered to leave Pakistan: officials - The Express Tribune

“Save the Children does not have any expatriate staff working in Pakistan, all our staff are Pakistani.”

The lady in charge of "Save the Children"

Save the Children Federation on the Forbes The 50 Largest U.S. Charities List
#22 Save the Children Federation

Revenue As of December 2014 - $658 Million

propaganda, its all bs. they got strings and they use these ngo to do their shady wok
Let's wait and see. Foreign NGOs have been up to a lot lately.


NGOs had been infiltrated by foreign agencies going as far back as the 60's, globally. There is no such thing as a humanitarian organization any more, it is all a facade to hide behind while the unfriendly foreign agencies conduct their business.

All NGOs, foreign and domestic, need to be brought under the umbrella of strict government regulation and surveillance. All staff members must be vetted by our agencies before they are allowed a visa or employment. And so on.

I dunno...they have been there a long time (30 years!!) helping poor families

Official USA Site - Save the Children

Let's just say that they have been helping some other 'families' a lot more then the poor Pakistani families!
Let's just say that they have been helping some other 'families' a lot more then the poor Pakistani families!

These people are working in the poorest of areas...and those areas are probably your "trouble" areas. Since these workers are locals I'm sure they have sympathy for militants. So some locally run clinic is probably treating people who aren't children. I'm sure some of them sell donated food/medicine for cash and hand them to militants too. Such is the two edged sword of charity.

But even if the Pakistani government tried the same thing to help the poor you'd probably see the same result.
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Good riddance. We all know what happens in the name of NGOs.
Saving children or saving militants kick out these corrupt NGOS from Pakistan which are spreading terrorism.
Not the first time this is happening to this ngo. A couple of years ago these guys were banned too so they must be up to something. Having worked in a charity in the UK I know for certain that charity is a whole industry even if it is "not for profit". The scope for corruption and using the cover of being a charity as a facade for making money is huge. If the cia or any other spy agency offers big money to use the charities name for spying activities then sure, why not.
All NGOs need to be purged.
Honestly, Who would take care of all of the refugees in Pakistan? I doubt the Government would be willing to give even a paisa to these refugees. There are over 1.6 million refugees in Pakistan, How many of them are Children? You want to cut off the only hope of so many people and kids? Or Perhaps you dislike "Immigrants" in Pakistan?
The Citizens Foundations maintains one of the best educational institutes in Pakistan without Government support. No Ambulances are better than Edhis. What about the WWF? What about the Muslim Aid ? These are all NGOs. Are you sure you want to "purge" the few good souls left in a country filled with monsters?
Why do you hate NGO's when they're there to help your people?

(NGO's =/= Intelligence NGO's)

You just said something similar to:

Lets behead all Pakhtun people because some of them are Taliban, or
Lets behead all Bauloch people because some of them are BLA, or
Lets behead all Punjabi people because some of them are SSP. or
Lets behead all Kashmiri people because some of them are pro-India, or
Lets nuke the world because someone thinks that Pakistan is a terrorist state.
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How come all the charity bosses drive brand new Mercedes?
How come all the charity bosses drive brand new Mercedes?
What kind of a question is that?

What does giving money to the poor and helping them out have to do with the car you drive?
Questions like these make me feel like impaling my head on a sharp object...
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These people are working in the poorest of areas...and those areas are probably your "trouble" areas. Since these workers are locals I'm sure they have sympathy for militants. So some locally run clinic is probably treating people who aren't children. I'm sure some of them sell donated food/medicine for cash and hand them to militants too. Such is the two edged sword of charity.

But even if the Pakistani government tried the same thing to help the poor you'd probably see the same result.

I was actually pointing to the external agencies who have absolute influence on the top most management of these NGOs. The locals are least of my concern, my headache I can take care of, it's the external aches that I have a problem with.
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