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What passes for resurgent religious fascism in India has in fact mutated into a cozy partnership with a new strand of “secular fascism”, also known as corporate takeover of the levers of state. There are thus two parallel stories running at this point in time in the country and they both complement each other.

The first narrative stems from the arrest of a number of rightwing Hindutva extremists in a number of places for false flag attacks they staged over several years. These people apparently carried out sabotage to blame it on Pakistani and Indian Muslims. They used false beards and moustaches with useful quantities of RDX, which was at least on one occasion evidently procured from army stores. The Samjhauta Express bombing is being investigated along this lead. All this is embarrassing not only for the Hindutva leadership but also for alleged rogue officials in intelligence agencies that are said to have colluded with the so-called nationalist extremists. The murky story of fake encounter killings of Muslim hoodlums and innocent ones too in Gujarat has already been deleted from the media’s menu.

Naturally, the Hindutva sponsors needed a quick change in the news headlines, away from their terror links. They found one soon enough when writer Arundhati Roy and Kashmiri separatist Syed Ali Shah Geelani appeared together in Delhi for the first time to repeat what Ms Roy had said two years ago in an essay called Azadi. She reiterated the right to self determination of Kashmiris and also claimed what Jawaharlal Nehru and others had said dozens of times before her — that Kashmir came to India through an unusual route without consulting the people of Kashmir.


This is just to take note of how the article begins in a suggestive manner and then uses them as hard facts in the later parts to come to some pre-planned conclusions.
So what's your point? The author is direct and to the point, His opening paragraph is pretty standard stuff - he tell you what he's going to e talking about and then talks about it - the main thesis of the article is that there is a "cozy relationship between..." he then get to the substance - I must be missing something in your objection, because this is pretty standard stuff.

Are you sure it's not that you guys are just not used to reading such things about India or the Hindutva phenomenon?
Such great questions, I really appreciate it --So, Hindutava nationlist and Hindu-ism is really the same thing? Cause if they are not the same thing than all the author is saying is that Hindutva nationalists have corporate sponsors and that the Indian press is part of that nexus -- he gives the example of telephone conversations intercepted and can be found on the outlook website

Did I ever conceded that the author has said anything about Hinduism? And also by your logic he has already proved the nexus when his article itself begins with words such as "apparent" and "said to have"?

The author gave the phone-tapping example in which no "Hindutva nationalist" person or group is mentioned. Why don't you read the article again? You are reading in too much, just like the author who wants to draw unparallel conclusions.

This is what the author says giving the "phone-tapping" example:

Among those whose phones were tapped were NDTV’s ace anchor Barkha Dutt and Mr. Sanghvi. I am not going into the details of the conversation as they are available on the web if you look for Open magazine and Outlook magazine. They were both involved in a conversation with Neera Radia, a woman PR representative who works for the main firms of industrialists Mukesh Ambani and Ratan Tata. Ms Radia evidently successfully campaigned to have A. Raja installed as the telecom minister.

A Raja is not from the right-wing party and his party is supporting the current "seular" party of India.

The essence of the unfolding corruption tragedy is perhaps best captured in one of the tapes in which India’s most influential business tycoon is quoted as claiming that the Congress party was his dukaan, a shop. There is nothing to indicate that the BJP is not similarly regarded by the corporate world.

This is as direct as he went to accuse a "right-wing" party.

And rest are statements/facts on polity in general already doing rounds in the media

and listen Bkhooka nanaga is just a slogan, you understand?? If you lot can be blown away by slogans, then God help you, cause we're gonna eat your lunch.

So that is what the slogan she has to give to her nation? I think you have lost it too.
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Such great questions, I really appreciate it --So, Hindutava nationlist and Hindu-ism is really the same thing? Cause if they are not the same thing than all the author is saying is that Hindutva nationalists have corporate sponsors and that the Indian press is part of that nexus -- he gives the example of telephone conversations intercepted and can be found on the outlook website

The author is guilty of mindless rambling & so are you. The tapes have no connection to Hindutva at all unless the author is arguing that everyone in India are Hindus which ironically is the pet argument of the RSS. It's primarily wheeling dealing between the Congress & the DMK, an avowedly atheistic party which till recently was the favourite of the author & his types for their anti Hindu & pro socialistic rhetoric. These tapes & the scandal over the 2G auctions show how wedded to socialistic principles they are!
The author is a left wing looney who has the habit of blaming corporates for making more money than he does. The so called Hindu Nationalists are the other of his favourite bugbears. Surprising that he didn't put the blame of the recent floods in Pakistan on these two!:lol:
You a bit of a short fuse - here I am engaging you in a rather reasonable manner and you tell me that I have lost it - really, one always wonders about you guys. Keep your powder dry, keep your anger in check, keep your emotion under your control - there will be a time and place, even if for just one instant before vaporization --

In the meantime, lets have fun discussing the issues - you want to have persuaded your interlocutors in one short sharp thrust?

Did I ever conceded that the author has said anything about Hinduism?

So, your concession about Hinduism is exactly what? Is Hindu-ism and Hindutva nationalism, the same thing??

The author suggests that the vast majority of Indian peoples are caught between the devil and deep blue sea, as it were, between Hindutva nationalists and their corporate sponsors - do you think the author is accurate, if not, why not?
You a bit of a short fuse - here I am engaging you in a rather reasonable manner and you tell me that I have lost it - really, one always wonders about you guys. Keep your powder dry, keep your anger in check, keep your emotion under your control - there will be a time and place, even if for just one instant before vaporization --

You tell me that Indians should take that slogan and then you say you are engaging me in a reasonable manner? I think we don't need too much intelligence to find who has lost it.

And no, I am not angry.

The author suggests that the vast majority of Indian peoples are caught between the devil and deep blue sea, as it were, between Hindutva nationalists and their corporate sponsors - do you think the author is accurate, if not, why not?

He never gave any example/proof of Hindutva nationalists involved with corporates, all he does is to make that sweeping conclusion in the end.

In the meantime, lets have fun discussing the issues - you want to have persuaded your interlocutors in one short sharp thrust?

So, your concession about Hinduism is exactly what? Is Hindu-ism and Hindutva nationalism, the same thing??

Please reframe all this and tell me what you are trying to say. On a second thought, leave it, I am done with you.
Why are you so defensive Karthic? What reason other than it's interesting and informative to discuss -- don't worry India is still shining on.

Defensive ?? Me...?? For what ??

The intention behind those words was that the article doesnt say anything new that we dont know.

Since the article is something about India,I always expect something that I dont know and if it is something that I already know (also for sure,an absolute majority know) then doesnt it become redundant and thereby warrant the question I asked.

BTW We all know India is Starting to shine and shine bright and so that too is a redundant piece of info. :lol:
You mean you know of the Hindutva nationalist and corporate media nexus? - And it does not give you cause for concern? Do you think Pakistani readers know of this nexus and how it works? DO you think it would help if they did know it?

Our Indian interlocutors. let me tell you, leave a great deal to be desired - you guys seem simply caught up in very absolutist positions, black and white, you see no interest in both Indian and Pakistanis know about this nexus?

You know what, you think any way you want, I'm sorry I tried to wake you guys from your India right, Pakistan wrong, stupor, sleep.
Wait , i live in India , but i still dont understand what the author means by corporate nexus with hindutva forces .

It seems that muse has understood the article very well .

I am asking you muse to explain to me what this hindutva-corporate nexus means .

and no i am not getting defensive , before you accuse me of that as you have done with everyone else who has asked questions .

I am asking for an explanation to something which i havent understood but you apparently have. Be my tutor please .
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