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Newsweek on Americans: How Dumb Are We?

Hahaha, what a joke. China is one of the most multicultural countries in the world with over 54 ethnic groups and 3 million foreign residents. Yes, there are indeed racists in China, but there hasn't been racial attacks on foreigners here for 25 years. How many racist killings are there in the US?
The laugh here is on you, kid. My Chinese friends, and they are truly friends, have no qualms on being open about Chinese bigotry against us 'inferior' Asians. You Chinese boys' attitude here is proof enough of that. The Chinese government knows full well that if China's true racist sentiments about China's own internal ethnic minorities, and how the government treats them, it would blow wide open the lies that you are trying to perpetrate here. I do not need to press my friends on the details. They spoke and will speak on their own time. If they know about China's racism and bigotry, so do you, and that make you Chinese boys here an intellectually dishonest lot. As if we need any more proof of that. We do not need the US government to formalize any 'report' about China's racism and suppression of ethnic minorities. You think that all Chinese living and working here in the US, as across the US, is as intellectually dishonest you boys here? Wrong...They talked and they exposed your lies.
My Chinese friends, and they are truly friends, have no qualms on being open about Chinese bigotry against us 'inferior' Asians.

You have "true Chinese "friends", who are open about their bigotry towards Vietnamese such as yourself?

I don't believe you. :rofl:

Either that, or you are very bad at choosing your friends.
You have "true Chinese "friends", who are open about their bigotry towards Vietnamese such as yourself?

I don't believe you. :rofl:

Either that, or you are very bad at choosing your friends.
You clearly have a reading comprehension problem. They do not have that sentiment towards me but they were willing to be honest enough, unlike you Chinese boys here, that they were raised among and with those racist attitudes. It is difficult for them to be like you when day in and day out they are confronted with working in a racially diverse environment when they will deal with our boss, who is a Viet, or an Iranian engineer in QA, or an Indian supervisor down in Production. Let US know when the Chinese legislature has as much skin tones as the US Congress.
^^^ I don't believe you. :lol:

It is like a black man saying "I have true friends who are open about hating black people... but they don't hate me."

I think these "friends" you are talking about, are imaginary.
Well I personally feel sorry for the American people, it was a great country with great constitution. But through out the 20th and 21st century, it has remained hijacked by these unseen puppet-masters who dictate each and every aspect of an ordinary American's life. This has been more blatant after an example was made out of JFK in the 60s. :coffee:
“Americans are so stupid that when one got locked in a toilet his bowel burst, and when one got locked in the supermarket he died of hunger”
~ British on Stupid americans

“NO U!”
~ Americans on the British

“Why does everyone hate us?”
~ Americans on The World

“I'm going to have to ask you to sit at the kids' table.”
~ The UN on America

“Would you like fries with that?”
~ Americans on Obesity

“We have nukes.”
~ Americans on Foreign Policy

“Praise Jeezus! Islam, Judaism, and that one with the blue guy!”
~ Americans on Religion

“I don't give a f*ck”
~ American teenager on their future

Enjoy these and more on Unclopedia:
Stupid Americans - Uncyclopedia, the content-free encyclopedia
“Americans are so stupid that when one got locked in a toilet his bowel burst, and when one got locked in the supermarket he died of hunger”
~ British on Stupid americans

“NO U!”
~ Americans on the British

“Why does everyone hate us?”
~ Americans on The World

“I'm going to have to ask you to sit at the kids' table.”
~ The UN on America

“Would you like fries with that?”
~ Americans on Obesity

“We have nukes.”
~ Americans on Foreign Policy

“Praise Jeezus! Islam, Judaism, and that one with the blue guy!”
~ Americans on Religion

“I don't give a f*ck”
~ American teenager on their future

Enjoy these and more on Unclopedia:
Stupid Americans - Uncyclopedia, the content-free encyclopedia
I chuckled every time I read one of these how 'stupid Americans' are list. There are stupid Asian-Americans, as well as stupid black Americans, in other words, it is easy for anyone to make fun of Americans in general. But if we turn the table, as in 'stupid Chinese' and proceed to make a similar list, no doubt the 'racist' charge would be flying.

Moon has no air, but the law of inertia is constant throughout the universe. When the astronaut plants the flag, his movement imparts movement to the flag. Because there is no air to resist movement, the flag keeps flapping through inertia.
So would you be willing to apply this very reasonable scientific explanation to a 'stupid <whatever>' group?
^^^ I don't believe you. :lol:

It is like a black man saying "I have true friends who are open about hating black people... but they don't hate me."

I think these "friends" you are talking about, are imaginary.
Yup...Truly 'imaginary'...

I chuckled every time I read one of these how 'stupid Americans' are list. There are stupid Asian-Americans, as well as stupid black Americans, in other words, it is easy for anyone to make fun of Americans in general. But if we turn the table, as in 'stupid Chinese' and proceed to make a similar list, no doubt the 'racist' charge would be flying.

Lol. These people dont have the guts to criticize their own government's policies. Either the propaganda machine doesn't teach them criticism and by extension critical thinking or they are too afraid of the Big Commie Brother watching! So any critique is foreign to them, no wonder they all attack the member who posts anything critical of Chinese policies, label him/her as racist (without even understanding the irony of calling them that) and pat each other on their backs for a job 'well done'. I place my bets on the propaganda machine.

And, they go around crying hoarse about White American imperial policies, stupid white Americans, low Dravidian/Indian IQ, 'stupid & loose morals' of the Japanese and what not. Oh, the irony!
So would you be willing to apply this very reasonable scientific explanation to a 'stupid <whatever>' group?

I don't you what you're getting at gambit. I was defending the American Landing on the Moon. I admire their scientific and technological achievements. However, when Bush invades a country to destroy phantom WMD's, I also reserve the right to say "I told you so".
Lol. These people dont have the guts to criticize their own government's policies. Either the propaganda machine doesn't teach them criticism and by extension critical thinking or they are too afraid of the Big Commie Brother watching! So any critique is foreign to them, no wonder they all attack the member who posts anything critical of Chinese policies, label him/her as racist (without even understanding the irony of calling them that) and pat each other on their backs for a job 'well done'. I place my bets on the propaganda machine.

And, they go around crying hoarse about White American imperial policies, stupid white Americans, low Dravidian/Indian IQ, 'stupid & loose morals' of the Japanese and what not. Oh, the irony!

That's a laugh from a guy who supports every imperialistic foreign intervention to come from the US of A and his lackeys. Where is you "critical thinking skill" or ability to critique? You are no more enlightened or balanced than the straw man you disparage in your remarks.
I don't you what you're getting at gambit. I was defending the American Landing on the Moon. I admire their scientific and technological achievements. However, when Bush invades a country to destroy phantom WMD's, I also reserve the to say "I told you so".

See, thats what I was talking about. Comprehension problems!!

He meant - how could a group of "stupid Americans" achieve a feat as remarkable as Moon Landing!!!
That's a laugh from a guy who supports every imperialistic foreign intervention to come from the US of A and his lackeys. Where is you "critical thinking skill" or ability to critique? You are no more enlightened or balanced than the straw man you disparage in your remarks.

In plain English. Your jumble of words make as much sense as a simian trying to type a Shakespearean sonnet.
See, thats what I was talking about. Comprehension problems!!

He meant - how could a group of "stupid Americans" achieve a feat as remarkable as Moon Landing!!!

Thanks for explaining gambit's strange request to
So would you be willing to apply this very reasonable scientific explanation to a 'stupid <whatever>' group?

I do admit I didn't understand what he was referring to, and if that counts as "comprehension problems" then I have to bow to your superior ability to the read gambit's mind. Are you two, by any chance, living together? Say, in a husband-wife relationship?
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