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News: Turkey to invade Syria, Deploy Ground troops.

Our buddies?
1) Turkey is major economic partner of YPG/PYD/PKK. All their oil is sold through Turkey and most materials come from Turkey.
2) Turkey played major role in saving Kobani coz YPG/PYD/PKK fighters came there through Turkish territory.
Yeah just cut the crap and explain some things,we both know whats going on,didnt you see that paper that was leaked about a ''Great Kurdistan''?
Was that fake?
The Kurds are important to you as an ally in controling the area(Iran,Turkiye,Iraq,Syria) if they can establish the ''Great Kurdistan'' project,you would have enoug territory to train your pilots and could attack any country in the neighborhood when threatened,wouldnt that be a major step towards safety for Israel?
I just meed you to answer the questions.
Turkish Foreign Minister: Possible Syria operations to be announced after MGK meeting
In response to claims that Turkey would be conducting a cross-border military operation in Syria, the Turkish foreign minister said any necessary announcements about the issue would be made after the National Security Council (MGK) meeting, which will be held June 29.

“We have a MGK meeting tomorrow; we will make the necessary announcements afterwards,” state-run Anadolu Agency reported Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu as saying on June 28 in the Black Sea province of Ordu’s Ünye district, neither accepting nor denying any of the claims.

Hürriyet Daily News reported June 27 that Turkey’s government wanted more active military action to support the Free Syrian Army (FSA) against the Syrian regime and both Kurdish and jihadist forces in Syrian territory, but the military was reluctant to do so, playing for time as the country heads for a new coalition government.

According to HDN sources, who asked not to be named, the “active support” that Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu’s government seeks from the military ranges from long-range artillery fire (not only in retaliatory terms) against the Islamic State of Iraq and Levant (ISIL) positions in Syrian territory to air operations, and includes entering Syria with land forces to secure a strip along the Turkish border.

Chief of General Staff Gen. Necdet Özel has delayed the government directive with justifications of international law and politics, in addition to uncertainty of reactions from the Bashar al-Assad regime in Syria, as well as from its supporters, Russia and Iran, and the United States. The government has been conducting dialogue to convince the army to act.

Late June 27, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said in a series of tweets that he would not allow terror organizations to take advantage of the chaotic environment in Turkey’s southern neighbors, Syria and Iraq.

“We will not shut our eyes against the terror organizations’ efforts to change the chaos in the region into an opportunity,” Erdoğan said in one of his 11 tweets shared on his personal Twitter account late June 27.

“No country has put forth its stance against the incidents, first in Kobane and also in Syria and Iraq, like Turkey has,” another tweet of Erdoğan read, adding that they had only acted within their “conscious” during the past four years. “Our aim is to salve the wounds of our brothers who have been victimized and oppressed.”

Erdoğan previously criticized those who supported the “TerroristTurkey” hashtag on Twitter, after the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) launched its second offensive to capture Kobane, a Kurdish town near Syria’s border with Turkey, on June 25.
Turkish Foreign Minister: Possible Syria operations to be announced after MGK meeting - DIPLOMACY
i dont think there will be anything on the ground it is not easy in syria with people and weapons from all over the world and it would be the perfect time for turkey enemies to strike back and turks have made a lot of enemies during erdogan rule
i dont think there will be anything on the ground it is not easy in syria with people and weapons from all over the world and it would be the perfect time for turkey enemies to strike back and turks have made a lot of enemies during erdogan rule

Like who Mahmoud? Your country will do nothing and shouldnt try anything. You both are Sunni Muslims and if you have dispute the least is look past them. Nobody is saying become great friends, just don't sink low. The rebels in Syria also need to find way to unite as soon as possible.
i dont think there will be anything on the ground it is not easy in syria with people and weapons from all over the world and it would be the perfect time for turkey enemies to strike back and turks have made a lot of enemies during erdogan rule

I too think that would be risky...let's wait and see.

These Western news outlet's have zero credibility. They are just using dramatic headlines to get the attention of the viewers but has nothing to do with the reality.

From what i heard, early plan is to establish a secure strip right across the border from Jarablus to all the way toward east. (ISIS controlled area)
Considering the super friendship between turkey and ISIS on their border (which its footage is available), it just means one thing, announcing war against Syrian government.
Like who Mahmoud? Your country will do nothing and shouldnt try anything. You both are Sunni Muslims and if you have dispute the least is look past them. Nobody is saying become great friends, just don't sink low. The rebels in Syria also need to find way to unite as soon as possible.
if we forget erdogan will never he may say so but i am sure he would be only waiting for his time besides he tried to copy the syrian crisis to egypt this is not a simple matter if not for our army we would be seeing all this in egypt .
about syria you have (syrian army hezbolah iraq iran) backed by russia and kurds (with west help) will be against turkey not on open deserts where turkish tanks and airforce can make a difference in cites and villages Egypt doesnt need to do anything .
the rebels did not unite after years of death and destruction what could make them do so now ?
everyone need to find a way to save what can be saved in syria this cant go on any longer if not the fire will reach everyone
Turkey is trolling the US.

Brb, US spent billions of immense aerial bombardment to create Rojava.

Brb, Turkey seeks to sabotage their plan.
Considering the super friendship between turkey and ISIS on their border (which its footage is available), it just means one thing, announcing war against Syrian terrorist government.
I corrected it for you
Erdogan is not afraid of ISIS he is afraid of the kurds were was he when ISIS where on his border now when pkk/ypg are gaining ground he make move
Erdogan is not afraid of ISIS he is afraid of the kurds were was he when ISIS where on his border now when pkk/ypg are gaining ground he make move
No body is of Kurd... but under the goverment of AKP,MHP,CHP doesn't matters...Turkey won't allow Kurds to gain access to Mediterranean. PM's words were important in this matter...he said "We are ready to pay the price whatever it might be" if we have to face US, we will. We have done it before and we can do it again in the future.
Muslims killing Muslims in whichever circumstances is a disgrace ... But unfortunately it is our history.

The corollary of this statement is "Muslims killing non Muslims in whichever circumstances is not a disgrace"

Thinking I following way may help all humanity "human killing human in whichever circumstances is a disgrace----But unfortunately it is our history"
No body is of Kurd... but under the goverment of AKP,MHP,CHP doesn't matters...Turkey won't allow Kurds to gain access to Mediterranean. PM's words were important in this matter...he said "We are ready to pay the price whatever it might be" if we have to face US, we will. We have done it before and we can do it again in the future.
The kurds don't have any access to the sea there are many other people seperate them and there is no land connection between them
The kurds don't have any access to the sea there are many other people seperate them and there is no land connection between themView attachment 233577

And Tal Abyad used to be Arab land...now Kurds have kicked Arabs out of the region and controls those lands...if left unchecked and by the backing of US....there is possibility for them to reach the shores...Though they have to take Turkmen held areas,and they can't attack Turkmens in circumstances.
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