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News: Turkey to invade Syria, Deploy Ground troops.

And Tal Abyad used to be Arab land...now Kurds have kicked Arabs out of the region and controls those lands
Don't Turks in general hate Arabs? I mean if someone accidently calls a Turk an Arab, the whole "turan türkleri"gang shows up and eats the guy alive...
"past experiences"
Let me get this straight,


Could you re-organize this list to what an average Turk would feel?
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You do. We sent arms to Turkmen and moderate Arabs (FSA) and your media says we send arms to ISIS while in fact the US created ISIS as they created Bin Laden and other muslim terror groups.
Come on you work with them/for them shoulder to shoulder if they created isis you feed it none of you are innocents so stop blaming each other now.

what you need is to stop this dirty game and start cooperate with Bashar at least he is less evil than the vampire isis and nusra.

god will send all of you to hell I swear none of you believe in him.
Don't Turks in general hate Arabs? I mean if someone accidently calls a Turk an Arab, the whole "turan türkleri"gang shows up and eats the guy alive...
"past experiences"
Let me get this straight,


Could you re-organize this list to what an average Turk would feel?
Turks and Kurds even Persians all hate Arabs or at least look at them as not worth a respect on the other hand Arabs look at these group of people as they are second blood as you can see this is ignorance ( jahiliah) due to the lack of good education.
Don't Turks in general hate Arabs? I mean if someone accidently calls a Turk an Arab, the whole "turan türkleri"gang shows up and eats the guy alive...
"past experiences"
Let me get this straight,


Could you re-organize this list to what an average Turk would feel?
Yeah, we are nationalistic and don't like to be called by an other nations name....but we don't hate Arabs...We can say only Armenians are the one who are being strongly disliked when mentioned.

I'm hearing more claims...few days ago Turkish and Israeli officials met in Rome.
Turkish FM confirms Turkish-Israeli reconciliation meeting in Rome
It's being claimed that for normalizing the relations, Turkey wants Israel's support on Syria. Israel looks warm on the offer. :meeting:
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And Tal Abyad used to be Arab land...now Kurds have kicked Arabs out of the region and controls those lands...if left unchecked and by the backing of US....there is possibility for them to reach the shores...Though they have to take Turkmen held areas,and they can't attack Turkmens in circumstances.
They can't just kick the arabs and steal their lands like this maybe hundred year ago they can do it there is documents and everybody knows who this land belong to it would be their end if they did that
I wish Turkey well. I hope Turkey is not walking into a quagmire.
"According to many sources, The Turkish army is preparing to deploy ground forces in Syria, A total of 18,000 soldiers, Will remain there for atleast 2 years, and react to incoming fire. The preparations will be completed on the day of Friday. To wait for orders from the President and the Prime Minister."

Well, then we're already know when Iran Talks will be succesful and Iranian evil ruling elite will sell Assad head to USA. 3rd July.
I can understand Turkey's very difficult situation. If they do nothing, the Kurds gaining control over the land will be dangerous for Turkey (there is no denying that Kurds are more dangerous for Turkey's government than ISIS). However, if this conflict between them and Turkey starts, it will further spoil their relationship with their allies in the west.

I believe that Turkey's went from a country that had Zero Problems with all nations to a country that has a A Bit of Problem with everyone.
I can understand Turkey's very difficult situation. If they do nothing, the Kurds gaining control over the land will be dangerous for Turkey (there is no denying that Kurds are more dangerous for Turkey's government than ISIS). However, if this conflict between them and Turkey starts, it will further spoil their relationship with their allies in the west.

I believe that Turkey's went from a country that had Zero Problems with all nations to a country that has a A Bit of Problem with everyone.
Since Erdogan has come, That seems to be the case.
Anyways, He's finally losing Majority and will get what's coming to him.
Let's hope the next government fixes Turkey before it becomes ISIS 2.0
Yeah just cut the crap and explain some things,we both know whats going on,didnt you see that paper that was leaked about a ''Great Kurdistan''?
Was that fake?
The Kurds are important to you as an ally in controling the area(Iran,Turkiye,Iraq,Syria) if they can establish the ''Great Kurdistan'' project,you would have enoug territory to train your pilots and could attack any country in the neighborhood when threatened,wouldnt that be a major step towards safety for Israel?
I just meed you to answer the questions.
What I posted are just plain facts. Without Turkish help Kobani would be Ayin al-Islam today.
I can understand Turkey's very difficult situation. If they do nothing, the Kurds gaining control over the land will be dangerous for Turkey (there is no denying that Kurds are more dangerous for Turkey's government than ISIS).
If it is dangerous for us....it means, it is also dangerous for Iran too.

However, if this conflict between them and Turkey starts, it will further spoil their relationship with their allies in the west.
I think on the just the opposite. Now, i'm hearing things like Turkey would do the same for FSA what US is doing for the Kurds...FSA is going to capture ISIS held areas near the border with extensive support from Turkey (artillery and air support, giving heavy weaponry to FSA, etc.)
I can understand Turkey's very difficult situation. If they do nothing, the Kurds gaining control over the land will be dangerous for Turkey (there is no denying that Kurds are more dangerous for Turkey's government than ISIS). However, if this conflict between them and Turkey starts, it will further spoil their relationship with their allies in the west.

I believe that Turkey's went from a country that had Zero Problems with all nations to a country that has a A Bit of Problem with everyone.

The corollary of this statement is "Muslims killing non Muslims in whichever circumstances is not a disgrace"

Thinking I following way may help all humanity "human killing human in whichever circumstances is a disgrace----But unfortunately it is our history"

Its upto you how you see that, for me its much harder to swallow when a muslim kill another muslim, because we are brother as describe by our Prophet (SAW). However we are not acting like brothers
I don't see Turkey going in without USA's/NATO support or at the very least tacit approval
And I don't see USA/NATO agreeing to this as there will be no benefit and only complications

Hence is probably only a rumor.

Ofcourse, the other possibility is that Erdogan went mad and he started believing his own propaganda.
If it is dangerous for us....it means, it is also dangerous for Iran too.

I agree. A separate Kurd land is bad for everyone involved, Iran, Iraq, and Turkey. The middle east needs more integration, not more and more countries being split up (which has always been the west's plan for us).

However, remember, we didn't have any of these problems, before Turkey made the bad decision of trying to destabilize Syria just because Erdogan had a boner for being a Sunni Hero. Erdogan thought that Assad will be replaced by a Muslim brotherhood kind of group in 2 days, so he and Morsi and new Syria leader could have parties together everyday.
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