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News: Turkey to invade Syria, Deploy Ground troops.

Western countries has threat from ISIS , they are least bother about Kurds. But it seems Turkish intelligence smell something big in PKK columns. Something scary . Last week Erdogan placed some heavy weight statement against Kurds expansion in Syria and Iraq. Turkish will not tolerate even mile piece of land under the name of " Kurdistan" and independent state.
The problem is that Kurds want to create cantons on Turkmen and Arab lands. Even in Turkey the PKK started threatening nonPKK Kurds who don't share their ideas. The so called peace process with terrorists is failing. Erdogan should have never started it. He is starting to see that if he get's caught off guard certain countries will use PKK to start a chaos. As the art of war prescribes act before your enemy acts. YPG wants to change the demographic reality. The cantons in Syria won't be much worth when the Arab locals get back. Turkey needs to make it clear that these refugees are moving back with FSA forces. They will loose power they gained thanks to US air strikes. All Turkey needs to do is do a containment. If YPG can't stomach this we will light their *** on fire. They can't grab other people's land. These refugees will move back to their lands.
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Last weeks, Turkey strongly warned USA to take precuation for YPG to stop creating cantons with capturing others' lands. If There is a plan to seperated Syria into peaces, No doubt Turkey will invade some parts to secure the future of our Turkmen relatives who need us for their protection against many different groups from FSA, YPG to ISIS. Those lands was Turkish before 1920's and It would be no problem for us to take some parts back in mid. 2010's.

Last weeks, Turkey strongly warned USA to take precuation for YPG to stop creating cantons with capturing others' lands. If There is a plan to seperated Syria into peaces, No doubt Turkey will invade some parts to secure the future of our Turkmen relatives who need us for their protection against many different groups from FSA, YPG to ISIS. Those lands was Turkish before 1920's and It would be no problem for us to take some parts back in mid. 2010's.

Moronic secular narrative, Syria will not be separated into any piece. It is a Sunni Arab state, all minorities will live under Sunni Arab rule. The Kurds/Shias are lucky US/Iran/Israel are supporting them with arms, money and air power otherwise they would not go on any offensives. Your stupid secular narrative is just another point why nobody but Sunni Islamists should be allowed to have power. All Kurds/Iranian/Liberal corrupt secular trash should be eradicated they are a cancer to every Muslim and scum who want to force everybody into submission to Israel/Iran/USA. And you wonder why ISIS gets so much popular support. I will take them anyday over the trash I cited.
Moronic secular narrative, Syria will not be separated into any piece. It is a Sunni Arab state, all minorities will live under Sunni Arab rule. The Kurds/Shias are lucky US/Iran/Israel are supporting them with arms, money and air power otherwise they would not go on any offensives. Your stupid secular narrative is just another point why nobody but Sunni Islamists should be allowed to have power. All Kurds/Iranian/Liberal corrupt secular trash should be eradicated they are a cancer to every Muslim and scum who want to force everybody into submission to Israel/Iran/USA. And you wonder why ISIS gets so much popular support. I will take them anyday over the trash I cited.

Firstly, You should establish your security inside of Syria as a Sunni Arab state and so Noone felt themselves step into Syrian borders to protect their interests, Then come here and promise us that Syria will remain as a Sunni Arab state. Turkey's point is also not allow those groups to seperate Syrian future. That's why Turkey asked USA to prevent such events but If you can't protect your country or supported FSA can't wipe them and allow such groups to be a neighbour of us, Sorry but It is our turn to do our missions to protect our relatives/borders. It has nothing to do with any ideology or politic attitude.

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Moronic secular narrative, Syria will not be separated into any piece. It is a Sunni Arab state, all minorities will live under Sunni Arab rule. The Kurds/Shias are lucky US/Iran/Israel are supporting them with arms, money and air power otherwise they would not go on any offensives. Your stupid secular narrative is just another point why nobody but Sunni Islamists should be allowed to have power. All Kurds/Iranian/Liberal corrupt secular trash should be eradicated they are a cancer to every Muslim and scum who want to force everybody into submission to Israel/Iran/USA. And you wonder why ISIS gets so much popular support. I will take them anyday over the trash I cited.

Name 1 islamist/sharia country or society that is thriving (without oil or gas).
Moronic secular narrative, Syria will not be separated into any piece. It is a Sunni Arab state, all minorities will live under Sunni Arab rule. The Kurds/Shias are lucky US/Iran/Israel are supporting them with arms, money and air power otherwise they would not go on any offensives. Your stupid secular narrative is just another point why nobody but Sunni Islamists should be allowed to have power. All Kurds/Iranian/Liberal corrupt secular trash should be eradicated they are a cancer to every Muslim and scum who want to force everybody into submission to Israel/Iran/USA. And you wonder why ISIS gets so much popular support. I will take them anyday over the trash I cited.
You are Palestinian. It is none of your business with all respect. First create Arab Sunni state in Palestine... Oops I mean Israel.
Is this a coincidence or what? As long as ISIS controlled majority of checkpoints in border, Erdogan the great Caliph was perfectly okay with it, now that YPG captured Tal Abayd, they are suddenly concerned about 'ethnic cleansing' of Arabs? Didn't they care about 'ethnic cleanings' when Daesh forced hundreds of thousands of people who opposed them from their cities? All of this while majority of foreign members of IS go to Syria through Turkey?

If you want to attack, just do it, since the world is being run by the rules of jungle these years, there is no reason for this ridiculous excuses that make a 3 year old girl laugh. Sultan Erdogan has been dreaming of praying in Damascus mosque for years, and his Muslim Brotherhood stooges in Qatar are paying very good to fulfill it.

(Before the usual attacks against this post starts, all of the above points are written with the consideration that the above news has some truth in it, which it seems, for now that no one is trying to deny it).

Fuatavni (whistleblower .)
A Mysterious Twitter Whistleblower Is Trying to Take Down the President of Turkey | VICE News
Twitter withholds account of whistleblower Fuat Avni in Turkey
Erdoğan urges Twitter whistleblower Fuat Avni to reveal identity
Erdoğan challenges Turkey’s most wanted whistleblower - POLITICS

says...by entering Syria, Erdoğan will create an environment in Turkey which would point for a strong leadership and playing once again the President card......

First phase of this plan to create political instability, fuatavni says AKP won't enter into any coalition and will go to early election. Early election would be in November. And till early elections Turkey will enter Syria....

We shall see....
According to a government supported source:

18000 Turkish soldier is charged for Syria operation
The purpose of operation is to destroy "PKK de-facto government"
A zone to be controlled up to 28-33km from Turkish borders will be entered.
Turkey will try to receive international support firstly...

18 bin askerle operasyon | Telgrafhane / Emeğin yanında, Aydınlanmanın izinde

Fuatavni (whistleblower .)
A Mysterious Twitter Whistleblower Is Trying to Take Down the President of Turkey | VICE News
Twitter withholds account of whistleblower Fuat Avni in Turkey
Erdoğan urges Twitter whistleblower Fuat Avni to reveal identity
Erdoğan challenges Turkey’s most wanted whistleblower - POLITICS

says...by entering Syria, Erdoğan will create an environment in Turkey which would point for a strong leadership and playing once again the President card......

First phase of this plan to create political instability, fuatavni says AKP won't enter into any coalition and will go to early election. Early election would be in November. And till early elections Turkey will enter Syria....

We shall see....

It is also possible bro. We will see What will happen...
According to a government supported source:

18000 Turkish soldier is charged for Syria operation
The purpose of operation is to destroy "PKK de-facto government"
A zone to be controlled up to 28-33km from Turkish borders will be entered.
Turkey will try to receive international support firstly...

18 bin askerle operasyon | Telgrafhane / Emeğin yanında, Aydınlanmanın izinde

What's confusing me is if this operation starts;
- Peace process will end there will be PKK attacks
- Huge Protests in south-eastern cities as well as big cities
- For the first time targeting ISIS directly. We can expect suicide bombs in Turkey.
- Risking clash with Assad forces.

I think we should stay away from this mess.
Firstly, You should establish your security inside of Syria as a Sunni Arab state and so Noone felt themselves step into Syrian borders to protect their interests, Then come here and promise us that Syria will remain as a Sunni Arab state. Turkey's point is also not allow those groups to seperate Syrian future. That's why Turkey asked USA to prevent such events but If you can't protect your country or supported FSA can't wipe them and allow such groups to be a neighbour of us, Sorry but It is our turn to do our missions to protect our relatives/borders. It has nothing to do with any ideology or politic attitude.

No such thing as 'relatives', otherwise it's perfectly logicisl for me to refer as Arabs as my relatives. Hence atatdonkey the fifth column Turkish Jew should shut his mouth. You stated yourself in your post that you wish to do the same as the Kurds are going in Syria. That has nothing to do with 'borders'.
Those lands was Turkish before 1920's and It would be no problem for us to take some parts back in mid. 2010's.

What is this? Modern colonialism?

The current land of Turkey was ruled by us from 2500 years ago for hundreds of years, you should get out, it belongs to us. Hope you understand the absurdity of your statement. And please. get off your high horses, this is not 1000 years ago where you invade countries and attach them.
Why not,because you are going to protect your buddies(YPG/PYD/PKK) by using pressure through the US on Turkiye?
Our buddies?
1) Turkey is major economic partner of YPG/PYD/PKK. All their oil is sold through Turkey and most materials come from Turkey.
2) Turkey played major role in saving Kobani coz YPG/PYD/PKK fighters came there through Turkish territory.
Turkish Foreign Minister: Possible Syria operations to be announced after MGK meeting
In response to claims that Turkey would be conducting a cross-border military operation in Syria, the Turkish foreign minister said any necessary announcements about the issue would be made after the National Security Council (MGK) meeting, which will be held June 29.

“We have a MGK meeting tomorrow; we will make the necessary announcements afterwards,” state-run Anadolu Agency reported Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu as saying on June 28 in the Black Sea province of Ordu’s Ünye district, neither accepting nor denying any of the claims.

Hürriyet Daily News reported June 27 that Turkey’s government wanted more active military action to support the Free Syrian Army (FSA) against the Syrian regime and both Kurdish and jihadist forces in Syrian territory, but the military was reluctant to do so, playing for time as the country heads for a new coalition government.

According to HDN sources, who asked not to be named, the “active support” that Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu’s government seeks from the military ranges from long-range artillery fire (not only in retaliatory terms) against the Islamic State of Iraq and Levant (ISIL) positions in Syrian territory to air operations, and includes entering Syria with land forces to secure a strip along the Turkish border.

Chief of General Staff Gen. Necdet Özel has delayed the government directive with justifications of international law and politics, in addition to uncertainty of reactions from the Bashar al-Assad regime in Syria, as well as from its supporters, Russia and Iran, and the United States. The government has been conducting dialogue to convince the army to act.

Late June 27, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said in a series of tweets that he would not allow terror organizations to take advantage of the chaotic environment in Turkey’s southern neighbors, Syria and Iraq.

“We will not shut our eyes against the terror organizations’ efforts to change the chaos in the region into an opportunity,” Erdoğan said in one of his 11 tweets shared on his personal Twitter account late June 27.

“No country has put forth its stance against the incidents, first in Kobane and also in Syria and Iraq, like Turkey has,” another tweet of Erdoğan read, adding that they had only acted within their “conscious” during the past four years. “Our aim is to salve the wounds of our brothers who have been victimized and oppressed.”

Erdoğan previously criticized those who supported the “TerroristTurkey” hashtag on Twitter, after the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) launched its second offensive to capture Kobane, a Kurdish town near Syria’s border with Turkey, on June 25.
Turkish Foreign Minister: Possible Syria operations to be announced after MGK meeting - DIPLOMACY
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