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News: Turkey to invade Syria, Deploy Ground troops.

It is wrong for Turkey. The simple fact being, if you know there is a problem with visitors from Europe or the ME.. there needs to be a total stop to that crossing. Common sense would make it so. What if those Jihadists decide to create Turkish Jihadists?
You say total stop but its not like those people are crossing from checkpoints, they use the same paths as the smugglers hence cant always be detected.
Do you actually think that the border guards turn a blind eye on people trying to cross to Syria once they see them?
Thats where the thousand of arrested jihadists come from, they are those who got caught.

There are news in Turkish media about people arrested trying to sneak into Syria from time to time, only because you dont see it in international media doesnt mean it doesnt exist.
If something like this would ever have been possible, it would have been when AKP still had majority support which they don't.

AKP and probably MHP aswell is trying to find an excuse to invade though, they are desperatly looking for it even if it's false, such as "ethnic cleansing by Kurds on Turkmen and Arabs". They tried the same with S.Kurdistan(KRG) with Turkmens in Kirkuk, today they're quite close partners.

AKP lost alot of it's support because of it's involvement in Syria. The Turkish people is not fond of having millions of non-Turkish citizens living in their Turkish country. Secondly, the stance of the second largest party in Turkey, CHP(secular) is pro-Assad(secular).

The war on Syria is an international war with different interests from all over the world. This isn't Cyprus with 2-3 players. Turkey doing such a move would lead to alot of consequences from all sides, both from it's allies in the west and the east, no less from it's own Kurdish population with over 15 million and the peace process would be over in a minute. It would lead to a full out urban and rural war. It would be the 90's all over again but worse.

What ever Turkey tries to do in Syria, it would backfire on them. But they AKP, MHP specifically feels it needs to do something because PKK is gaining ground and they are desperatly looking for options. And it already has backfired on them. AKP lost a huge portion of it's Kurdish support base for their support for IS against Kurds like in Kobane. Which put Turkey in the first place in it's internal mess.

Nothing is gonna happen.
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Establishing a buffer?

Safe zone what they call. From what media says, 18,000 troops with CAS, Artillery will be used. Most of them will be stationed very close to the border whereas the rest might go as deep as 30-40 kms which means an air campaign over 90-100 km inside. Bad timing, very bad.
Is this a coincidence or what? As long as ISIS controlled majority of checkpoints in border, Erdogan the great Caliph was perfectly okay with it, now that YPG captured Tal Abayd, they are suddenly concerned about 'ethnic cleansing' of Arabs? Didn't they care about 'ethnic cleanings' when Daesh forced hundreds of thousands of people who opposed them from their cities? All of this while majority of foreign members of IS go to Syria through Turkey?

If you want to attack, just do it, since the world is being run by the rules of jungle these years, there is no reason for this ridiculous excuses that make a 3 year old girl laugh. Sultan Erdogan has been dreaming of praying in Damascus mosque for years, and his Muslim Brotherhood stooges in Qatar are paying very good to fulfill it.

(Before the usual attacks against this post starts, all of the above points are written with the consideration that the above news has some truth in it, which it seems, for now that no one is trying to deny it).
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The Geopolitical scenario is changing evry fast in Middle East specially in Syria. Time is running out for Turkey to act. Turkey must take lessons from Iran who is actively involved in Syria to safeguard the Safavid interest even by offering blood of own soldiers and involving other Shia militia fighters to wipe out Sunni Arabs and change the demography. Turkey's glorious past is calling it to act fast and take care of ISIS, YPG as well as to care of nafarious designs of US & NATO who are trying to create an Atheist nation of YPG & PKK in the heart of Muslim lands. It's time to even offer blood to make the plans of Turkey's enemies fail. Turkey must actively support FSA & Other Islamist groups like Islamic Front and their offshoots such as "Army of Conquest", Southern Front etc. who will be helpful in future for Turkey to stop creation of "State of Rojava" and eliminate ISIS and secure the unity & integrity of Turkey as a Great Muslim Nation. A nation with glorious past who have served Islam & Muslim for 500+ years during Ottoman Era (Khilaft-e-Usmania).
Elaborate please.

There's no legimate government in Turkey now since the elections are over. That's why military resisted for it and suggested to execute any directive, but after forming a government. Besides, if they really have wanted to create buffer zones which I doubt, they should have done it at least two years ago. It's been now 5 years since the Civil War in Syria have started. Any buffer zone should not have any separated objectives. Just wipe out every group that is armed close to the border.
Turkey must act with an iron fist if PKK and Other Atheist Kurds try to reignite the guerrilla warfare in Turkey to prevent the Turkish entry in Syria to help the Sunni Muslims.
Didn't they care about 'ethnic cleanings' when Daesh forced hundreds of thousands of people who opposed them from their cities?

No,they also didnt care when Assad with the help of Iran killed 200k of his own people and forced millions out of their own country,so what is your point?
Turkey must act with an iron fist if PKK and Other Atheist Kurds try to reignite the guerrilla warfare in Turkey to prevent the Turkish entry in Syria to help the Sunni Muslims.

Well, now that the jihadi cavemen have crawled out I guess the party is complete in this thread.
No,they also didnt care when Assad with the help of Iran killed 200k of his own people and forced millions out of their own country,so what is your point?

First, prove to me that Assad has killed '200,000' civilians directly.

Second, yes they cared, because Erdogan has provided safe passage of arms (including thousands of ATGMs) and fighters to northern Syria, . Except invading Syria directly, Erdogan has done everything in his power.
There's no legimate government in Turkey now since the elections are over. That's why military resisted for it and suggested to execute any directive, but after forming a government. Besides, if they really have wanted to create buffer zones which I doubt, they should have done it at least two years ago. It's been now 5 years since the Civil War in Syria have started. Any buffer zone should not have any separated objectives. Just wipe out every group that is armed close to the border.

I doubt it's about a buffer zone, since for Turkey's case establishing a buffer zone means it wants to separate and distance itself from Syrian conflict forever. It could go both ways though. This is directed at Kurds, to prevent any defacto expanding Kurdish state. While at same time create buffer zone to prevent more refugees/Kurdish threat at border but also means in future it will have several operations in Syria since buffer zone is intended for that as well. 'Wiping out all groups' is not going to happen, Turkey has ties with many groups. If it does target ISIS then ISIS will act inside Turkey. So that is unlikely. But buffer zone 40km deep is unrealistic and won't happen. That is secular parties in Turkey leaking false info.
There will be no any incursion. Mark my words.
First, prove to me that Assad has killed '200,000' civilians directly.

Second, yes they cared, because Erdogan has provided safe passage of arms (including thousands of ATGMs) and fighters to northern Syria, . Except invading Syria directly, Erdogan has done everything in his power.

I'm not sure about the thousands of ATGM's, but yes he has supported rebels with help from nato.
But people seem to forget that the groups he supports also get support from the west/nato.

If I remember correctly Obama was practically begging for approval from congress to intervene in Syria a couple years ago. But now in peoples minds it is all Turkey's fault.

- If Turkey intervenes they are ''helping isis''

- If Turkey does nothing they are ''helping isis''.

In the end it is the sheer stupidity of millions of akp voters that brought Turkey in this mess.

Our forefathers greatest mistake was to ditch Tengrism and convert to islam. Now we're entangled in these ridiculous medieval wars in the 21st century.
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