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News: Turkey to invade Syria, Deploy Ground troops.

Its good to see Turkey dditching secularlism and westernism and returning to the fold of Islam.
I wonder why would Turkey need NATO?It is at best of terms with nearly all muslim powers,heck Pakistanis consider them as their half brothers,Saudis and even Iran are at good terms with them.China is selling them military hardware now back to the question what would they need NATO for?
The day Turkey is out of NATO will be the day Russia invades Europe. They can't kick out Turkey. That is why the mad dogs in the U.S. Are going crazy. Turkey can do what she wants and they can't kick us out.

@C130 soon we are going to give air support to the rebels to sweep up the Kurdish terrorists. What are you going to do? :lol: Your plan failed.
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Then we will have no reason play good guy anymore and since we will be out of NATO's nuclear umbrella to protect ourselves(from Red Menace ofcourse :agree: )we will be forced to make our own nuclear weapons :agree:
Well, I desperately wish that Turkey should have their own nuclear weapons.
Looks like ISIS is not able to hold on it's own in Syria, time for the creators to get involved directly.
Syrian Kurds claim capturing 3 Turkish special forces in Koban
View attachment 233465
You people feel no shame to photoshop images of ISIS victims, to use and slander Turkey with it then cry people a river here. Stop these crocodile tears.
Unlike what you pretend to be, you people neither care those victims nor Kurds.
You people are officially ISIS itself.
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Quiet mate quiet :rolleyes: If you appy logic to their propaganda pieces they will be left with nothing. :azn:

Then we will have no reason play good guy anymore and since we will be out of NATO's nuclear umbrella to protect ourselves(from Red Menace ofcourse :agree: )we will be forced to make our own nuclear weapons :agree:
That wont be a problem for you guys but still if you hit any snag KRL is open 24/7 :P
The day Turkey is out of NATO will be the day Russia invades Europe. They can't kick out Turkey. That is why the mad dogs in the U.S. Are going crazy. Turkey can do what she wants and they can't kick us out.

@C130 soon we are going to give air support to the rebels to sweep up the Kurdish terrorists. What are you going to do? :lol: Your plan failed.

Sorry man regardless of who to blame now - especially the Americans who were most pushy and vocal about Assad but then promptly f'd off, leaving you guys hanging in the wind. None of this would have happened if on day one Erdogan did not support regime change in a country sharing such a large border.

No one could have predicted the complex domino effect as it has panned out - but any fool could have predicted that broadlyTurkey would suffer if war was brought to Syria.

I think the best chance now is diplomacy including Assad, Kurds and you.
Its good to see Turkey dditching secularlism and westernism and returning to the fold of Islam.
it's like a contest to see who is more muslim.

they don't want to be out done by IS . if they win the hearts of minds of people then their won't be any need for presidents/prime ministers/kings/emirs etc....erdogan is sweating bullets. a arab spring can happen in Turkey like it has everywhere else.

the dog can easily become the master in short order.
Sorry man regardless of who to blame now - especially the Americans who were most pushy and vocal about Assad but then promptly f'd off, leaving you guys hanging in the wind. None of this would have happened if on day one Erdogan did not support regime change in a country sharing such a large border.

No one could have predicted the complex domino effect as it has panned out - but any fool could have predicted that broadlyTurkey would suffer if war was brought to Syria.

I think the best chance now is diplomacy including Assad, Kurds and you.
Turkey was against ditching Assad but the US pressured Turkey, then we finally gave in to the US demand. Now instead of going with the original plan to ditch Assad with a no fly zone they are helping our enemies the YPG/PKK.

Iranian ambassador: Formation of Kurdish state a conspiracy against Turkey - Daily Sabah

I hope Iran is sincere here. We need to work together to dam the sectarian and ethnic conflicts that the US creates. I think Iran, Turkey and the FSA is open to diplomacy but I don't think Kurdish YPG terrorists are open to dialogue. They use dialogue to waste time and stab you in the back. Turkey will send the refugees back to North-Syria if the buffer zone plan goes through. If Kurds start a massacre we will have to use the hammer.
I honestly want our army to eliminate some American citizens who fight in Syria and claiming to be heroes then send their worthless funeral back to burgerland via their embassy in Ankara :tup:
Looks like ISIS is not able to hold on it's own in Syria, time for the creators to get involved directly.
Syrian Kurds claim capturing 3 Turkish special forces in Koban
View attachment 233465
hmmm wonder what they was doing across the border.

i hope the pershmerga do a thorough interrogation and send them back across the border.
God, you guys are so retarded it almost hurts to read your posts. :rofl:

Yeah lets send secret agents with a huge Turkish map on their chest.

Not to mention that such bages dont even exist in Turkish army uniforms in the first place. :D
God, you guys are so retarded it almost hurts to read your posts. :rofl:

Yeah lets send secret agents with a huge Turkish map on their chest.

Not to mention that such bages dont even exist in Turkish army uniforms in the first place. :D

I didn't believe it was true. no source no other media outlets picking it up. kurds silent.

was OP disinfo agent?

I didn't believe it was true. no source no other media outlets picking it up. kurds silent.

was OP disinfo agent?
You seem to buy every BS coming from ypg recently, ofcourse thats because you want to believe it.
And the fact that US and Turkey are working together on Syrian issue is being blinded out by you, not to mention that ypg is capturing and looting Arab and Turkmen properties, killing/disappearing civilians, but no they are heroes, the stronghold of democracy and human rights...

Syria: Abuses in Kurdish-run Enclaves | Human Rights Watch

There was another ''news'' from ypg you might like, they had evindence that Turkey was shipping hundreds of tanks to isis but i cant find the news anymore i wonder why... :coffee:

Let me tell you something, if Turkey invades north Syria then only with US consent, they will probably even declare a no-fly zone where US and Turkish jets will patrol together.
Now whos supporting isis again, if Turkey then so does US.:rolleyes1:
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