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News: Turkey to invade Syria, Deploy Ground troops.

Turkey must act with an iron fist if PKK and Other Atheist Kurds try to reignite the guerrilla warfare in Turkey to prevent the Turkish entry in Syria to help the Sunni Muslims.

Why do you believe West is heavily aiding Kurds? They get CC support unmatched by anyone else. Btw, the US training program only managed to get 150 men, since US wanted signed pledge to not fight Assad. So that was a failed program.

First, prove to me that Assad has killed '200,000' civilians directly.

Second, yes they cared, because Erdogan has provided safe passage of arms (including thousands of ATGMs) and fighters to northern Syria, . Except invading Syria directly, Erdogan has done everything in his power.

Iran and SAA also have interest that Kurds don't gain much power. In Iraq that is the case as well, there are territorial integrity disputes. Some in Iran suspect a Kurdish state in Iraq could be used by Israel to target Iran in future. In Syria maybe it is a different case for pro-Iran/Assad folks, they see Kurds weakened as empowering other rebels and possibly ISIS therefore weakening regime.
There will probably be a few airstrikes but not a ground invasion.

against whom lol? who has attacked Turkey?

if the US supports the Kurds as certain people claim, they would have put them before Baghdad by sending arms to them directly, supporting their bid for independence, bought their oil when they exported it after Baghdad imposed their financial blockade etc.

American policy is quite clear. Stability. US would rather have a stable Iranian regime than to see it in a civil war which they could easily infuse.

If republicans were in power(inshallah soon), things would change.
Is this a coincidence or what? As long as ISIS controlled majority of checkpoints in border, Erdogan the great Caliph was perfectly okay with it, now that YPG captured Tal Abayd, they are suddenly concerned about 'ethnic cleansing' of Arabs? Didn't they care about 'ethnic cleanings' when Daesh forced hundreds of thousands of people who opposed them from their cities? All of this while majority of foreign members of IS go to Syria through Turkey?

If you want to attack, just do it, since the world is being run by the rules of jungle these years, there is no reason for this ridiculous excuses that make a 3 year old girl laugh. Sultan Erdogan has been dreaming of praying in Damascus mosque for years, and his Muslim Brotherhood stooges in Qatar are paying very good to fulfill it.

(Before the usual attacks against this post starts, all of the above points are written with the consideration that the above news has some truth in it, which it seems, for now that no one is trying to deny it).
I dont believe there will be a invasion, not without US help at least, Erdogan isnt stupid enough to go alone in there.
And yes its of course not a coincidence, what did you expect when ypg is building a save heaven for pkk in the future on our southern border?
There will probably be a few airstrikes but not a ground invasion.

Makes no sense, the purpose isn't to weaken Kurds. It's to prevent formation of Kurdish control over remaining border areas with Turkey and future Kurdish state. Airstrikes won't prevent that the latter, but could prevent control over borders. They are not afraid of ground incursion, the problem is planning. With so many parties in Syria some parties needed to be coordinated with or informed of operation.
I never have seen Erdogan make a remark this certain. If he backtracks and doesn't act create a buffer zone to protect Turkmen and Arabs in North-Syria, he will loose another 10% in the next elections. He already lost votes to nationalist party because he didn't care enough about Turkmen.
It is headed to Kurds. And it should. But 500 might be right as well. I wouldn't surprised if it was a government speculation aiming to change the headlines; forming a government.
Iran and SAA also have interest that Kurds don't gain much power. In Iraq that is the case as well, there are territorial integrity disputes. Some in Iran suspect a Kurdish state in Iraq could be used by Israel to target Iran in future. In Syria maybe it is a different case for pro-Iran/Assad folks, they see Kurds weakened as empowering other rebels and possibly ISIS therefore weakening regime.

No, it's not in Iran's interests either, but imagine if Iran wanted to send, let's say, 15,000 troops to Syria, and compare the reactions. But at least we can say with a clear conscious that we neither tolerate Daesh terrorists nor PJAK (PKK offshoot) in our borders.
I dont believe there will be a invasion, not without US help at least, Erdogan isnt stupid enough to go alone in there.
And yes its of course not a coincidence, what did you expect when ypg is building a save heaven for pkk in the future on our southern border?

You, among all here, know that I don't support YPG/PKK either, but the fact that Erdogan was ok having borders with ISIS, but not with YPG, speaks a lot. It basically means he tolerates IS, but not YPG. Ataturk would be proud indeed, having cool borders with one of the craziest religious nutjobs in the world and doing nothing about it.
If its true then Turkey fall in easy trap. Now seem Turks and Suadis going to back ISIS to neutralized western back Kurds......its getting interesting...
Seems to be a trap and Turkey is falling in it.
You, among all here, know that I don't support YPG/PKK either, but the fact that Erdogan was ok having borders with ISIS, but not with YPG, speaks a lot. It basically means he tolerates IS, but not YPG. Ataturk would be proud indeed, having cool borders with one of the craziest religious nutjobs in the world and doing nothing about it.
ypg has a bigger border share with Turkey than isis since years, its just that ypg took full control of it now and you must be very naive if you believe those hundres of km of border wont be used by pkk to attack Turkey in the future.

Thats probably also among the reasons why there will be build a 3,5m wall along Syrian border, should have been done at least 3 years ago if you ask me.
I think Turkish army will just shake the North part of Syria with bombing strategic positions but I don't suppose Turkish Army will enter there As long as a serious threat is appeared. With this way, It will be given a right message to groups who is acting against Turkish interests. Despite YPG officials are expressing calm statements to direct Turkey's agression to other sides, Turkey points out them as terorist so strongly rejects a likely YPG government in there.
No, it's not in Iran's interests either, but imagine if Iran wanted to send, let's say, 15,000 troops to Syria, and compare the reactions. But at least we can say with a clear conscious that we neither tolerate Daesh terrorists nor PJAK (PKK offshoot) in our borders.


No that's not comparison you make. Comparison is ISIS reaches Baghad and goes east/south and Iran deploys troops into Iraq. For Turkey, the threat is YPG/PKK on their border with Syria. Iran already has battlefield commanders in Syria and paramilitary forces. That actual army isn't deployed as it has no importance in Iran.
First, prove to me that Assad has killed '200,000' civilians directly.

Second, yes they cared, because Erdogan has provided safe passage of arms (including thousands of ATGMs) and fighters to northern Syria, . Except invading Syria directly, Erdogan has done everything in his power.

Who threw the barrel bombs,who used tanks against his own people,who jail,tortured,killed his own people for protesting(the start of the uprising)?
Really Serpentine,you in denial,why not be correct realistic and rational,did Martians kill the 200k Syrians or was it ISIS before it was created?
Its me,the anti Erdogan guy you are talking to,so think about your statements first.
And yes you are right,he(Erdogan) opened the door for,lets say 2 million refugees from Syria,which is the only right thing he did.

There will be no any incursion. Mark my words.
Why not,because you are going to protect your buddies(YPG/PYD/PKK) by using pressure through the US on Turkiye?
Why not,because you are going to protect your buddies(YPG/PYD/PKK) by using pressure through the US on Turkiye?

Good point, know I understood what he meant. At first I didn't see where he was going with it.
Western countries has threat from ISIS , they are least bother about Kurds. But it seems Turkish intelligence smell something big in PKK columns. Something scary . Last week Erdogan placed some heavy weight statement against Kurds expansion in Syria and Iraq. Turkish will not tolerate even mile piece of land under the name of " Kurdistan" and independent state.
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