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News: Turkey to invade Syria, Deploy Ground troops.

Abdülkadir Selvi a journalist who has very close relation with AKP top brass says, The decision for entering Syria has been taken in yesterday's MGK meeting.

Turkish army will establish a buffer zone in Syria. Buffer zone's length will be 110 km, width will be 33 kms. It is gonna be established in the Jerablus area which is being controlled by ISIS.

- Not only Turkish soldiers will occupy the zone (maybe FSA or coalition forces....not clear yet)
- It will be used for settling immigrants from Syria.
- Also, area is being considered for new base of operation for Train&Equip program with US.
- Malaysia is being informed of the operation as it is the head of the United Nations security council.
- Also message is being to send to Syria via Russia and Iran saying, "We are not against your unitary but if you touch our military presence we will reply with folds".

İşte TSK’nın Suriye Planı - Tarafsız Haber

As always bro, Officials are hiding real desicions from public but When We woke up to a morning, We will see Turkish tanks captured mentioned lands waving Turkish flags. After that, A YPG reaction would be hoped to send them to the deepest section of hell. By the way, We should never let those lands to any group until all those parasites Turkey objects, agree a united Syria. I think The reason of operation is purely about YPG activities instead of ISIS since Many Turkmen leaders of Syria is in Turkey at present, attending many TV news channels, telling How YPG is capturing their lands. I think All those are a part of preparing the public minds for this operations.
super friendship between ISIS terrorist group and Turkey:

That's right, 30 meter distance.
It's across the border in a different country, what is your point?
friendship between terrorists and turkey.

wasn't it the turkey who violated the Iraq sovereignty and bombed the Kurds? and now you are talking about the respect to borders?
No, border, it's the friendship between terrorists and turkey.
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Sorun şu? Tampon bölgenin uzunluğu belli. Ama derinliği ne olacak? 5 km'lik bir derinlik olursa 2 tugay, 10-15 km'lik bir derinlik olursa 4 tugay konuşlandırılacak. Ayrıca 110 kilometre boyunca asker tek tek sınıra dizilmeyecek. Gözcüler zaten gereken keşifleri tamamlamış. Buna göre mevki açısından hakim bölgelere tabur ya da bölük seviyesinde, askeri birlik konuşlandırılacak. Bu birliklerin hem gözetleme hem ateş gücü olacak. Menzili 40 kilometreyi bulan Fırtına Obüsleri bizim sınırımızdan içeriyi dövmeyecek, aynı zamanda içeride konuşlandırılıp, tampon bölgenin güvenli olmasını sağlayacak.

It seems Firtina howitzers will play a critical role. For that fact, They will be stationed not only Turkish side but also buffer zone (110km x 33km).

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I have a question

Do FSA and Kurds fight each other or not? What's the deal between them

Sorry about my ignorance, I have not much knowledge about what's happening in Syria
I have a question

Do FSA and Kurds fight each other or not? What's the deal between them

Sorry about my ignorance, I have not much knowledge about what's happening in Syria

I don't think anyone at this point is providing unbiased clear information.
Some reports say they fight, some don't.
This is one hell of a confusing conflict.
So by your twisted logic Israel is friends with both Syria and Lebanon?
If Lebanese or Syrian had the power they wouldn't hesitate one second to push zionists back, what about the turkey?
I remind you the bombardment of the kurds by turkey again. why turkey can violate the Iraq sovereignty and bombard the kurds but can't bombard the ISIS terrorists?

Iran has warned the ISIS that if they get closer than 40km to Iranian border, we will target them, of course the Iraq government not only wont mind that, but will be happy too, cause it's helping them. why turkey can't do that?
all of these questions will lead to one answer, friendship between turkey and ISIS terrorist group.
I don't think anyone at this point is providing unbiased clear information.
Some reports say they fight, some don't.
This is one hell of a confusing conflict.

Hmm. Enjoy the war but my advise to turkey would be keep an eye in the refugees. If there is a terrorist attack in Turkey it will come from there.
If Lebanese or Syrian had the power they wouldn't hesitate one second to push zionists back, what about the turkey?
I remind you the bombardment of the kurds by turkey again. why turkey can violate the Iraq sovereignty and bombard the kurds but can't bombard the ISIS terrorists?

Iran has warned the ISIS that if they get closer than 40km to Iranian border, we will target them, of course the Iraq government not only wont mind that, but will be happy too, cause it's helping them. why turkey can't do that?
all of these questions will lead to one answer, friendship between turkey and ISIS terrorist group.

If the Lebanese and Syrians had any functioning brain cells they would make peace and co-exist with Israel.
Never in a million years will anyone of them have the power to put even a dent in the IDF's power.

Turkey is at war with the pkk, not the Kurds. Unlike in some other countries Kurds in Turkey are not oppressed or prosecuted.

Isis hasn't fired a single shot at any Turkish soldier or civilian while and forms no direct threat to Turkey.
Pkk on the other hand has been waging war for over 30 years.

Turkey, nor any other civilized country models itself after the mullah regime, so no point in comparing the actions of the two. One is a secular democracy and the other is a totalitarian sharia society where people are told what hair cuts they can have and people are executed for the crime of being gay.
super friendship between ISIS terrorist group and Turkey:

That's right, 30 meter distance.

Turkey has bigger problems right now. And indeed, Turkey did a lot of wrong in Syria (at least er DOG an did), but now it's starting to worry about what happened. I hope this brings a sea change in the border policy.
If the Lebanese and Syrians had any functioning brain cells they would make peace and co-exist with Israel.
Never in a million years will anyone of them have the power to put even a dent in the IDF's power.

Turkey is at war with the pkk, not the Kurds. Unlike in some other countries Kurds in Turkey are not oppressed or prosecuted.

Isis hasn't fired a single shot at any Turkish soldier or civilian while and forms no direct threat to Turkey.
Pkk on the other hand has been waging war for over 30 years.

Turkey, nor any other civilized country models itself after the mullah regime, so no point in comparing the actions of the two. One is a secular democracy and the other is a totalitarian sharia society where people are told what hair cuts they can have and people are executed for the crime of being gay.
Turkey is a terrorist supporting regime, a secular dictatorship with the cover of Islam. we all saw what Turkish military did to it's Islamic elected party, secular puppets accept the democracy as long as it leads to a secular government, or else they will dictate their will by a coup, as they have done it before several times.
when it comes to democracy, you are the last one to talk about it.

You just accepted what I said, the friendship between turkey and terrorists.
ISIS hasn't fired a single shot toward turkey, the same way they (and the rest of terrorist groups like Al-Qaeda, Al-Nusra) hasn't fired a single shot toward Israel. why would a terrorist fire toward his supporter? but there is a but;

you have the same logic of west, you think you can divide the terrorists as good terrorist who haven't shot toward turkey yet and bad terrorists who have done (PKK kurds), but soon things will change, the same way It happened for west, It's the nature of a brainwashed terrorist. you will reap, what you have sow.
And some say that ISIS is helping Turkey and posting articles from particular sites. ISIS only damaged Turkish interests in Syria. They are attacking FSA and related groups in conjunction with Assad, and they are emptying and leaving lands for YPG/PKK. This only fits with Saudi Arabia's policy.

telling me it was not in the interest of Turkey to see PKK gone front Syria?
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