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News: Turkey to invade Syria, Deploy Ground troops.

I don't think YPG has balls to attack Turkish military. They will remain at the east side Euphrates and won't move and inch towards West.

Shipments continue.



I think the recent talks between Turkey and Israel is no coincidence. Israel and U.S. have made an agreement about something. Turkey gave into something and they will stop supporting YPG in return. Probably Turkey agreed on something against Iran. The only party who doesn't like the buffer zone at the moment is Iran. If YPG attacks us they will be on their own.

At the moment the government response to Turkey....

U.S. Gov: there was a meeting. Silence from U.S gov to Turkish buffer zone means approval.

Israel gov: same here

Iran gov: threats from under the table. If you do this you will get in chaos kind of remarks.

- Militarily the ypg would not stand a chance. But we all know how the world views Turkey and Turks in general.
And I'm sure the ypg knows this too, whole media circus will be even more villifying Turkey.
It's going to be a major shitstorm.

- Does anyone know where the Leopard 2 tanks are stationed? Every news report keeps showing these old m68 & sabra tanks.
Unless you are a lackey of the west you get vilified. We better get use to it if we want to stay independent.
- Militarily the ypg would not stand a chance. But we all know how the world views Turkey and Turks in general.
And I'm sure the ypg knows this too, whole media circus will be even more villifying Turkey.
It's going to be a major shitstorm.
Doesn't matter. If YPG attacks us we would retaliate and mop the ground with them. Western Biased media cry as much as they want.

- Does anyone know where the Leopard 2 tanks are stationed? Every news report keeps showing these old m68 & sabra tanks.
Leos came with strings attached. Germany inserted a clause that forbid us to deploy them into southern-east region of the Turkey. But in IDEF-2009 by negotiating with Germany those clause have been removed and Leos can be used everywhere in Turkey.

But because of this earlier clause Leos had been stationed in bases near to Greece. (Western Turkey)

There are no M48s deployed near border, i think they are not operational. As far as i know all the deployed tanks near the border are M60Ts >>> Sabras that had been further modernized in Kayseri .
TSK O Tanklarla Suriye'ye Girebilir mi? - Tarafsız Haber
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I don't think YPG has balls to attack Turkish military. They will remain at the east side Euphrates and won't move and inch towards West.

Shipments continue.



Their Kornets and BGM's are taking out T72s with ERA, do you think your M60 Pattons are going to stand a chance against the ATGMs?
think the recent talks between Turkey and Israel is no coincidence. Israel and U.S. have made an agreement about something. Turkey gave into something and they will stop supporting YPG in return. Probably Turkey agreed on something against Iran. The only party who doesn't like the buffer zone at the moment is Iran. If YPG attacks us they will be on their own.

At the moment the government response to Turkey....

U.S. Gov: there was a meeting. Silence from U.S gov to Turkish buffer zone means approval.

Israel gov: same here

Iran gov: threats from under the table. If you do this you will get in chaos kind of remarks.
Exactly...only Mullahs said something against it.

Their Kornets and BGM's are taking out T72s with ERA, do you think your M60 Pattons are going to stand a chance against the ATGMs?
Nope, unless you have APS there is no protection from ATGMs.
Exactly...only Mullahs said something against it.
If we look at the big picture this is what is happening:

Why did the Syrian war actually started? It wasn't a democracy but Iran and Saudi is also not a democracy. The real reason is that the west supported an uprising in Syria to stop topple Assad who is a puppet from Iran.

If the expansionism of Iran was allowed, the existence of Israel would become under danger. Israeli might have used nuclear weapons on Iran and the whole middle-east would be a nuclear hell hole.

Iran is not a sane party to negotiate with. The Mullah leadership is too divided so for Iran it is impossible to promise something. The nuclear talks are just a way to procrastinate an attack on Iran. They are weakening Iranian influence in Syria. Letting them bleed there and spend their money on Assad.

The reason why US is supporting YPG is to pressure Turkey. They are basically saying if you don't help us against Iran, we will create a Kurdistan which will help us against Iran to protect Israel.

Mark my words, at the end the US is going to take away support from YPG. The Kurds will overestimate their power and attack us and we will steamroll them. It is a grand chess board. It is give and take. We have to give something so they will stop supporting YPG against us.
The Kurds will overestimate their power and attack us and we will steamroll them. It is a grand chess board. It is give and take. We have to give something so they will stop supporting YPG against us.
No, excuse me but i don't think like. What YPG would hope to achieve by attacking us ?Taking land from us ? We are the strongest force in ME, nobody dares to touch us and these guys are going to do so ???

Forget "overestimating their power" they have to go full mental to pull such a stunt against us.
No, excuse me but i don't think like. What YPG would hope to achieve by attacking us ?Taking land from us ? We are the strongest force in ME, nobody dares to touch us and these guys are going to do so ???

Forget "overestimating their power" they have to go full mental to pull such a stunt against us.
That is assuming that they are a rational thinking group. You might be a rational thinking person and can add 1 + 1 but they are not like that. They will react emotionally. They think now that the U.S supports them they U.S won't take support away from the in a blink of an eye if their interests change. They are getting over-confident. It will be their Achilles heel. PKK/YPG also have splinter groups. Some might be dumb enough to attack. It is a big possibility.
That is assuming that they are a rational thinking group. You might be a rational thinking person and can add 1 + 1 but they are not like that. They will react emotionally. They think now that the U.S supports them they U.S won't take support away from the in a blink of an eye if their interests change. They are getting over-confident. It will be their Achilles heel. PKK/YPG also have splinter groups. Some might be dumb enough to attack. It is a big possibility.
Till this day, their so-called leader Salih Muslim never made a statement that threatens Turkey.

As i see, US wants a partner on the ground. They first approached Turkey but Turkey refused. Then they took advantage of Kurds getting attacked by Daesh in Kobane and kept supporting them.

But now, Turkish interests are in danger so Turkey steps in. Not to battle Daesh, YPG, X or Y group but just to secure the Turkish interest.

Turkish interests in Syria are to protect the integrity of the country and oppose an Syrian Kurdistan de facto state. More importantly, to keep Kurds at the East side of the Euphrates and preventing them to reach Mediterranean.

To ensure Turkish interests, Turkey is ready to fight anyone.
Abdülkadir Selvi a journalist who has very close relation with AKP top brass says, The decision for entering Syria has been taken in yesterday's MGK meeting.

Turkish army will establish a buffer zone in Syria. Buffer zone's length will be 110 km, width will be 33 kms. It is gonna be established in the Jerablus area which is being controlled by ISIS.

- Not only Turkish soldiers will occupy the zone (maybe FSA or coalition forces....not clear yet)
- It will be used for settling immigrants from Syria.
- Also, area is being considered for new base of operation for Train&Equip program with US.
- Malaysia is being informed of the operation as it is the head of the United Nations security council.
- Also message is being to send to Syria via Russia and Iran saying, "We are not against your unitary but if you touch our military presence we will reply with folds".

İşte TSK’nın Suriye Planı - Tarafsız Haber
33-km is pretty big ching which will include Jarabulus, Al Bab and Manbij. Here I marked it on the map with blue:



I dont think IS will actually object it much, since there is no oil and population there largely a burden for them. This move will completely separate rebels from IS and stop fighting between them, so they could concentrate on fight against Assad (and Kurds in case of IS).
33-km is pretty big ching which will include Jarabulus, Al Bab and Manbij. Here I marked it on the map with blue:


Mate....I don't think the belt's width will be 33kms....I think it would be 33km at max...in overall It should be less from that.... 10-15 km maybe.

I dont think IS will actually object it much, since there is no oil and population there largely a burden for them. This move will completely separate rebels from IS and stop fighting between them, so they could concentrate on fight against Assad (and Kurds in case of IS).
Yesterday they were digging trenches....today they planted explosives.....

I still don't understand why our soldiers are not shooting....Do we have to wait till next Monday to activate the change of Rules of engagement...... Military shouldn't be get effected by such bureaucracy.
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Mate....I don't think the belt's width will be 33kms....I think it would be 33km at max...in overall It should be less from that.... 10-15 km maybe.

Yesterday they were digging trenches....today they planted explosives.....

I still don't understand why our soldiers are not shooting....Do we have to wait till next Monday to activate the change of Rules of engagement...... Military shouldn't be get effected by such bureaucracy.
And some say that ISIS is helping Turkey and posting articles from particular sites. ISIS only damaged Turkish interests in Syria. They are attacking FSA and related groups in conjunction with Assad, and they are emptying and leaving lands for YPG/PKK. This only fits with Saudi Arabia's policy.
nd some say that ISIS is helping Turkey and posting articles from particular sites. ISIS only damaged Turkish interests in Syria. They are attacking FSA and related groups in conjunction with Assad, and they are emptying and leaving lands for YPG/PKK.

This only fits with Saudi Arabia's policy.
Let's leave Saudi Arabia away from this issue.
You seem to have a bad case of ignorant.
Middle East is stuck behind the world because of undemocratic governments. A Syria under Sharia law will advance quickly and catch up with the times if the leaders make the commitment. Give them a decade and it'll happen.

Okay. Must be that BS Sharia that everybody talks about when you point out the laws in Iran and Saudi Arabia. They say: "no no, that's the WRONG Sharia, they're implementing it wrong!!11!!1 ELEVEN1". Guess what head-on-the-ground hitter. If you hit your head on the ground so many times a day, and starve yourself, you become stupid. Sharia is an IDEA and an IDEOLOGY. You can NOT implement it. There is just no way a fat, bearded SCUMBAG can talk about administrative law, trade laws, or penal codes. You know why? Because he isn't trained in the legal trade, and he believes in nonsense from 1400 years ago. Look at Turkey. Is there Sharia in Turkey?? No. Are they more advanced as a society than any Sharia implementing nation? YES. And it's not just skyscrapers we're talking about. We're talking an entire society. Iraq is a million years ahead of Saudi Arabia, as was Syria, despite all the ongoing conflicts. Because Sharia is nice to listen to in a madrassa or mosque, but has nothing what so ever to do with the real world.
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